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Transfer lol


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So i finally got a server transfer eligibility notice.


Turns out that level 1 character on kathol rift i created to chat to a mate ... is the one character eligible. Not the rest of the 12 or so.




Happened to me yesterday too, didnt feel like crying here though.

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The one character I was going to leave behind as GM to have the message to notify people where everyone went had a pretty good amount of cash and mats in her personal bank. Thankfully, the level 11 I wasn't going to bother transferring was able to accept all that in the mail, then transfer over. Probably a million credits I would have otherwise left behind.


So note this well. If you are moving multiple alts but leaving a few behind, make darn sure that if you're not going to play them anymore, you do the following:


1. Move all bank and inventory goods to characters you are transferring

2. Strip down all gear on that character and its companions and either RE it or sell it for cash

3. Mail all those credits to the character you are transferring

4. Collect ALL mail, store in the bank tab if necessary

5. Log out and transfer


I wasn't going to transfer that level 11 alt, because I figured I'd wait for paid transfers and replace it with a level 50 vanguard from Ajunta Pall (not eligible for my primary destination). Good thing I had that one left, or I'd be crying right now.

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