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Every name taken!!


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Ok so the server transfers are killing lord adraas which was second to ebon hawk and with it my membership fee. I will not pay money to have my gaming identity taken away because all 8 of my character names already exist on destination server. You should have moved people to lord adraas instead of away but you are killing a server population for the sake of making 6 servers into one generic server. And might I point out that it was bioware that assigned me to lord adraas server and is now penalizing me for keeping a sub active and staying on that server so now I have to lose all my names to continue to play because of where you put me. No Thanks. I created my characters during early access and before that had these names in beta and do not care for the mindless decision to strip me of them or give me nobody to talk to.


why you so mad. You could just leave without the angry post in a random thread man. It's just a game and I think bioware is taking the right route. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. I knew well in advanced which server would be the most populated(Mr Fatguy). I stay on the one i was assigned to so I can only blame myself.


You have to ask yourself what is better for the long run of this game. Making some people change their character names (and really if they were taken, you are using some unoriginal name that you didn't even create, rather chose to use on some game so it never belonged to you in the first place, lol at your gaming identity) or improve player experience through increased population. Really it's a no brainer, the one person mad about the name thing may eventually come back. The guy that sits around for hours doing nothing because there is nothing do to, to no fault of his, is a lost sub forever.


anyhow, see you at launch!!

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why you so mad. You could just leave without the angry post in a random thread man. It's just a game and I think bioware is taking the right route. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. I knew well in advanced which server would be the most populated(Mr Fatguy). I stay on the one i was assigned to so I can only blame myself.


You have to ask yourself what is better for the long run of this game. Making some people change their character names (and really if they were taken, you are using some unoriginal name that you didn't even create, rather chose to use on some game so it never belonged to you in the first place, lol at your gaming identity) or improve player experience through increased population. Really it's a no brainer, the one person mad about the name thing may eventually come back. The guy that sits around for hours doing nothing because there is nothing do to, to no fault of his, is a lost sub forever.


anyhow, see you at launch!!


Acually Lord Adraas being transferred instead of a designation server came to a shock to a lot of us. Very few of the players anticipated we would be the ones having to move. We did not anticipated them putting all roleplay servers into one server. Two or Three yes but one that is something we didn't expect. So this took a lot of us by surprise and now we having to figure out what we want to do.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I suggest making the worst possible names ever.

Something to do with dark vader possibly. Or legolas. I'll do this if my names are taken just to annoy everyone else


I like Malvorno's style lol.

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Acually Lord Adraas being transferred instead of a designation server came to a shock to a lot of us. Very few of the players anticipated we would be the ones having to move. We did not anticipated them putting all roleplay servers into one server. Two or Three yes but one that is something we didn't expect. So this took a lot of us by surprise and now we having to figure out what we want to do.


Can't you RPers like pretend you died then reborn on another server with a different name?


All joking aside, it sucks, just make the best of it, games are supposed to be fun.

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When I created my characters on ... the third day of early access?... I expected to have problems with names, since much sorrow was expressed in the forums that ALL the good names were taken. I had a list of 8 character names, and one alternate name for each of those 8. Wound up only needing one alternate name.


Now, the second time I might need to change names, 5 of my 8 names are taken on both servers that I'm likely to transfer to. On the other hand, none of the 7 unused backup names are in use, so I'm probably fine without having to change anything but switching most toons to their backup names.


The funny part of that is that my main is one of the characters that I'll have to change, and the current name for that toon is a shortened version of a name I used back in Rubies of Eventide, with a race that LOVED having apostrophes in their names, so I could always just go back to the original form. :D


The thing with the name issue on transfer should have been handled better. The person keeping the name should be the one that has had the name longer not the one that was on the server first. I haven't run into this as of yet but form what I am reading it should have been done.


I'll disagree. First, while that may seem obvious, I can name other ways of doing it that some people would feel more appropriate. Who's to say which way is really the most fair? Personally, I'm fine with this, because the people that are risking their names are the ones doing something. How would you feel if you lost a name because someone else decided to transfer to your server?

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I decided to use Zachary for one of my characters who lost his name during the transfer. I actually like it more than the original! You could try that if you wanted... doesnt seem to be very common. Edited by FearghalC
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