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(Live Radio Show) Live From the Nar Shaddaa Lounge, Episode XXII!


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Live From the Nar Shaddaa Lounge, Episode XXII!


7 PM Pacific/10 PM Eastern, 6/12/2012


HEY KIDS! We're back for another two hours of live talk, news and commentary about SWTOR and other gaming topics. Podcasts? Pfft. We do it LIVE, every week on Shoutcast, for you! Tune in at Split Infinity Radio!


Join your hosts this week- myself as Cyclometh, SirPsyko and Gandolfini as we explore the light side and the dark side of SW:TOR This week we've got something fun we'll be doing at the beginning of the show, so be sure to be there!


What's up this week? Read on!


TOR Report


The weekly TOR Report- what's hot, what's not, or just the things we think are the most interesting!


  • Character transfers are here! Well, for some servers.
  • Class changes and balance in 1.3
  • Community Q&A for June 8
  • Patch 1.2.7

The Gaming Bin

In which we venture into other areas outside of SWTOR... topics vary but they're always going to be relevant to your interests!


This week, topics include the upcoming Star Wars: 1313- the first M-rated Star Wars game! Also Crytek, the Unreal Graphics Engine, and whatever else we think is fun to talk about.



Our new segment! Technology and fun, it's all fair game. This week we talk about the new MacBook Pro- complete with Retina Display- and much more techno geekery.


Dood’s Drink of the Week


Our weekly silliness- cocktails and plugging our friends, stuff we like and cool things all around. May or may not be SWTOR-related. At the very least, you'll hear another great cocktail recipe from The Nar Shaddaa Lounge's very own Matt "RumDood" Robold.


What Is It?


The Nar Shaddaa Lounge is a weekly live broadcast on Split Infinity Radio- the station that's By Gamers, For Gamers (http://siradio.fm). The show is supported by TOR guild The Church of Alvis, the home of the drunken and vengeful.


You can tune in with any Shoutcast-compatible client, whether Winamp, VLC or Windows Media Player or a ton of others. You can tune in on your iPad, Droid, iPhone, or other mobile device too!


Remember to tune in at 7 PM Pacific time on Tuesday nights at http://siradio.fm!


Connect With The Nar Shaddaa Lounge

Website: http://alvisradio.thechurchofalvis.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Live-from-the-Nar-Shaddaa-Lounge/192006720890465


Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/103062700276220449095

Email: alvisradio (at) gmail.


Thanks for listening and we look forward to your feedback! Also, we want to hear your ideas for topics to cover. Let us know what you'd like to hear about. :)


NOTE: The Nar Shaddaa Lounge is not strictly an adult broadcast, although there is content that is for adults, such as cocktail recipes and there will be some occassional off-color language or music played. Listener discretion is advised. The Nar Shaddaa Lounge and Split Infinity Radio do not encourage underage or irresponsible drinking, and if you do, we'll send Holy Alvis to crap your buffet and kick your ***.

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