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Transfer question - legacy


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I looked at the FAQ and couldn't figure out a straight answer on this.


I rolled a char on a low pop server, got legacy status and high level, but then abandoned him to reroll on a different server.


My new server I am starting a different legacy of RP chars for a family, but I am taking my time and haven't reached Act 1 on any of my various characters, so there is no legacy on the destination.


Question 1) If I transfer over my legacy status character from the origin server, will he bring over his legacy and therefore "break" my anticipated/planned legacy of RP chars on the destination? The name will be different.


Question 2) I can level up one of the characters to create the legacy on the destination server, but if the transferred character from the origin server is of higher level, will his legacy name over-ride my legacy, forcing me to get to max level on one of my new RP chars to prevent the name override?


[i'd be happy to just turn "legacy" transfer off including levels if I had the chance]


There is this:

Legacy Not Unlocked: If you have not unlocked Legacy on a destination server, and a transferred character is eligible for a Legacy unlock (i.e., they have completed Chapter One of their class story on their origin server), you will be prompted to choose a Legacy name when you log into your new destination server. You will not be able to choose the same Legacy name that you had on your origin server if it is already taken on the destination server.


But it isn't clear to me if that means the legacy name can only be "reset" if already unlocked but not named, or if it means that you can choose your new legacy name (great!) even if you had already picked it on the origin server.


Thanks so much and sorry if this info is available and I missed it.

Edited by sippelmc
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Not specifically sure, but they have stated that the higher level legacy takes precedence. So since you don't have a legacy on those other character, I would guess the character with legacy would take the precedence even though your specific situation wasn't spelled out.


However I could be wrong..

Edited by Tahana
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