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Is server transfer available today (12. june)??


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I just logged in today for the first time in almost two months. I was looking forward to playing again on a populated server, and now my server isnt anywhere on this list. This really isnt what I have been waiting this long for. Edited by Blitzak
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Greetings everyone!


We have several resources of information regarding transfers. Online Community Manager, Joveth Gonzalez lists some of these in the following post:


Just wanted to pop in here to let folks know about the many ways transfers have been communicated out:


As you can see, we try to cover as much as possible.



You can read more about Character Transfers in our Character Transfers FAQ and our Character Transfers Section on the Official Website.


As a reminder, the following information and more can be found in our Developer Tracker:


Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


We know that everyone is eager for us to continue making more servers eligible for transfer, and we appreciate your patience. It is important that we fix the issue we've encountered - even though it is rare, we need to ensure smooth transfers. We'll continue making new servers eligible tomorrow morning and on a continuing basis, so if your server isn't listed, please keep checking the list periodically for updates (starting tomorrow morning). As we go forward, we'll let you know as much as we can about when we'll be making new servers eligible.


Is the quantity of servers listed today approximately what we can expect on a daily basis going forward?


The quantity will very likely change as we monitor the transfer process, so I can't really give a good estimate right now. We'll be adding new origin and destination servers with the goal of ensuring that destination server populations are healthy. This may mean sending more origin servers to a destination or opening up new destinations. Because of the nature of the process, it's hard to predict how many we will during a specific timeframe.


Since we have an active thread on this topic, we are going to close this and ask that you please continue this discussion in the following thread:


Thank you and we hope this helps! :jawa_smile:

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