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Better PvP Surviavl for Commando/Mercs

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This is a copy of some of my other threads and I'm putting it here so Commandos can see it!


If you don't want to hear someone ranting or suggesting ideas, then LEAVE


Dear Bioware,

I just wanted to say, why? Why do you hate Commando/Mercs? If you look on the servers there are next to no Commando/Mercs. Why? Because you made them suck. They stink. Period. PLEASE buff them up, not little buffs but a big buff that will bring them back to the glory days. People complained about us having to much DPS, thats what DPS classes DO! And yet you don't nerf Maras/Sents! Please buff us up. Here are some links to threads: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=463984 , http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=473589 , http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=473773 , http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=475497 , http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=464402 , http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=473063 , and now you see our pain (at least i hope so). Now please listen to the Commando/Merc community and please buff us up for pvp we are currently the bottom of the food chain and what role will we have in rated warzones if we stink this bad? Please listen to our pleas and don't just shove them away. Please GIVE US SOMETHING! And not little tiny buffs and please, please,PLEASE no more huge nerfs! We depend on you, Bioware, for the Commando/Merc future. Please save these advanced classes. Thank you.


And this was taken from another one of my threads: The main issues I have are:


1. Not able to survive.

Some way of putting distance between us and DPS melee which most people now play. I can't get away from a good Marauder/Sentine. After you blown your concussion charge there isn't anything you can do as Gunnery Commando, you'll be snared and limping along trying to get away from them. If you're not able to put distance between you and them you're dead.


2. No interrupts

Every other class have a interrupt except commando's, this affects us being able to take down healers but also against PvE bosses. Why are we the only class without one?


3. Mobile vs Turret

We're supposed to do a lot more damage because we're stationary and forced to stand in one spot to do our damage and build up stacks (for a long time). Yet mobile dps classes do more or similar damage than us without having to stand still. Why? Mobility is supposed to make up for less DPS.


4. Defensive Cooldowns

The only defensive ability we have is on a 2min timer and only reduce 25% damage.. Most other classes have several defensive abilities on much shorter cooldown.


5. Grav Spam

They still haven't made us rely less on Grav, still have to spam the same ability over and over again to build up either stacks or get proc on Curtain of Fire. This also means we can be shut down very easily.



To the people who don't agree: I understand you may not agree, so if you don't either don't say anything or leave a comment saying what you think would be better or what you disagree on!


Also if you have anything to the list of what is wrong feel free to comment and suggest it!


Also, I'm not saying you have to but it would help if you sent this thread to BW, Post it in the Merc forums or put it in the suggestion forums. Thank you.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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While most of your points have already been brought up many times in the past, I'd like to remind everyone the reason why we got our damage nerfed in 1.2 was because one of our abilities was hitting too hard.


Demo Round on a 15s CD was getting buffed too much by the stacks of Grav Vortex on one target. Ok I can see that being a problem so they took it away. Now, the problem I have is I see other classes doing the same if not more damage in much shorter periods of time (*cough Sentinels/Marauders and Powertechs/Vanguards *cough*) and them using the "we're a dps class! that's all we can do!" excuse to justify it.


Guess what, the same applies to Commandos. If you are DPS spec in PVP on either Assault or Gunnery your heals will suck. You might be able to throw a few points into the CM tree as Gunnery but who in their right mind would PVP as Gunnery? Our survivability as DPS specs sucks. The only way I can see ranked WZ teams bringing in Commandos is if they are heal spec'd, and even then they'll probably bring a scoundrel over CM if available.


We do not excel at healing, or damage, or survivability so what exactly is the point of this class Bioware?

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While most of your points have already been brought up many times in the past, I'd like to remind everyone the reason why we got our damage nerfed in 1.2 was because one of our abilities was hitting too hard.


Demo Round on a 15s CD was getting buffed too much by the stacks of Grav Vortex on one target. Ok I can see that being a problem so they took it away. Now, the problem I have is I see other classes doing the same if not more damage in much shorter periods of time (*cough Sentinels/Marauders and Powertechs/Vanguards *cough*) and them using the "we're a dps class! that's all we can do!" excuse to justify it.


Guess what, the same applies to Commandos. If you are DPS spec in PVP on either Assault or Gunnery your heals will suck. You might be able to throw a few points into the CM tree as Gunnery but who in their right mind would PVP as Gunnery? Our survivability as DPS specs sucks. The only way I can see ranked WZ teams bringing in Commandos is if they are heal spec'd, and even then they'll probably bring a scoundrel over CM if available.


We do not excel at healing, or damage, or survivability so what exactly is the point of this class Bioware?


That's what I've been trying to say and no one understands except the people who have rolled a Commando and/or Merc and have tried to do PvP. As the Gunnery Spec, i don't use it and i use the Assault Spec which i think is better because you don't have to spam Grav Round. I was just putting in a word for the people that do use the Gunnery Spec. And in 1.3 they even nerfed the healing of Commandos a little. ***? And you said that one of our attacks were doing to much dmg. Then how come BW leaves Mara/Sents and some other classes with attacks like that but they don't nerf them to hell like they did to us? C'mon BW, use some common sense! And thank you for your feedback. It always helps to see other people stating their opinions.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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The only reason I can think of is that they didn't do enough testing with full War Hero loadouts on all dps classes. There's no way any intelligent game designer would look at the damage a full WH Marauder can dish out and then compare it to what other classes can do and say "yep, good enough for me."
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1. Not able to survive.

This is big issue, the only issue i have with commandos at the moment is we are far to squishy, and we are the only class that cannot take someone on in 1v1 without a 90% fail rate. WE ARE A HEAVY ARMOUR CLASS SO WHY AM I EASIER TO KILL THAN A SAGE(Light armour)??? Yes, we are able to solo bad players, but other than that we melt faster than a Mr. Whippy on the surface of the sun.


2. No interrupts

Well, in PvE we don't need them, we're ranged fine by me. Pvp, we have 3 (if you specced right) Stock Strike,Concussion Charge, Cryo granade ... nothing huge, but 'interrupts' none the less. (also, use Concussive round on healers)


3. Mobile vs Turret

Agree, i like the idea of having to stand still and deal dmg and im happy with it, but next to snipers / GS who also are stationary, they can deal far more dmg than us. most of the time after i come out of a WZ i get 150k-250k and snipers/GS never fail to-do 200k+


4. Defensive Cooldowns

Our biggest defense is actually KBs ... Reactive shield is ****. I've given up using it cus it doesn't help. 25% of a 4k crit is still 3k. its fantastic if they spam auto attacks, 25% of 800 is awesome, but the big hits it does nothing against.


5. Grav Spam

fixed in 1.3 i believe :) relief, i hate being called a grav spammer.


my two cents :)

Edited by MaybeCrimzon
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How is Grav Round fixed? You still need it to trigger the other abilities as the OP said. You build stacks for HIB quicker but you STILL NEED TO CAST GRAV ROUND.




Wait what!?! Of course you still need to cast Grav Round, it is kind of the defining ability of the Gunnery Spec. What they did is make the rotation more natural and allow for smoother ammo regen. Your rotation is very easy to maintain at this point.


Full Auto > Grav Round (Full Auto) > Grav Round (Full Auto) > Grav Round (Full Auto) > HiB > Demo Round


You should be able to maintain that rotation for pretty much forever, with only an occasional Hammer Shot mixed. All in all you should be using Grav Round with less than half of your GCDs, which is a marked improvement from the up to 70% we see now. Note that in 1.3 HiB is going to hit harder than Demo Round, and it regens Ammo so it should take priority in the rotation.


In PVP it is pretty easy to fix by swapping the location of Super Charge Cells with Combat Shield in the Combat Medic tree. Then changing Cover Fire to apply a root instead of a snare. GUNNERY FIXED!

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Wait what!?! Of course you still need to cast Grav Round, it is kind of the defining ability of the Gunnery Spec. What they did is make the rotation more natural and allow for smoother ammo regen. Your rotation is very easy to maintain at this point.


Full Auto > Grav Round (Full Auto) > Grav Round (Full Auto) > Grav Round (Full Auto) > HiB > Demo Round


You should be able to maintain that rotation for pretty much forever, with only an occasional Hammer Shot mixed. All in all you should be using Grav Round with less than half of your GCDs, which is a marked improvement from the up to 70% we see now. Note that in 1.3 HiB is going to hit harder than Demo Round, and it regens Ammo so it should take priority in the rotation.


In PVP it is pretty easy to fix by swapping the location of Super Charge Cells with Combat Shield in the Combat Medic tree. Then changing Cover Fire to apply a root instead of a snare. GUNNERY FIXED!


*sigh* This is what I'm talking about, you DON'T UNDERSTAND! You could do that rotation without a problem but what happens when a Mara/Sent comes after you? You can either stand their and get interrupted and stunned over and over again or run around spamming Hammer Shot. Both ways are NOT effective at all. That is what BW needs to fix, they need to make it so we can kite people around and still do decent damage without dying and spamming Hammer Shot. :mad:

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1. Not able to survive.

Some way of putting distance between us and DPS melee which most people now play. I can't get away from a good Marauder/Sentine. After you blown your concussion charge there isn't anything you can do as Gunnery Commando, you'll be snared and limping along trying to get away from them. If you're not able to put distance between you and them you're dead.


I think this is probably the biggest weakness of DPS Commando/Merc, and that's because the Trooper/BH class as a whole has a very difficult time controlling players (and it's most noticeable as a Commando/Merc). The class is a ranged class, and that means it will be disadvantaged if a melee gets into range. That's balanced in my opinion. This issue though is Commando/Merc struggles to keep melees at range to ever be at advantage.


It's safe to say that I think the Gunnery tree needs some work here. Make a traitable talent that roots (not slows) enemies after Concussive Force. Or make it grant protection to leaps/pulls for a period of time. Or go in an entirely new direction and make it so enemies leaping/pulling/interrupt a Commando have a % of their damage from the next x seconds reflected back at the attacker (ie. a Sith Warrior leaps to you, for the next 5 seconds 25% of the damage they deal is reflected back to the Sith Warrior). Whatever is done, though, needs to make Commando a formidable foe at range and challenge to keep up with. Another alternative could be to make a proc that makes the next ability with a channel uninterruptable.


2. No interrupts

Every other class have a interrupt except commando's, this affects us being able to take down healers but also against PvE bosses. Why are we the only class without one?


In PvE, it sucks. Mobs that heal take way longer to kill than otherwise necessary, especially during the leveling curve. Other than that, I don't see too much of a problem. In most PvE fights, you should be more than 20m from the boss anyway, and unless you're running a team of only Commandos, someone in your group will be able to interrupt (and that person will most likely be melee).


As for PvP, it's yes and no. Would having an interrupt help? Yes, especially if you're trying to take down a healer (knockbacks help, but don't compare to a true interrupt). Is it completely necessary? No. Most of the hardest hitting classes use instant-cast abilities to meltface, and those that are casted are often immune protected.


3. Mobile vs Turret

We're supposed to do a lot more damage because we're stationary and forced to stand in one spot to do our damage and build up stacks (for a long time). Yet mobile dps classes do more or similar damage than us without having to stand still. Why? Mobility is supposed to make up for less DPS.


Now admittedly, I don't player a DPS. I do, however, play a healer, so have plenty of time in a round to figure out how to heal, what players are doing, what to expect a class to do, etc. In my experience, Commando/Merc is a very good support and sustained DPS as opposed to a frontline and burst DPS. That may or may not be Bioware's intention, but that's how it presently plays IMO.


The reason mobile classes do more damage is because a ton of them are DoT based. Meaning you can pick up an absurd amount of damage from just having your targets constantly on fire/bleeding/crushed/etc. I don't see Gunnery ever moving in this direction. If anything, they might improve its burst. Yes, you're numbers won't be as high in their totals, but you'll probably have a higher number of killing blows/solo kills/higher crits.


4. Defensive Cooldowns

The only defensive ability we have is on a 2min timer and only reduce 25% damage.. Most other classes have several defensive abilities on much shorter cooldown.


I will say two things about the defensive cooldowns. First, know when to use them. Nothing amazes me more than when a Commando repeatedly burns their Reactive Shield as soon as an enemy gets in range of them, even though they aren't even being attacked. Second, if they make any changes to our survival cooldowns, you need to be VERY careful with them. Remember that Trooper defensive cooldowns are shared across both ACs (Vanguard and Commando). You don't want a change to make a Tank unkillable, nor would you want it to imbalance the healers.


5. Grav Spam

They still haven't made us rely less on Grav, still have to spam the same ability over and over again to build up either stacks or get proc on Curtain of Fire. This also means we can be shut down very easily.


I could be wrong - again I don't regularly DPS - but haven't the changes in 1.3 decreased the number of times Grav Round needs to be cast to get a full 5-stack of Gravity Vortex on a target? If I understand it right, 2 casts of GR is enough in 1.3 to get 5 stacks.


As for getting Curtain of Fire, if Charged Bolts doesn't have a chance of granting the proc, it should.


Also, there should be some way of protecting against Grav Round/Charged Bolt interruption. A proc could help or just global immunity, but something needs to be done in that department so other procs can actually be built.

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*sigh* This is what I'm talking about, you DON'T UNDERSTAND! You could do that rotation without a problem but what happens when a Mara/Sent comes after you? You can either stand their and get interrupted and stunned over and over again or run around spamming Hammer Shot. Both ways are NOT effective at all. That is what BW needs to fix, they need to make it so we can kite people around and still do decent damage without dying and spamming Hammer Shot. :mad:


I am afraid you are sorely mistaken on my level of understanding, what you do not understand that if you get into a 1v1 fight with a Sentinel/Marauder as Gunnery that you are SUPPOSED to die. Those classes are designed to kill ranged DPS, and getting mad about it is not going to change anything.


If you have friends with you, and they're competent and know the value you add to the group then a Sentinel/Marauder who jumps in your face is not that big of a deal. They should be taunted, and either they will get Harpooned or you will get Rescued.


The real irony is that Assault Commandos are probably the best kiting class in the game. Yes even against Sentinels/Marauders, most of them are not good enough to beat a top flight Assault Commando even with the sick cooldowns. The trick is to stay close enough so that they cannot jump, but far enough away so that they cannot melee you.


Gunnery needs some help, but a few minor changes is all at this point. Their DPS with the change to Target Lock and Cell Charger is now superior to any other ranged class in PVP. I stated what I thought should be done in the previous post if you care to actually read what I wrote.

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I am afraid you are sorely mistaken on my level of understanding, what you do not understand that if you get into a 1v1 fight with a Sentinel/Marauder as Gunnery that you are SUPPOSED to die. Those classes are designed to kill ranged DPS, and getting mad about it is not going to change anything.


If you have friends with you, and they're competent and know the value you add to the group then a Sentinel/Marauder who jumps in your face is not that big of a deal. They should be taunted, and either they will get Harpooned or you will get Rescued.


The real irony is that Assault Commandos are probably the best kiting class in the game. Yes even against Sentinels/Marauders, most of them are not good enough to beat a top flight Assault Commando even with the sick cooldowns. The trick is to stay close enough so that they cannot jump, but far enough away so that they cannot melee you.


Gunnery needs some help, but a few minor changes is all at this point. Their DPS with the change to Target Lock and Cell Charger is now superior to any other ranged class in PVP. I stated what I thought should be done in the previous post if you care to actually read what I wrote.


What if you are in a duel and no one can help you or the Mara/Sent and they stun you? Then you use your ability to break free, then they stun you again and start attacking you. So you use your knockback then they jump to you but if you don't use your knockback they'll keep hammering you. Then what? I'm not mad because I die, its that we die to much and really really fast. We could use our cyro grenade to stun them but then they'll most likely use their ability to break free of the CC. And if we try to use concussive charge (the 8 second stun) then we get interrupted. It is so terrible that we can't do anything that it's laughable. Now do you understand? Please say you do. If you don't try coming to a server where the imps out populate the reps and roll a Commando and get him/her to lvl 50 and do pvp. Then comeback and tell me you don't agree. Because if you tell me that we are supposedly "superior to any other ranged class in PVP" then you either have not played a Commando and/or have a nut in your head. I've been playing this Commando as my main and I should know what we can and cannot do. But thank you for your feedback. ;)

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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What if you are in a duel and no one can help you or the Mara/Sent and they stun you? Then you use your ability to break free, then they stun you again and start attacking you. So you use your knockback then they jump to you but if you don't use your knockback they'll keep hammering you. Then what? I'm not mad because I die, its that we die to much and really really fast. We could use our cyro grenade to stun them but then they'll most likely use their ability to break free of the CC. And if we try to use concussive charge (the 8 second stun) then we get interrupted. It is so terrible that we can't do anything that it's laughable. Now do you understand? Please say you do. If you don't try coming to a server where the imps out populate the reps and roll a Commando and get him/her to lvl 50 and do pvp. Then comeback and tell me you don't agree. Because if you tell me that we are supposedly "superior to any other ranged class in PVP" then you either have not played a Commando and/or have a nut in your head. I've been playing this Commando as my main and I should know what we can and cannot do. But thank you for your feedback. ;)


1v1? You die, stop whining. Gunnery is not a 1v1 spec and worse the Sentinel/Marauder is SUPPOSED to be able to wipe the floor with you. It does need some help, but not much considering the high damage potential.


You are also aware that the "stun" Sentinels/Marauders get breaks on damage right? They can spec into a 2 second root with leap, but that isn't a stun. Their Stasis/Choke ability is channeled and doesn't do a lot of damage, and they primarily use it to build resources or allow their buddies to beat on you.


After testing on PTR, yes Commandos, if allowed to do what they're designed to do, will out damage any other ranged class in PVP. Try to do it 1v1 and you will get your face smashed into the ground, but then again we have already covered that.


As for not being able to do anything, how about you make some friends. Or you could always play Assault and be OP in 1.3, with the ability to go 1v1 with any class in the game with a reasonable chance of success.


Server balance is irrelevant to the discussion, not sure why you brought it up. I do have a level 50 Commando, I do PVP every day (8-10 games), and I do know what I am talking about.

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1v1? You die, stop whining. Gunnery is not a 1v1 spec and worse the Sentinel/Marauder is SUPPOSED to be able to wipe the floor with you. It does need some help, but not much considering the high damage potential.


You are also aware that the "stun" Sentinels/Marauders get breaks on damage right? They can spec into a 2 second root with leap, but that isn't a stun. Their Stasis/Choke ability is channeled and doesn't do a lot of damage, and they primarily use it to build resources or allow their buddies to beat on you.


After testing on PTR, yes Commandos, if allowed to do what they're designed to do, will out damage any other ranged class in PVP. Try to do it 1v1 and you will get your face smashed into the ground, but then again we have already covered that.


As for not being able to do anything, how about you make some friends. Or you could always play Assault and be OP in 1.3, with the ability to go 1v1 with any class in the game with a reasonable chance of success.


Server balance is irrelevant to the discussion, not sure why you brought it up. I do have a level 50 Commando, I do PVP every day (8-10 games), and I do know what I am talking about.


Sure you have a level 50 Commando. Sure you do. I should know what I'm talking about because the Commando is my main and I'm reasonably high in the valor ranks. And yes i checked im using the right pvp armor (Eliminator) to do the most DPS i can. I brought up the server balance issue because I might be doing bad because all the imps have full or almost all WH pieces. And if you think Commandos are so great and dandy then why don't you look at the links i put in on the original post. It seems like a lot of the OPs of those links i posted agree with me. Maybe you don't understand because your server has more and better reps or maybe your lying and never played a Commando. If you believe different then i can't change that because humans were made differently and we all act different and have different opinions, so believe what you want but the majority of people in the Commando/Merc forums feel that Commando and Mercs are not OP and need improvement. And in case you still want more proof look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISOifYSBPkc&list=PLE09712393F52E08C&feature=view_all (The video talks about the mirror of the Commando class which is the Merc but they still have the same amount of damage input and are completely mirrored).

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Sure you have a level 50 Commando. Sure you do. I should know what I'm talking about because the Commando is my main and I'm reasonably high in the valor ranks. And yes i checked im using the right pvp armor (Eliminator) to do the most DPS i can. I brought up the server balance issue because I might be doing bad because all the imps have full or almost all WH pieces. And if you think Commandos are so great and dandy then why don't you look at the links i put in on the original post. It seems like a lot of the OPs of those links i posted agree with me. Maybe you don't understand because your server has more and better reps or maybe your lying and never played a Commando. If you believe different then i can't change that because humans were made differently and we all act different and have different opinions, so believe what you want but the majority of people in the Commando/Merc forums feel that Commando and Mercs are not OP and need improvement. And in case you still want more proof look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISOifYSBPkc&list=PLE09712393F52E08C&feature=view_all (The video talks about the mirror of the Commando class which is the Merc but they still have the same amount of damage input and are completely mirrored).


This sounds like QQ to me, just accept that medium armor melee is going to trash you if they catch you alone.


Most players are bad at PVP, or do not understand how other classes work. Many see this as a balance issue, when the real problem is that they need to stop blaming Bioware and start learning. Commando is not perfect, and the Gunnery spec in particular is in need of some help. However it is not all doom and gloom, and the big issues that we face can be fixed with small changes. No complete overhaul is needed.


These are a couple of weeks old, and my gear is better now so the numbers are even bigger.




I listened to the youtube rant you linked and responded to the guy, you can see his thread for my opinion. I agree Gunnery has some issues, but I disagree on his assessment of the changes in 1.3, the Armor Pen change for HiB and Full Auto are insane! 65% Armor Pen on top of the 20% lost Grav Vortex, are you kidding me? The bonuses you get are additive and the full amount can be staggering. Without an Adrenal I was hitting 9-10k Full Autos (two tick crit), and 7k HiB (crit) on PTR, with an Adrenal it could be even higher.


The damage is fine for Gunnery, perhaps a bit much for Assault, but I do agree that some non-damage utility needs to be added. See previous posts for what I suggest.

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So Azhrione you keep posting about how fantastic Commandos are in the PTS and yet when I tried it I see nowhere near the numbers you claim you can hit. 900k dmg in WZs? Yeah right. 7k HiB? 10k FA?


The only actual proof you have provided is numbers from total damage in live WZs which even I have done better on but then again we already established high total damage on WZs hardly makes a class OP, it's all about burst damage.


I have tried both assault and gunnery on test, both on WZs and dummies and I only saw slightly better numbers with Gunnery and yes HiB does hit harder it doesn’t hit harder than Demo Round. Your wildest claim imo is that assault is borderline OP, not even close. I saw the same numbers I see in live making me wonder if the armor penetration buff is even. Working.


No adrenals in WZs makes me even more skeptic about our damage. Post proof of these wild numbers you claim you hit or stop misinforming people

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So Azhrione you keep posting about how fantastic Commandos are in the PTS and yet when I tried it I see nowhere near the numbers you claim you can hit. 900k dmg in WZs? Yeah right. 7k HiB? 10k FA?


The only actual proof you have provided is numbers from total damage in live WZs which even I have done better on but then again we already established high total damage on WZs hardly makes a class OP, it's all about burst damage.


I have tried both assault and gunnery on test, both on WZs and dummies and I only saw slightly better numbers with Gunnery and yes HiB does hit harder it doesn’t hit harder than Demo Round. Your wildest claim imo is that assault is borderline OP, not even close. I saw the same numbers I see in live making me wonder if the armor penetration buff is even. Working.


No adrenals in WZs makes me even more skeptic about our damage. Post proof of these wild numbers you claim you hit or stop misinforming people


Exactly what I was thinking :rolleyes:

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So Azhrione you keep posting about how fantastic Commandos are in the PTS and yet when I tried it I see nowhere near the numbers you claim you can hit. 900k dmg in WZs? Yeah right. 7k HiB? 10k FA?


The only actual proof you have provided is numbers from total damage in live WZs which even I have done better on but then again we already established high total damage on WZs hardly makes a class OP, it's all about burst damage.


I have tried both assault and gunnery on test, both on WZs and dummies and I only saw slightly better numbers with Gunnery and yes HiB does hit harder it doesn’t hit harder than Demo Round. Your wildest claim imo is that assault is borderline OP, not even close. I saw the same numbers I see in live making me wonder if the armor penetration buff is even. Working.


Assault is borderline OP in Live, much less with the added Armor Pen we get in PTR.


Reading is also essential. I stated that the 900k Voidstar was an outlying example, not something that is likely to be replicated on a consistent basis. 600k is a more realistic number as I've already stated, which can be hit on Live now on occasion.

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Assault is borderline OP in Live, much less with the added Armor Pen we get in PTR.


Reading is also essential. I stated that the 900k Voidstar was an outlying example, not something that is likely to be replicated on a consistent basis. 600k is a more realistic number as I've already stated, which can be hit on Live now on occasion.


I'm not saying your lying but.. do you have any proof? Not just your word but like a video or pics or something of the sort? Its hard to believe without proof. Next time you do this take a video and post the link here because i want to see these so called "7k HiB".

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I'm not saying your lying but.. do you have any proof? Not just your word but like a video or pics or something of the sort? Its hard to believe without proof. Next time you do this take a video and post the link here because i want to see these so called "7k HiB".


Do you want it on a dummy, or on a player? Dummy might make more sense since I cannot put more debuffs on it than I have. Player, there is no telling what else someone has put on them.

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Do you want it on a dummy, or on a player? Dummy might make more sense since I cannot put more debuffs on it than I have. Player, there is no telling what else someone has put on them.


Either way... a dummy would be better but if you DO make a video i don't really care if you show it on a player or a dummy.

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Do you want it on a dummy, or on a player? Dummy might make more sense since I cannot put more debuffs on it than I have. Player, there is no telling what else someone has put on them.


Any news on the video yet? I'm starting to think that you lied about the "7k HiB" or forgot and/or are taking your time. Also i wanted to ask if you are doing 7k crits (which i doubt) how is it possible to do it? Do you need a certain spec and/or armor? Or maybe your just lying. :p

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