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Player Contracts/Orders in game


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I didn't know where to post this but I figured this might be the best place. If this needs to be moved to a different forum then please accept my apologies.


I've been trying to level my crafting up to catch up with my character level because my mods on my armor have fallen behind. While I have been making quick progress I can only craft 2 of the 4 kinds of mods that I need. I was able to find some of them on the Galactic Market but the barrels I need I cannot craft, nor are they available for purchase. This is when I was struck by an idea.


The way the Galactic market works now is hit and miss. If I craft something or pick up a drop I can't use and decide to put it on the market, I'm just hoping someone will not only need it but also look for it on the market within the window I've posed it. Or, if I'm in need of something, I'm hoping someone else has just happened to post it on the market.


Wouldn't it be nice if you could specify an item and put an order out for it for another player to fill? It would work in almost the exact same way the current market does (interface wise) but allow people to drive what others produce to streamline trading.


For instance, let's say I need 4 mods that I can't craft and are not on the market. I would go to the Galatic Market kiosk, click "order", and specify not only what mods I wanted and how many I need. That order would then go to the galactic market for a period of time where someone who has the ability to craft that item or has it on hand could fill it. Now I have the mods I need and someone else has some credits


What about prices? I had two options in mind:


1.) Price set by buyer (person making the order)


The first option would be best for people who know about what the item in question is worth and would specify a price they would be willing to pay. This money would then be set aside to be sent to whomever fills the order. The first player to fill the order would get the credits, and the order would disappear from the market.


The buyer would also be able to "tier" the order. If the buyer wants "Resolve Armoring 15". They could submit the order in a way that allows for a green, blue, or purple mod to be submitted. Each of these "tiers" would have their own separate price. The buyer could then state either how many of each mod rarity they want (ex: 3,2, and 1) or a total number of mods (ex: 6). In the former once the subcontract was filled it would be removed from the main contract, and once all of the suborders have been filled the main order would be removed from the market. In the latter the contract would stay open until the total number of mods have been delivered.


2.) Price bid by seller (person filling the order)


The second option is a little more complicated and would be a contract. This would allow for sellers to name the price for filling the order and the buyer would either refuse or accept the offer. The order would stay on the market until the buyer has agreed to a seller's price- or when time runs out- allowing for multiple players to "bid" for the buyer's credits. The buyer would then choose which one he's willing to pay for and make the transaction. Once the time runs out for the order the lowest bid is automatically accepted. The buyer could also close the contract at any time if they either do not have the credits or have acquired the items in some other way.


Once the buyer has agreed to a seller's price a contract between the two would result. The agreed price would be set aside by the buyer and the seller would get a special mail to send. The seller would have a certain amount of time to send the items to the buyer via this mail. Once the mail is sent, the credits are received. If the contract is not filled in time the contract would end and the seller would be penalized with a small fee that would be sent to the buyer.



If it cannot be done (I certainly would expect it to be in 1.3) or is just way too much coding I fully understand.


Yea? Nae? What does everyone think?

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Well, with your solution people would certainly get what they want and everyone could sell their wears without the "luck of the draw" that the GTN provides. It would kinda take away the "thrill of the hunt" and the excitement one might feel for getting a boss to drop that really great thing.


Thanks for taking the time to write out all your thoughts. I enjoyed reading it.

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Thank you. Boss Drops would still be attractive as they would be free and you'd have earned them. This would also make it easier for lower levels to keep said boss drops up to date with sufficient mods. ;)
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