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Jar Jar


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I'm one of those people who doesn't mind Jar Jar. But I do admit this could be because I was a kid at the time.


One pretty common argument I hear against him is "None of this would've happened if he hadn't given Palpatine emergency powers in Episode II!"


My response to that: True, but it also could've been prevented if Padme had not submitted the Vote of No Confidence in Episode I!


Are you sure that wasn't Padme's stand in during that scene. Meaning Padme really didn't submit the vote. Darn, now I'll have to rewatch that scene.

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Are you sure that wasn't Padme's stand in during that scene. Meaning Padme really didn't submit the vote. Darn, now I'll have to rewatch that scene.


According to Wookieepedia, Padme assumed her role as queen while on Coruscant. And even then, her stand-in only took action under Padme's instructions. So either way, Padme was behind the vote.

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As I have said before I don't hate jar Jar as much as others. Sure he was an idiot but played his role. I really don't see much difference between Jar Jar and the antics of the Ewoks and Threepio.


My threory as to why Jar Jar was so awfully received, and ep 1 for the most part was because Ep 1 came out in the 90's which i regard as a dark age of sci fi. This is when people would rather watch artsy fartsy stuff like Good Will Hunting and as Good as it Gets and where the potential of really hot sci fi movies like Starship Troopers went unrecognized. Muppet characters also seemed to be on the outs in the 90s and I believe people at this time simply had no sense of humor for such creatures, hence Jar Jar's unpopularity.


I believe if jar jar actually came out in one of the 80s Star wars movies back when muppet creatures like ET and Dark Crystal were hot he would have been better received.


Also the 90's was a time of liberal weirdos and I believe another thing that killed Jar Jar was how said liberal weirdoes seemed to see racism in certain aspects of Ep 1. I heard Jar Jar was accused of mocking Jamaicans, and even Watto was accused of mocking Jews and the Neimoidians of mocking some Middle Eastern or Asian ethnicity.


Back in Return of the Jedi, I actually felt Nien Nunb, the Sullustan who rode with Lando during the Death Star attack kind of made fun of Chinese (with his facial structure and dialect) but of course in the 80s no one cared.


I think they just went to to far with the clumsy jar jar. I think storywise there was alot of potentinal for character development with jar jar, yet that never really happened.


1) he could have just fought on naboo, instead they turned his combat experience into something like a Goofy cartoon.

2) He could have matured over the years and became a general or a even a political advisor, either way jar jar needed some develpoment. Its like 10 years and he is still the bumbling idiot, it does not make sense.

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