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MMO Story Impossibilities


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I have been reading the forums since before beta and there is one thing that has always struck me as both funny and irksum at the same time. The number of people who complain about static stories that dont change the game world beyond maybe a few things that dont in any way affect other players. (IE How many "last of his kind" Khem Vals are there now?)


Yes I agree that THE IDEA of a truely dynamic game world that changes acording to the choice of the player in a world community setting such as an MMO would be brilliant but its nost feesable. The game worlds are static for a reason, the amount of time and coding it would take to design a game world as dynamic as the QQQers would want is so far beyond whats possible to be done is silly.


This much aside, lets assume for a minute that it where possible to have such a dynamic world. The first few players out of the door would be the ones makeing all the major choices and effecting the game world. After which every subsiquent player is simply following in the aftermath of said earlyer players choices, thereby living in the shadow of someone else. However say everyone has the chance to change the world as they see fit through their own stories, if this where even possible the world would change so frequently things would either become so muddy since nothing would be reliable. as this is a persistant world for thousands of simultanius players per server.


Simply put, MMO worlds are static because to keep the game interesting for all players not just the first few out of the door, the worlds need to be static in some situations or all hell would break loose.

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Simply put, MMO worlds are static because to keep the game interesting for all players not just the first few out of the door, the worlds need to be static in some situations or all hell would break loose.


In some situations, I agree, but there is still scope in a persistant world to have some dynamic aspects. For example, there is a war going on, and no way to help tip the scales in your factions favour. They could have had a couple of planets that were persiantant pvp zones where you could really go and take part in the war


They could even have had code in the game that automatically replaces any mob you have killed with a different model. This could be done locally on your system, so everyone sees the correct mob if they haven't killed them, or a different one if they have.


There are just two ideas that would have been doable within the scope of the current game.

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In some situations, I agree, but there is still scope in a persistant world to have some dynamic aspects. For example, there is a war going on, and no way to help tip the scales in your factions favour. They could have had a couple of planets that were persiantant pvp zones where you could really go and take part in the war


They could even have had code in the game that automatically replaces any mob you have killed with a different model. This could be done locally on your system, so everyone sees the correct mob if they haven't killed them, or a different one if they have.


There are just two ideas that would have been doable within the scope of the current game.


Not to burst your bubble but....


Planet wide PvP sounds a like world PvP in WoW and many other PvE centric games. Sure it could be made available and it might get used a lot early on, but it would die a slow death and eventually that world would not be used by anyone.


As for "swapping mobs" you would basically have to double the coding for EVERY spawn point and PRAY that it does not bug out. You would be amazed at how often what you would think would be completely separate subroutines can and do affect each other.

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