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Jedi's lost what makes them Humans ?


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ok this is a litle complicated


but the Jedi code and the Jedi traning is just Stupid

No Love ? no passion ? basicaly No Feelings ?

most of the Jedi's gett recruited when they are kids and grow up under jedi tranings.

so that means 70% of them are Virgins ? this sounded stupid but sersiously now lol.


i mean these personal feelings and passions make the Humans human

Right now in my eyes Jedi's are a Mindles Cult that protects the innocents NOT bicous they want it but bicous They think thats Their Duty and How many times the Cuncil Let innocents Die bicous they refused to send jedis to places ( remember something like this from the Movies or the revan story ? i dont know )


Anyone can Enlighten me if i know something wrong ? Playing a jedi guardian and i constantly thinking about this well it ruins the immersion totaly lol.


That's why I follow the Sith Code.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion,

Through passion, I gain strength,

Through strength, I gain power,

Through power, I gain victory,

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


No restrictions to your power, that's what I want to be.

Not like the Jedi...

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Vulcans try to master their emotions, and besides the occasional cantankerous old southern doctor, no one says boo to them.


I know, I know different universes, different rules, different yada, yada yada. But since we are just waxing the philosophical lets just have some fun with it.


Think about this: Vulcans/Jedi ....Romulans/Sith. Notice I didn't use = ? Because I feel they are similar, not equal.


The Vulcans and Jedi both try to master their emotions so their emotions don't master them. Sure there are some in both groups that are kind of dill weeds ( I'm looking at you Vulcan Science Council), but generally they are considered the "good guys" . Both look for the betterment, and the success, of the group as a whole, even though they may actually be hurting the group with their strict rules.


The Romulans and Sith both embrace their passions and use it to their fullest. Sure there are some in both groups that are sweet as the day is long, but generally they are considered to be the "bad guys" : evil, militaristic, jerks that would punch their grandmas in the face to get a promotion. They would then punch their grandmas harder in the face if they thought it would help them get better office furniture to go along with that promotion.


So, nope, the Jedi didn't "loose" anything. They made a choice to not let something run their lives.


PS: I have some rather fun theories about MASH and Battlestar Galactica too.

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