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Dev or Rep - Please explain the thinking


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I was looking forward to this patch because of:-


Additionally in Game Update 1.3, we’ve made changes to improve the gameplay and quality of life of Commando/Mercenary damage-dealing specs. We’ve spent a lot of time playtesting and investigating the concerns of the community, and while Commando/Mercenary damage is largely on target, prior to Game Update 1.3, resource management made performance streaky and a little too unreliable.


Excitement turns to despair as I read:-


•Cell Charger has been redesigned. While Armor-Piercing Cell is active, there is a 50% chance per point to generate 1 Energy Cell every 6 seconds.

•Charged Barrel and Gravity Surge have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Charged Barrel now requires Grav Round and Gravity Surge now requires Charged Barrel.

•Gravity Surge now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel and Charged Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round fired.

•Heavy Trooper now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).


Other than the 'streaky resource management' blah blah, how do the changes in any way:-


1) Improve the gameply?

2) Improve the quality of life?

3) Address the concerns of the community?


The gameplay is still the same. The inability to remove melee from us is still the same. We still have no interrupt and no root. Our snares are tied to other abilities that have CDs (and are still awful). We still have no interrupt protection and no escape mechanism that isnt instantly counterable by an opposing ability with a shorter CD. Our off-heals are still not worth the cast-time, pushback or resource cost (i would gladly swap off-healing ability for something I might actually use...ever).


These are almost purely PvE tweaks. If the overall intention is to leave this spec as probably the worst PvP spec and make it PvE only, please put something in a description somewhere stating this fact and we can stop stubbornly sticking with it in the vain hope of getting some sort of help in dealing with constant melee pressure and lack of movement/escape opportunities.


I can see ZERO reason to pick a DPS Commando over either a Assault VG or Gunslinger.


It is just frustrating to wait from promised "Quality-of-life" changes only to see minor changes to stuff we didn't really have a problem with to begin with, and nothing addressing the glaring issues playing this spec in PvP.


If any BW employee reads this, thanks for your time.

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I was looking forward to this patch because of:-




Excitement turns to despair as I read:-


•Cell Charger has been redesigned. While Armor-Piercing Cell is active, there is a 50% chance per point to generate 1 Energy Cell every 6 seconds.

•Charged Barrel and Gravity Surge have swapped positions in the Skill Tree. Charged Barrel now requires Grav Round and Gravity Surge now requires Charged Barrel.

•Gravity Surge now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel and Charged Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round fired.

•Heavy Trooper now increases healing received by 1% per point (down from 3%).


Other than the 'streaky resource management' blah blah, how do the changes in any way:-


1) Improve the gameply?

2) Improve the quality of life?

3) Address the concerns of the community?


The gameplay is still the same. The inability to remove melee from us is still the same. We still have no interrupt and no root. Our snares are tied to other abilities that have CDs (and are still awful). We still have no interrupt protection and no escape mechanism that isnt instantly counterable by an opposing ability with a shorter CD. Our off-heals are still not worth the cast-time, pushback or resource cost (i would gladly swap off-healing ability for something I might actually use...ever).


These are almost purely PvE tweaks. If the overall intention is to leave this spec as probably the worst PvP spec and make it PvE only, please put something in a description somewhere stating this fact and we can stop stubbornly sticking with it in the vain hope of getting some sort of help in dealing with constant melee pressure and lack of movement/escape opportunities.


I can see ZERO reason to pick a DPS Commando over either a Assault VG or Gunslinger.


It is just frustrating to wait from promised "Quality-of-life" changes only to see minor changes to stuff we didn't really have a problem with to begin with, and nothing addressing the glaring issues playing this spec in PvP.


If any BW employee reads this, thanks for your time.


This game is a PvE focused game that also has PvP in it. Bioware made these changes to increase the damage output for commandos and they are good changes. They have to be careful adding lots of PvP quality changes, because they can break the PvE balance very easily.

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You are actually getting some benefit in PVP from these changes, just not a lot, and not the utility that many of us would like to see.


The only one that really hurts the PVP game is the major decrease in healing received.


The cell-charger change for instance actually kind of screws PVE in favor of PVP. Now you don't have to be stationary (impossible in PVP) to get the full benefit. You get the free ammo while running for your life. In PVE however we can be stationary, and the potential of the current cell charger far outweighs the potential of the new version.


Target Lock: That much extra Armor Pen in exchange for 3% accuracy? I can't imagine that not being useful against those pesky merauders.


Granted, I can understand the gripes about lack of good pvp utility (even though I don't pvp anymore). I would've at least liked to see a dedicated interrupt come from the changes.

Edited by Fhrosty
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The problem with the Accuracy--> armour pen change is that the big benefit you get from AP is shooting at high armour targets, which are often those with defence stats (or commandos). White damage + less accuracy = more parried/dodged/whatever attacks. I have no doubt that overall it's a beneficial change, just not that amazing.


I understand that overall we got some buffs, but we got buffs to things I didnt really have a problem with (damage/ammo regen) and we got nothing for the things that I personally consider are the main issues with this AC.


The balancing for PvP without overpowering PvE point is a good one, but that's what utility buffs are for. Would being able to jet-away every minute or 90 secs really break PvE? I know that sort of thing is more development work than changing a couple of numbers and swapping the odd talent around, but that's what devs get paid for ;-)

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