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Recruit Gear Box-Good thinking needs a slight tweak


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So I applaud Bioware for finally making a way that everyone can get their Recruit gear. Its great to see them wanting to help the new 50s, who are either unaware, to stupid, or just to cheap to buy their gear. There is only one thing bothering me, the "trade in token". This token is worth 300k or so, which is a nice chunk of change.


Am I the only one who feels that people will just take that and not the Recruit gear? I am not talking about already geared people. I am talking about the ungeared ones, who for what ever reason will go "ohh credits will be better then this stupid gear". Bioware please remove the trade in token. You took a great step to ensuring that PvP is fun for everyone (geared 50s and fresh 50s) by adding this gear box, please don't allow a way for stupid and or lazy people to mess this up.

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I also have questions about how you receive the box. They said "quest", but that could be as simple as talking to an npc once, and in that case, why sell the recruit set at all? If it's a quest line that takes time, it seems like it would actually encourage people to to rely on getting the the free set over time, thus giving us MORE people with little or no expertise joining warzones, negating the purpose it's set up for.
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I also have questions about how you receive the box. They said "quest", but that could be as simple as talking to an npc once, and in that case, why sell the recruit set at all? If it's a quest line that takes time, it seems like it would actually encourage people to to rely on getting the the free set over time, thus giving us MORE people with little or no expertise joining warzones, negating the purpose it's set up for.


You "talk" to the PvP box and it spits it out. People will still go for the money even if it is just given to them.

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