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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a GM. And I quit my guild today.


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OK, i gotta chime in here. OP, Its not easy to run a guild, unless you have reliable people. In mine We suffered heavily in the loss of membership due to prior leadership conflicts. I was offered the overseer for our EU and NA guilds and once I took the position I started implementing strategies and working with my officers. We are now rebuilding the NA team on the Fatman server. We are in the process of recruiting and weeding out the ones not able to fit in with our guild. Sure there's been times I have had the bad moment over the last couple months especially, but like my solid core group of members, I stuck with it.


We went from having 110 members between empire and Republic sister guilds at launch to just 30 and it hurt greatly. Once we restructured leadership and everyone set a game plan, we now are at 43 and growing (in 2 weeks with weeding out recruits not a good match with us)


So in my honest opinion quitting isn't an option, and though i feel the pains you went through, I wouldn't allow you in due to the fact you quit when things got rough which first indicates, you cant be trusted to fight when it gets deep, and have no reliability. Following this is the fact you were a GUILD LEADER and left those who stayed with the guild and with YOU, to fend for themselves.. So poor leadership and planning falls to play here.


Now on the brighter side of all this, I am sure you will pull from this experience and improve yourself as a whole, but be weary in the future taking on challenges, and don't fret to ask for help, don't just quit. that is my spill on this issue, and all i will say as of now. I hope the game pans out for you during server transfers because though all this happened I am sure as a player you are good.

Edited by Ardicus
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In all honesty i haven't slept this good for 7 months.


The day a dumb***** computer game about pretending to be a Jedi Knight makes me lose sleep, I cancel my subscription and take a sledgehammer to my computer.

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200 (active) member guild is just too huge. It's very, very hard to keep a guild that big together for long, as you probably noticed. :p


If you create a new one, try to keep it a bit smaller. If the guild has hundreds of members, the members don't even know each other and there's a lot of members they don't like. It's like those facebook ppl who have hundreds of "friends" but they really like to keep in touch with 10-15 of them.

Agreed,a guild that size is to big,far too big:eek:

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I was the GM of a guild with 200 members, 3 active raid groups (had recently downed tanks in HM Denova) lots of pvp, flashpoints, very social.


I get on one day, half the guild is gone including all of my officers. It would seem that, they wanted to run their own guild. After two weeks staring at my guild just made me more and more sad.


Today, I went in the guild bank took all of the things out that was deposited in the last two weeks and gave them to the members who donated them(including the New guilds Gbank). Assigned a new GM gave a quick MOTD stating that the new GM has my blessing, then G quit.


Feels a bit better, but im still stuck on this server. :/


Am I supposed to assume a question here?

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