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Massive burst combo (Sharpshooter)

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Just wanted to share my combo I find myself using a lot in warzones. And even if it sound like being very situational or never get a chance to use it, I actually happens to use it quite often and it net me a sure kill on mostly every classes except sentinels, guardians tank and shadows because of their high defense or defensive CD (Will still do at least 50-90% of their health bar)

Watch out tho, because this combo is extremely difficult to do and any mistake can reduce the output damage by a lot. Especially if you do an error on illegal mods or rapid fire.


I'm using this spec which is very effective in every situation but also maximize the burst without loosing anything that would reduce my efficiency when not doing the burst.



Here how it goes...

0. Make sure they don't have their CC breaker

1. Flourish shot

2. Go in melee

3. Flash bang

4. Cover in melee

5. Sabotage charge

6. XS freighter flyby on top of the target

7. Vital shot

8. Adrenal

9. If you have a power or crit/surge relic use it here, else go to 10

10. Hunker down

11. Dirty kick

12. illegal mods

13. If you have an alacrity relic use it here, else go to 14.

14. Speed shot

15. Cool head

16. Rapid fire

17. Speed shot

18. Pulse detonator (It will root without knockback because of full resolve)

19. Speed shot

20. Leg shot

21. Aimed shot (Target should be dead for a while now but if you make it up to here, keep going :D)

22. Quickdraw if available else trick shot.

23. Quickdraw if available else go back to what you would do normally.


This burst allows me to net upward to 30k+ damage under 4 seconds of stuns + 4 seconds of root (8 seconds) without any possibility of CCing me because of hunker down. Recommended to use 2 set tech for the increase duration on freighter as the ennemy might be stupid enough to keep standing in it.


If they have their CC breaker, don't stop casting the freighter and do not waste adrenal/relic. At least you will have a safe zone on you and the CD on freighter come back with the CD of flashbang making the next burst available on the flashbang. They will still take damage from the sabotage charge and if they stand in the freighter to attack, dirty kick them inside of it. If they are a ranged class then stop casting freighter and dirty kick them right away before they run out of range. Then do as you usually do.


I'll post a video of the burst in a duel and if I have time and warzones Queues doesn't last forever I'll do on in a warzone to post it here.

Edited by snaplemouton
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Will check it out later. Myself I use this:


Relic + Illegal Mods>Sabotaged Charge>Aimed Shot>Trick Shot>Speed Shot/Quickdraw to take out healers/dps from 100% health to 10-20%

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Neither one of you have Flourish Shot... :rak_02:


You should always try to lead your rotation with that.


Absolutely. Another Gunslinger in my guild was asking me why I always outdamaged him, and one of the primary reasons was he wasn't using Flourish. As to the sequences... why in the world, if you're sharpshooter, wouldn't you lead with Charged Burst from cover? With the proper skills, it's instant activation upon entering cover, which then lets you use Trickshot instantly. You don't have to waste Illegal Mods up front if you have instant activation skills, and reduced activation time set ups front loaded.

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Absolutely. Another Gunslinger in my guild was asking me why I always outdamaged him, and one of the primary reasons was he wasn't using Flourish. As to the sequences... why in the world, if you're sharpshooter, wouldn't you lead with Charged Burst from cover? With the proper skills, it's instant activation upon entering cover, which then lets you use Trickshot instantly. You don't have to waste Illegal Mods up front if you have instant activation skills, and reduced activation time set ups front loaded.


Dirty kick give you time for 2 speed shot or 1 charged burst and 1 speed shot.

Speed shot deal twice charged burst damage on it's duration and my speed shot goes down to ~1.5 second channeling on illegal mods (20%), black market mods (4%), burst volley (10%) and alacrity relic (~12%).

After the dirty kick your root last for 1 charged burst or 1 speed shot. Having 3 speed shot with rapid fire you are better to use speed shot again.

Then the leg shot root last long enough for a charged burst but you rather use aimed shot... because well. It's aimed shot.


I always use instant charged burst after a leg shot or a pulse detonator because it won't break the root due to it being instant so before the 2 seconds.

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Dirty kick give you time for 2 speed shot or 1 charged burst and 1 speed shot.

Speed shot deal twice charged burst damage on it's duration and my speed shot goes down to ~1.5 second channeling on illegal mods (20%), black market mods (4%), burst volley (10%) and alacrity relic (~12%).

After the dirty kick your root last for 1 charged burst or 1 speed shot. Having 3 speed shot with rapid fire you are better to use speed shot again.

Then the leg shot root last long enough for a charged burst but you rather use aimed shot... because well. It's aimed shot.


I always use instant charged burst after a leg shot or a pulse detonator because it won't break the root due to it being instant so before the 2 seconds.


Well, for one thing, my reply wasn't aimed at you, and for another, I'd never intentionally move into melee and use up my stuns and KBs at the start of a fight if I had a choice. Your sequence would work great in 1v1, but would also leave you vulnerable in the case that it's not.

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I would like to know where all your energy goes.


As much as it looks good on paper, i believe this would rather screw you for energy, i prefer to manage mine, there aint no GS that has outdmg'd me for a long long time and my spike is just as deadly


With flourish shot on such a long timer (45 secs for armor debuff, 9secs(?) for trauma) you should be randomly placing this on targets(current target and healers) whenever it is off cooldown, throughout your WZ and not including it in a basic rotation.


Basically what im trying to say is, your rotation/play style is situational and should never be layed in stone.


The most important thing for a GS/sniper to be doin is maintaining DPS and keeping your energy above 50%(a little lower if you have cool head ready) personally i think burst volley is a waste of points and isnt really needed.

I really cannot see the benefit in stacking alacrity at all, i pop illegal mods before my flyby and always follow it up with a speed shot, this alone can be heavy on the energy.


There is a very fine line, where you can constantly do nice dps and spike your target down when needed, all while maintaining 50% or more energy, for when it is really needed.


(this is about group pvp/warzones, not 1 on 1's)

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In PVP rotations are useless, this isnt wow, As a SS gunslinger all you need to have in mind is this:


1). Adaptation.

2). Kill you target as fast as you can.

3). Do not be predictable, learn to improvise. (Rotations are predictable)


The SS gunslinger is a killing machine, but like i said, is all about how fast you can drop ur target HP. With ur rotation, you are losing just too much time.

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In PVP rotations are useless, this isnt wow, As a SS gunslinger all you need to have in mind is this:


1). Adaptation.

2). Kill you target as fast as you can.

3). Do not be predictable, learn to improvise. (Rotations are predictable)


The SS gunslinger is a killing machine, but like i said, is all about how fast you can drop ur target HP. With ur rotation, you are losing just too much time.


Exactly. It's all about efficiency and speed of kill, not how much DPS you can pump out in 30 seconds. in 30 seconds, that gives someone time to run away, get heals, break LOS, cloak, etc etc. Unless we're talking about a tank, 6 seconds is all a SS needs in order to do anywhere from 10-16k damage dump on a target.

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Seems like people didn't really understand...


Here's my answer to the last 3 posts.

Cool head for energy. Nothing else needed for energy management. You get enough energy from burst volley and cool head to do the entire burst and end up higher then 60 energy.

Cool head should ALWAYS be used for illegal mods. Because that's the only time where you can actually go out of energy with such high alacrity. If you use cool head for anything else... what the hell are you doing? Go back to energy management school.

And I said this burst is situational in my first post. But it happens to me more then I can count. I killed the hardest healers to kill with that burst. It is EXTREMELY easy to not die from a gunslinger. It is IMPOSSIBLE to survive that burst if you are not a tank, sentinel or shadow (Tactic vanguard might survive with hold the line) without your CC breaker. You can easily force someone to use his CC breaker. And even then they would take so much damage it would still be more then worth it.

I don't say you should be doing a rotation all the time. That's just a rotation against a target who cannot do anything because the CC is included inside the rotation. And you cannot be stopped in any ways other then death because of hunker down. 4 seconds stun and 4 seconds root, with the highest possible amount of damage done in the lowest amount of time. If you can manage to deal more DPS then that on a locked down target then please tell me how.


P.S. I'm not an idiot. I played GS enough to know every little details about it. I know every abilities and talents of other classes. I know what I'm gonna face or not. And I sure damn know that there is gonna be a melee who's gonna try to come at me while I'm shooting from behind my allies.

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