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my complaint so far..


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Ok so far iv loved this game even though many friends said to stay away from it and talked bad about it left and right. but whats got me is the low population severs and the crap guilds"twinsuns" for example. cant blame most for leaving to other games or takeing breaks but just gets me every time when a guilds says they help out or do flashpoints and yet when im part of them i aint seen or heard of them helping anyone but them selfs. I been going solo and it sucks i got told that all the fun is at 50 yet seems i play for totally different reasons then most. i play MMO's to talk to ppl and have fun with them and quest "together" key word there "together" not solo. its great i can solo if need be but i aint paying 15 a month to have a single player game. i got gamefly if i want single player games. anyways thats my complaint i know it mostly ************ but im just getting fed up with this and it sucks as i am enjoying the story's for my alts.
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