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The Fatman Needs more Imperial Pvp'rs.


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We as republic pvp'rs are facing each other a little too often. Give us more lightning spam and reroll fatman!


As a former member of Fight and a swtor retiree I can promise you you don't want to que against delz and co. Leloo, Spikelee and Morgun say hey!

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My server is not dead, thank you for asking.


What server is it then? As Fatrman is the only healthy PvP server there is anymore. EU had tomb, but it's going down as well. Asia prolly has one tho. Or if you are in Rp-PvP which are Standard as well. If you are PvE, then you should know we are talking about PvP servers here.

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Fatman needs to burst, he's had enough to eat.


Why, the queue times are rare, and when there are any, they are shorter than the PvP queues on my old server. Well, my old server doesn't have any PvP queue going that often. Max 1 warzone going at 'prime' times. Fatman is the last stand server...


I'd rather wait 30min to get in Fatman, than 2 hours for 1 PvP pop.

Edited by SneiK
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I play on Anchorhead, and we do just fine. Too many people automatically assume The Fatman is the only healthy server, which is an ignorant assumption, considering nobody can play on every server and judge it.
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I play on Anchorhead, and we do just fine. Too many people automatically assume The Fatman is the only healthy server, which is an ignorant assumption, considering nobody can play on every server and judge it.


You have to play on the server to judge it? Have you heard of this thing called WWW, it has all kinds of information you know...


try: http://www.torstatus.net/


EDIT: Oh, and to the OP, I'm getting through the grind. Kinda hoping 1.3 to make PvP grind easier, if I resub that is.


oh, and one more thing:




Anchorhead...Your server is as dead as it gets...It's been 'light' for 30 days straight and for how long before that I dunno, as it only shows past 30 days max...Why do people lie on these forums so much...

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I play on Anchorhead, and we do just fine. Too many people automatically assume The Fatman is the only healthy server, which is an ignorant assumption, considering nobody can play on every server and judge it.


Last 7 days:






The Fatman




You make the call.

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The fatman has a eating disorder, i'm not going to contrubute to his unhealthy disease.


As the OP put it:

Cling to your dead server :p


PS. I wouldn't call an eating disorder a disease, as it's pretty easy to cure: Don't eat too much. Tell that to the guy with a cancer...

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i look forward to the day free targeted transfers are introduced, and the fatman isnt one of the targeted servers.


all the players from dead servers will be able to return to their previous characters...on other servers...leaving fatman a ghost town.

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i look forward to the day free targeted transfers are introduced, and the fatman isnt one of the targeted servers.


all the players from dead servers will be able to return to their previous characters...on other servers...leaving fatman a ghost town.


I fail to see the logic on this one. So, guys transfer to the Fatman and back...Wouldn't that just make it the way it was before transferring to the Fatman?


Ooh, you think the transfers are going to go smooth, and players find the right servers...Yeah, I don't see any way that could fail...

Edited by SneiK
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You judge the server dead because it says "Light" yet you have no idea what goes on inside the server, or what the Q times are like, Or even what the playerbase is like. My server is perfectly healthy, regardless of what forum trolls say. Go back to all the terribles who rerolled Fatman because they got impatient.
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delz, its not that we need more imperials, we need less baddies.


i have pretty much stopped playing because i really do not care for trying to carry 4 window lickers through warzones anymore. bring on 8 man queues and more competitive play

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