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Thoughts on cover.


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Cover is a mess. You can only hide behind things when the prime examples of a smuggler in the Star Wars universe rarely ever hid behind boxes. He ducked around doorways, peeked around corners, and basically lived in a three dimensional world.


The way cover works in SWTOR is kinda half-assed. You can hide behind things that come up to about waist high. You can't peek around a barricade, you can't leap out from behind a large box, fire and then leap back behind it. You can only crouch down and lift up.


And even then, when you're in certain places, you can't even duck into cover (for example the turrets in Navarre Coast) cause it will error cause it thinks you're falling or something.


Cover needs an update. It isn't just crouching, its about using your surroundings to your benefit.



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