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Estimates: Fully Geared War Hero


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The point of having a preseason is to give everyone a chance to gear up before the season starts. So I suspect that the grind to unrated WH gear will be lessened to a degree. They only made it more difficult in 1.2 because they didn't release ranked and there had to be some sort of grind to keep people playing until 1.3 could come with ranked.


Once the season does start I am sure there will be another set to earn and it will probably be mostly cosmetic. Maybe BW will use the opportunity to actually release gear with a Star Wars feel to it.

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The point of having a preseason is to give everyone a chance to gear up before the season starts.


It's really more of a way for them to take a hard look at group composition balance and look for bugs in the system.


I mean, WoW arena has had notoriously bad early seasons for each expansion pack because of huge unbalances.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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It's really more of a way for them to take a hard look at group composition balance and look for bugs in the system.


I mean, WoW arena has had notoriously bad early seasons for each expansion pack because of huge unbalances.


Yea, that is part of it too. It will be the first time you can queue as a 8-man without having to queue sync and be on a low pop server. So BW can finally have some team metrics to play with since they notoriously don't test anything on the actual PTS. The PTS is more like a patch showcase than an actual test server.

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I play on a server designated "light ". However I play during the relevant West Coast peak time for this server. That way I know I always get a pop and participate in the multiple concurrent war-zones at peak.


I have been tracking my games since 1.2


Nearly at 500 warzones played in 50 bracket since 1.2 hit. A few hundred ranked commendation away from final Head piece. After that I only have 1 Relic and Wrist piece to get full Augmented Warhero. I am well behind quite a few people on the server. Games between the strongest groups are still very close here but as with other servers ... for ranked competition we will need a population infusion or those "large cap servers" to make the whole thing interesting mix of multiple groups vying for top spots.

Edited by Stovokor
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It's tough. I was getting a piece per day for battlemaster. It feels like hitting a wall when you finally finish the set though. I'm looking at about a piece per week for War Hero. My guildies told me start with mainhand weapon, because the stat boost is so high (even if the cost is too). I have a lot more respect for the people who have had to grind out a full war hero set. Especially the ones who worked hard for pre-1.2 battlemaster.
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