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Companion affection...credits and getting disgruntled on credit charges..


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First I hate to have to put in a security code for the forums on top of using it for the game....really? getting out of hand.


But doing mssions for companion gifts is pretty out of hand. The affections seem fickle and you get pitiful amounts of affection change for gifts that some times cost thousands of credits.


It would be nice to have so better narrowing down of what type of gift is given from a mission so I can work on the companions I want to versus, spending thousands of credits (huge ripoff in game) to give gifts to companions and then they dont like and you dont get the gift back.

Seems like a way to bleed the credits from the players.


Taxis on low level planets 10 ish credtis to move around but then later 200 ish and higher and higher per world. Again another way to bleed credits from players,


The cost of training as you progress, over 20K per power in the 30's? really???? Just trying to bleed players versus help them.....


I love the stories, but that is starting to wear on me some....


Finally the platforming for datacrons... we were sold that datacrons would be based on exploring. They most of the time have nothing to do with exploring but in platforming. If your not a good platformer...just forget it...


I have no hope in getting some of them, I dont have the skill and never will. apparently the creators really dont care about that or finding ways for players to explore t find them without being a mad platformer..but there are lots of people that do not have the platform skills for getting them and never will. It is disappointing to me that we are essentially penalized so we can never get these items since we dont have the skills to get them.


lets face it talk about a break in genre, we have sky cars, mag lifts...etc... and cant move up to get a datacron on a stupid pipe? REALLY!!!????!??!


Just some gripes....


Overall I love the game, but Bioware/EA/Origins.. really has moved toward making angles of this not fun....intentionally.

I hope that some day they will review these things and adjust them to better levels

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Yes, the credit-cost of playing goes up over time. It's a money-sink to prevent people from futzing up server economies due to having enough money to buy all the things. You can complain about it but you shouldn't. It's like the game's equivalent of taxes- you pay them so that everything (i.e. trade network) works.


But I have to agree with you on the datacron thing. Platforming makes me sad. :(

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We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to continue your discussion in a constructive manner.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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