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Void Star respawn points.


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I'm actually a huge fan of the Void Star war zone, just not the respawn points. Two in particular: when defending, and the attacking team has breached the first set of doors, and you are killed, you respawn ACROSS the bridge and wait for them to open the bridge, helpless to stop them from extending the bridge, which in some matches can give the attacking team the win. Also, across the bridge, when the attacking team has breached the second set of doors and you are killed, you respawn high above the control room behind the force fields the attacking team needs to disable to enter the zone before the third set of doors, and again, you sit there helpless, watching as they disable the force fields with no resistance, which in some matches will give the attacking team the win. This is more of a glitched way of winning than a fair fight.


I know that BioWare has come under a lot of undue pressure from it's fanbase, and there are a lot of subscribers who think they can control the game much like the cliché "the inmates running the asylum," and I respect the fact that BioWare has to listen to a lot of criticism about a game they're working around the clock on. I get it. Everyone single person that plays the game thinks they have the ultimate say, and they think that BioWare works for them, and that BioWare should have to listen to every little complaint they have. However, it's tiny little complaints like mine above that are constructive, and more like letting you know that something in the game is broken rather than screaming at you and threatening to cancel my subscription, which I wouldn't, because I love SWTOR.

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The Bridge and the forcefields are designed that way intentionally, though. The doors can be held indefinitely through zerging. However the bridge and the forcefield are more about staying alive and harassing the other team. Those two points are designed so that they can be progressed past in a matter of time.


Your minor complaints would change the way the entire warzone works and they would have to change several aspects of the warzone then.


I completely agree that it is insanely frustrating to have to sit and watch while not being able to do anything about it, but that is how it was conciously designed to be.

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