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Multiplayer Mini-games while questing


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I would like to suggest, and hope to see the implementation of mini games such as pazaak which are multiplayer, however, with ability to play while questing as well. This can be done with a small window similar to the chat box, which shows the action of the mini game.


The benefit is to multi-task while in swtor increasing the sense of accomplishment by playing in a beautiful world (could be less static but its still nice scenery here and there) and to compete in a multiplayer mini-game (could be a tournament) at the same time.


The only draw back would be the distraction, and how it can affect group play, and therefore there should be an icon when in a group to see if other players are engaged in other activities such as crafting, multiplayer mini games, GTN trading etc.


A previous suggestion, that was made that also could be very fun for playing solo content in swtor is queing for our other characters (when playing on an alt que for main) for ops/FP, or warzones while playing on another character in the meanwhile. Again this increases the productivity of a player to do something on another character instead of waiting for 10 or more mins on a lvl 50 and only waiting/chatting away until they can do the awaited activity.

Edited by VegaPhone
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