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Merc PVP healing


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Hey, been trying out PVP healing on my merc. Tho I am not 50 yet (46) i find it rather difficult to keep people up, I know most of it is gear related both on my side and my teammates but does it get better in the 50 bracket with expertise and such?


Maybe is a rotation thing?


Any input would be nice ^^

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What I have found is that there are a few things which may help:


1) pre-game make sure you get your 30 charges of supercharged gas up. This way when the fighting first breaks out you can pop it and get kolto missile (with it's supercharged gas shield) up on a good group of people.


2) EVERY SINGLE TIME you have 30 charges of supercharged gas, USE IT *if* you are actively healing with castable heals. EVERY SINGLE TIME.


3) EVERY SINGLE TIME you have supercharged gas active, use kolto missile to apply the shield buff to people who are taking damage (or yourself if you're being targeted)


4) RAPID SHOTS IS YOUR FRIEND. You should ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS be using rapid shots if you are not using your castable heals. Use it to top people off between fights, use it when you're at higher than 40 percent heat. Use it in between heals as often as possible.


5) learn when to let people die and WHO to let die. This takes a bit of practice.


6) Always have kolto shell either on yourself or someone who is targeted a lot. While it doesn't SEEM like it heals for a lot, in addition to rapid shots and casted heals, it can save someones life.


7) Try to avoid being locked into a huge amount of high-heat casting. Remember that you don't need to keep people at full health, you just don't want them to die.


8) Thermal sensor override. Use it. A lot.


9) For your own good, remember that you are SQUISHY. Play defensively. NEVER chase people to heal them. NEVER. If they run out of range and die that is THEIR fault, not yours. NEVER run into a sea of red names to heal some moron who went charging in. Remember - you can't heal anyone if you're dead. When you see enemies near you, if they get within 15 meters, RUN AWAY. This is called pre-kiting and if you get good at it, you will never be an attractive target. Situational awareness is huge in pvp.


There's probably more but I'm tired. If you have any specific questions, feel free to... be more specific :p


Oh - as for it getting better at 50, yeah it gets a little better because you'll have some expertise to help counter the drop in pvp healing effectiveness. However, everyone else ALSO has expertise, so you figure that out :p

Edited by silvershadows
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