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Balance Shadow PvE DPS issues


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Hi all,


Got my DPS spec (7/3/31) to full rakata, but I am really disappointed in my overall DPS during raids. I would appreciate your thoughts on what I can do priority wise/min-max/ideal relics, whatever, to get the numbers up. for example, last night, KP HM, I only managed 970 odd DPS, whereas many others pull nearly 500 DPS higher than that.


First thing that could be useful I guess is an explanation of adrenals. Just *** are they?

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Hi all,


Got my DPS spec (7/3/31) to full rakata, but I am really disappointed in my overall DPS during raids. I would appreciate your thoughts on what I can do priority wise/min-max/ideal relics, whatever, to get the numbers up. for example, last night, KP HM, I only managed 970 odd DPS, whereas many others pull nearly 500 DPS higher than that.


First thing that could be useful I guess is an explanation of adrenals. Just *** are they?


Well Adrenals are basically temporary buffs to your desired stat (armor/power etc) that similar to the Expertise buffs you can grab in PvP. They are expensive to make and shouldn't really be needed unless your raids gear is not quite there and you are hitting enrage timers.


The first thing I'd like to know is what is your basic priority list or rotation for PvE?


The second thing I would like to know is ... what EXACTLY are you putting points into.


The third is are you using Project in your rotation?

Edited by Zintair
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Those numbers are definitely low. In my DPS off-spec (7/3/31) with only three pieces of Rakata, I generally put up numbers in the 1200 range. Our Rakata+Black Hole geared balance shadow (main spec) does almost 1400 in PvE.


My first guess, knowing the spec, would be that you are not keeping your DoTs properly maintained, missing procs or both. FiB is another thing that could account for what's going on. If you're not using it properly, you could be missing literally 200-250 DPS just from that (and its effects). Could you build your spec on Tor Head and link here? Also, give us an idea of a typical rotation. (obviously, it's more of a priority queue, but just show us how things normally fall out)

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Sure. My build is the PvE balance spec from the Handbook sticky.


Priority list is the following:


Spinning strike when available

Shadow strike on proc

FiB on cooldown

Force Breach on cooldown after FiB

Mind Crush when down and procced after FiB

Double Strike

Project (to proc the melee bonus)

Saber Strike to build force

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Sure. My build is the PvE balance spec from the Handbook sticky.


Priority list is the following:


Spinning strike when available

Shadow strike on proc

FiB on cooldown

Force Breach on cooldown after FiB

Mind Crush when down and procced after FiB

Double Strike

Project (to proc the melee bonus)

Saber Strike to build force


That is indeed the spec I would recommend. You could move the Containment points over into Mind Ward if you don't need the instant Force Lift, but neither of those are offensive talents.


Sever Force appears to be conspicuously absent from your priority queue. Also, I would say that you are giving too high of an emphasis to Shadow Strike. The proc lasts for quite a while. You can afford to sit on it for a moment to do something else. My priority queue:


  • Force in Balance (on cooldown, even single-target)
  • Mind Crush (if proc)
  • Force Breach (if about to expire)
  • Sever Force (if about to expire)
  • Spinning Strike (if below 30%)
  • Shadow Strike (if proc)
  • Project (if Twin Disciplines is about to expire and above 60-ish force)
  • Double Strike
  • Saber Strike


If you're using your saber on a target that doesn't have Force Breach ticking, you're wasting a huge amount of potential DPS (via Mind Crush). Literally, don't hit it if it isn't dotted. The only exception to this would be burst phases (e.g. Soa's third platform). Even still, Balance is anything but a burst spec. Trying to be one is usually counter-productive.


On the above, I could see moving shadow strike above spinning strike, potentially. The thing though is that spinning strike has a hard cooldown, while shadow strike has an effective cooldown on proc. Practically speaking, I find myself being able to use shadow strike more often than I can use spinning strike, which implies that spinning strike should be the one hit on cooldown, while shadow strike can be allowed to sit for a moment.


Note that I will also tend to DoT multiple targets at once. Force Breach has no cooldown, so you can just throw it on practically everything. By DoTing everything and using your FiB in such a way that it hits multiple (DoTted) targets, you can sustain DPS well over 1400-1500.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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D'oh! Forgot Sever Force, that usually goes up after Force Breach. Been playing in tank spec for the past two weeks or so so apologies for that.


Thanks for your considered thoughts. Going to go hit the training dummy a bit tonight and see what comes of it.

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I always found that using Project actually LOWERS your overall DPS because of it's heavy Force Requirements for the DMG you get with it. Twin Disciplines isn't so great either lol. I always seem to hit higher numbers cutting it completely out of my rotation and sticking to the meat and potatoes of the DOTS/FiB/Mind Crush/DS


Double Strike should be hitting much harder than Project and for A LOT less the force cost.

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Took about a 15 minute parse on the ops dummy last night, came up just shy of 1100 DPS really watching priorities closely. I suppose this could still be L2P related, but now I am also wondering if I should be min-maxing stats better. Well, at all. Right now I am using unmodified Rakata, with the power saber. I assume its time to start adding in more power surge etc?
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Took about a 15 minute parse on the ops dummy last night, came up just shy of 1100 DPS really watching priorities closely. I suppose this could still be L2P related, but now I am also wondering if I should be min-maxing stats better. Well, at all. Right now I am using unmodified Rakata, with the power saber. I assume its time to start adding in more power surge etc?


No for Balance you want Crit if I recall correctly. Crit and Surge until diminishing returns and then Power.


I still say try a parse without Project at all in your rotation and see if you don;t hit closer to 12-1300.


Without optimized gear from swapping Mods and Enhancements however you will never touch other classes that are doing that or already did.

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Have my crit at around 40% last time I checked, but am not certain it was with my consular/smuggler self buff and not full raid buffs/stim.


Will give the tilt dummy another whirl and leave out project tonight and see what's what

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Back on the OPs training dummy again last night for about 20 minutes. Project and the +10% melee damage proc are definite DPS increases. But using it makes it critical to monitor force levels, and moved Mind Crush up the priority scale for me because of its low force cost, enabling me to regenerate enough in one GCD to get back into the Double Strikes or a Project as needed.


Still only holding 1100 DPS over a long fight. Whereas I start off at around 1400, it falls off. Part of that is I'm sure experience in anticipating force levels so that I don't delay getting an action off when I am low, but I am wondering if there are other issues at play, and min-maxing stats again comes to mind.

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Still only holding 1100 DPS over a long fight. Whereas I start off at around 1400, it falls off. Part of that is I'm sure experience in anticipating force levels so that I don't delay getting an action off when I am low, but I am wondering if there are other issues at play, and min-maxing stats again comes to mind.


If you're able to start around 1400 and hold that for more than a second or two, then the later trail off into 1100 sounds a lot like force management issues. You're probably being a bit too conservative with your force pool usage, or perhaps using abilities too early (e.g. refreshing dots well before they fall off).

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Can hold it for a bit, but it trails off slowly to the 1100 level. Kept it around 1250 for a couple of minutes but the decline was relentless. Not using project I fell to around 1050, and was able to recover points to 1080 or so after 10 minutes by reintroducing it to my rotation, which speaks volumes for its +DPS gains.


Will keep at it. Those EC enrage timers are tight and I need to be better.

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Will keep at it. Those EC enrage timers are tight and I need to be better.


If you figure out the magic trick, let me know! I get stuck between 1150 and 1200 on most fights. Granted, it's an off-spec, and not full Rakata (yet), but I still feel my numbers could be better. I know for a fact that I'm not as sharp as I could be on refreshing dots, nor do I have the proper "rhythm" with respect to force management, which is why I suggested those two points.


Ironic tidbit: if I wear my DPS gear in kinetic spec, I see numbers *almost* as high as I do in balance spec. Specifically, 1050-1100. It makes me wonder if some of the hybrid specs played in Combat Technique are more viable than I had previously suspected…

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Do not underestimate the power of picking and choosing mods on your armor. The default rakata set isn't great for balance (or dps in general). Mixing and matching rakata and columi and whatever blackhole you have to maximize willpower, power, crit and surge in good proportions can definitely help your dps a lot. There's generally too much accuracy and endurance on the set. Also, augment as much as you can (although you probably want to keep the 4 set bonus for the 15% crit to double strike). But you can definitely do one piece of armor and your weapon easily. Earpieces, implants, belts and bracers could be improved with augments, but they are hard to find and you may be better of waiting for 1.3.
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