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Finishing the Galactic Timeline


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Fellow Imperials and People of the Republic. I have personally been wanting them to finish the galactic time-line, sure past time-line 13 it may not be 'relevant' to events in the game but as a Star Wars lover I would beg for them to finish the time-lines. I think it would provide a reliable location for all the galactic history you could ever ask for! I will literally start a petition if I must! If you would like to see this happen please post and put down your names and opinions! The more names the better!
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I loved the timeline videos, and I love Star Wars lore. I think they should get on this.


Besides, it may not be relevant to the game anymore, but it should be of interest to Lucasfilm Licensing. Dawn of the Jedi is the new big thing, and some of the later timelines relate to it directly. Also, the Essential Guide to Warfare addresses some of the stories related to the First Schism.


So while it may not be relevant to SWTOR, it is still relevant to Star Wars.


Please make more timeline videos.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I’d love to know the back story. Regardless of its relevance to current development, its content may spur if not inspire future in game content. Some of us aren’t just about getting to clicky clicky for the next new shiny virtual object. To be blunt, we would like some meat along with the bone.
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^^ i was just about to start a thread of this untill i saw yours

i love the lore videos i reckon they could even make a tv series of them.



The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban be released?

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Hello everyone,


As detailed in our Community Q&A Blog for March 23rd, 2012, we have no plans to continue the timelines, however we're planning on continuing with a different series which is currently unscheduled.


Pzljug: When are you guys going to finish the Timeline on the Holonet?


Stephen Reid (Senior Community Manager): When the Timeline series was begun we weren’t entirely sure how many timelines would be needed to detail relevant backstory for The Old Republic and left ‘blank spaces’ on the Timeline that, we thought, would all be filled in with Timeline entries. Ultimately, we feel we’ve detailed all the relevant backstory required, so no more Timeline entries going back into earlier history are planned. However, we know how much players enjoyed the lore details, style and presentation of Timelines, so we’re planning to continue that with a different series (currently unscheduled!) which will detail other aspects of the lore of The Old Republic.


If you have suggestions for further videos or projects based on the timelines, please consider posting them in the Suggestion Box, which we do read frequently.


Thanks for your interest in and enjoyment of the Timeline series!

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