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Survival of Anchorhead

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I'm unsure as to how to start this, so I'll say it as simple as I can.


Anchorhead Server is dead.


Almost no one gets on, its impossible to get groups together for flashpoints/raids, and it takes 30+ minutes to get into a WZ and whats worse than waiting for a 30 min que is getting into a game, and losing it. At peak times we may get about 20 people and on weekends where lucky to even hit 30 people.


Server Transfers are not coming fast enough, and Server Mergers are non-existent.



However, I do have a proposition, a mad insane plan some would say....

**That's no moon, that's a huge wall of text** **You can skip all of it and read summary instead**


We merge all the guilds.

- Three Mega Guilds would be created: PVP Mega Guild, PVE Mega Guild, Hybrid Mega Guild. In an extreme case we could go as far as to merge ALL GUILDS INTO ONE MEGA GUILD.

Although this proposal would not solve the issue of under-population it would however unify the small populations that still roam Anchorhead.


I understand that this idea is a bit radical and many issues do arise so I will try my best to explain why its best to have Mega Guilds, at least for the time being.

-Guild Identity

Guild Identity is a HUGE issue, a lot people feel uncomfortable with giving up their guild name and with good reason. Your Guild represent what you as a player is all about, when other players see your name along with your guild tag three things will immediately happen: Respect, Hate, or just meh. Sometimes it might not even be about other players reaction but for the simple fact that you love your guild name, and there are people out there (Including myself) who are very attached to the guild name, maybe its not even about guild names or status but being in a guild with friends just to hang out and some fear that by merging or leaving guilds those friends will be left behind. A Mega Guild would be ALL the guilds merged as one, your friends would still be there with you, with more people in a guild the more recognition of that guild can spread. The issue of favorite names however would still be present, I however have come up with a solution.


Guild Name Solution: Ex-Guild Leaders will form charters of their old guilds, its difficult to explain but I will try my best.

Mega PVP Guild->Guild Master->Council (Composed of Ex-Guild Leaders)->Council Member has their own Charter, although the name of the charter would not be know in-game a council member could take the time to create a dedicated site/group for their charter. You would still play with ex-guild members but you would also play with new people. Think of the Charter as a group withing a group, "I Dynamite, Council Member of "Mega Guild" lead the "Gentlemen's Club" Charter"


-Competition among guilds

Some of the points that were brought up during my brief conversation with players about the matter is competition among guilds. Yes, I believe competition is very important among guilds, its a strong motivator to further improve, to show others what you are capable off and your guild as a whole can do. HOWEVER, at this current time who are we competing against? There are to few players to actually represent their guild to actually "compete" against other guilds, sure that player may be awesome or bad but one person is not enough to describe a guild. True competition lies in Faction VS Faction. Republic as a whole should rally all available players to fight against Empire and by doing so helping WZ q's be shorter.



Leadership in a massive guild will be difficult to decide. What I have planned is that all Guild Leaders take a vote to see who is Guild Master, the rest of the previous guild leaders will be appointed a council-like position. Ex-Guild Leaders who are part of a council will operate as they would in their own personal guild, except major decisions would be talked about by other council members and guild master. The Guild Structure I have planned goes something like this.

Guild Master- In Charge of Opening Bank Vaults, Enforcing Rules, Granting Officer/Lieutenant Status, Kicking Members out, Creates Rules, Help Members

Council Member- Ex Guild Leader, Granted Officer Status, Enforces Rules, Leads Personal Charter, Creates Rules, Help other members

Lieutenant- Members who have proven their worth are given Lieutenant Status, They are in charge of Enforcing Rules, and Helping other members.

Member- Basic Member, Follows Rules, Helps fellow players out.



Communication in a Mega Guild could be managed with the help of Council Members. Ex-Leaders could still have their old Guild Sites as a way to inform their previous members, they could also use vent/mumble to speak with charter members. A "Mega Guild" Site could be made to inform ALL members of planned events, Ex Guild Leaders could share vent/mumble with non-charter members to better facilitate WZ or Raids/Instances.



Short Summary of the entire thing

Helps Unify small Player Base by providing one solid guild with players who share their SWTOR interest, from PVP, to PVE to a Hybrid of those interests


Well that's all I can think of at the moment, the Idea of Mega Guilds is a bit outrageous, but population numbers are so low players need a solid guild in which they can easily find groups and PVP. Any new Ideas, comments, concerns or feedback would be greatly appreciated and as always keep it civil.


Stay Fancy

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