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Lvl 43 Sentinel That Needs Help With Good PVE Build


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I just hit 43 on my first character (yay!) but I find that my build is all over the place, I have no focus on a specific tree and I have a feeling that I need to start specíng my character to a organized and specific tree from the nightmarish time I had on the end of chapter 2. I've been hearing some good things about watchmen on solo PvE but I could really go with any tree thats effective. I would be grateful for any help character specs and skill rotations as well as what mods go well with said spec (I do artifice)
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Is what most people are running. For a group of normal mobs, set your companion to attack one. Leap another, overload saber in the air, (opportune strike), Zealous Strike, Cauterize, slash. This gets your full set of burns going, which will kill a normal mob without further effort from you, so switch targets and merciless slash/master strike/whatever them down. Your two targets and your companion's will all die at around the same time.


For stronger mobs, you simply stay on the same target. I didn't have any problem with the chapter bosses in this spec and didn't really know what I was doing, so I'd recommend this as the easiest leveling spec. I only did this spec for 2 levels (41 and 42) so I'm not as versed in it as I am Focus.




Is what I use. It's not going to be good for you without some practice because getting it working efficiently means chaining CC and defensive cooldowns. If you do it right, you can go through 4-5 packs before having to rest while doing it wrong will have you meditating between every pack.


A group of normal mobs goes: send in your companion, leap a different target, force exhaust your leap target, switch targets and zealous strike, Force Sweep, everything will be dead or one-shottable so just slash everything to death, trying to build as many centering stacks as you can. The next group you Leap, Sweep, Pommel Strike (dead), switch, master strike (dead). The next group you leap, Zen in the air, sweep, slash (two dead). The next you run up to (since you'll have a good 10s of leap cooldown left), force exhaust, zealous leap, sweep, slash. The important thing is that sweep CCs the group for a few seconds and master strike CCs a normal opponent so you wind up taking very little damage.


For stronger mobs it gets harder. Strong mobs need to have a cooldown used on each one (force stasis, pacify, rebuke, saber ward) and it's a good idea to force camo aggro off to your companion whenever possible. Elites will use several defensive cooldowns. If you have a good crit rate, zen plus zephyrean slash and focused slash provide sustained dps. Focus doesn't have a big damage dealer like Merciless Slash and has to make up for it by not using strike.

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thanks for the replies, I do have a few more questions though.


1. Is combat or watchmen more viable for PvE group activities (Ops and HM)? Which tree puts out more DPS


2. Does anyone have a good combat build and rotation for group runs, or a good rotation for watchman to use for Ops and HM?

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1. Its debatable which is better. Watchman gives excellent DoT while Combat gives good burst. Most seem to prefer a Watchman first as you can also use the burns to team heal (its not much but it can help) and have more interrupts while Combat is strictly damage.

2. Know nothing about Combat but Watchman is Force Leap - Overload Saber (off Global Cooldown so do it in mid jump) - Zealous Strike - Cauterize - Merciless Strike or Master Strike. Personally I flip Merciless Strike and Cauterize. Also hold Juyo Form and when you reach Zen, pop it for team healing through the burns.

Edited by Ryat
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