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Who likes the Scenic Route?

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I was reading through another thread, and decided i would finally write up this post. This is something that has been bothering me for a long time now and i am just getting to actually saying something about it.


Why is that we are penalized so badly for dying in ops and flashpoints. I don't mean gear being broken, but the 10 minute speeder flight or the marathon run back to the bosses.


Cases in point:


Explosive Conflict: After a wipe on tanks you are required to run from the beginning of the instance past toth and zorn arena through the cave, up the hill, over the log, up the hill more, across the river, and we are finally back to the boss. Why is there no speeder up to the door once you get to the door for the first time?

Kephess is even worse. Taking a 6 minute speeder right to puzzle, followed by 2 caves, a zone shift, and then a 1/2 mile run up the hill is just silly.

Lost Island: pretty much every boss you wipe on requires you to run 1/2 way through the zone to get back to the fight.

Eternity Vault: Speeder from the start of the zone to get all the way to the last boss? its like a 6 minute trip. I haven't wipe in EV for a long time but i remember how annoying it was when we were still trying to get nightmare worked out.

Both Ilum HM: EPIC long runs to get back to bosses. Some of them include zoning 5 times before finally getting back to the fighting.


Where are the instant teleporting speeders that we got in KP? I for one could care less to see the zone from speederback and would rather have more time to kill bosses. We have even seen an AWESOME alternative to the speeders on belsavis with the teleporters.


On a slightly different note. I have seen the star wars movies, and I am 100% sure that speeders don't travel at 45 miles an hour. So whats the deal with 110% mount speed. I was imagining Motion blur i was moving so fast on these things. Even if you don't give us faster mounts for the love of god speed up the preset travel points.


You are not fooling anyone with your useless time-sinks bioware. Giving us stupid long travel times in a galaxy that is supposed to be highly advanced is a total contradiction. For a company that is so dedicated to immersing us in the wars galaxy you have certainly dropped the ball on this one.

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