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Daniel Erickson thinks X-Server LFG is last resort


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And you slow down and try reading what many people have posted about the transfer already being in place and the legacy system breaking it. It was there



If the tool did not work, then it was never there, kinda simple logic.


If they are still fighting with it after 6 months, obviously the base tool was never even close to working. The initial decline of subs was expected, but almost all of the more recent decline can be pretty easily put on the lack of other players to play with and completing the transfer tool would have prevented most of that loss. Hell, even a x-server lfg tool would have helped to diminish losses but we do not have either tool and people are voting with their feet.

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If the tool did not work, then it was never there, kinda simple logic.


If they are still fighting with it after 6 months, obviously the base tool was never even close to working. The initial decline of subs was expected, but almost all of the more recent decline can be pretty easily put on the lack of other players to play with and completing the transfer tool would have prevented most of that loss. Hell, even a x-server lfg tool would have helped to diminish losses but we do not have either tool and people are voting with their feet.


They may not still be "fighting with it". They may be assembling a QA team they can trust to test it. This, of course, holds the hope that team management has figured out their QA team was ineffective (and that EA laid a bunch of them off), so take it for what it's worth...

Edited by DarthTHC
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I tend to believe it was there and that Legacy broke it. I recall (though I'm too lazy to search for) a BioWare statement saying exactly that.


Plus this is one of the ultra-rare things I agree with skidrow on, so it must be troof. :rolleyes:


Yet another example of the horribly broken development process at the core of this game and team. :(


I dont doubt that something "broke" it, I just question those that say its in the game, but broken as an excuse to disparage legit criticism.


If its broken code, its not a system of the game.

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They may not still be "fighting with it". They may be assembling a QA team they can trust to test it. This, of course, holds the hope that team management has figured out their QA team was ineffective (and that EA laid a bunch of them off), so take it for what it's worth...


The simplest answer is most usually the correct answer, and the simplest answer is it has never worked and is still beyonbd their ability to deal with, otherwise they would be offering a timeframe for it's release.

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The simplest answer is most usually the correct answer, and the simplest answer is it has never worked and is still beyonbd their ability to deal with, otherwise they would be offering a timeframe for it's release.


The fact that they did offer a timeframe for its release then means... what exactly?

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This discussion is actually pretty silly, BW created a game with the look and feel of a 8 year old game, it was released without tools (like server transfers) that every major MMO has as standard today and put simply, the attempt to go "old school" has failed.


Really? And what game has ever released with server transfers? LFG? What game is going to release with it? GW2 tested server transfers in beta, but then so did TOR.

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Daniel Erickson, Lead Game Designer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, in an interview:







What really gets under my skin is the hubris. Does this Lead Game Designer never entertain the thought that maybe he could be wrong? Would he say the same thing if he thought there was a chance he had gotten it completely wrong?


If in 2 months, despite everything, X-Server LFG is added and someone wants to make the case that the game is on its last legs, well there's your money-quote, straight from the horse's mouth!


On the other hand, if in 2 months I'm on the outside looking in and see that patch 1.5 is going to add X-Server LFG, is that going to entice me to come back knowing that the Lead Game Designer is going for the game's last resort?


Get used to it, or unsub like me and so many others already have.

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"Early summer" is not a timeframe. It is closer to a rumor than anything else, like the talk of "super servers".


Rumors, eh?


We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer.


Looks like an official timeframe to me. From here.


"Super servers"? You're right. The actual term a dev used is "mega-servers".


Server transfer is a first step – it allow you to go a server you think you will be happy for whatever reason. MMOs are social phenomena like Facebook, the more people you have to play with, the better the experience. I know Daniel Erickson has mentioned the concept of mega-servers. It is a great concept because if you have a server population that can accommodate a lot more players, you will be much more likely with your friends and everything is suddenly better – warzones pop all the time, group finders pop all the time.

Server transfers is just the beginning.


Don't look like "rumors" to me.

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Really? And what game has ever released with server transfers? LFG? What game is going to release with it? GW2 tested server transfers in beta, but then so did TOR.


Im not really sure what these kind of responses are supposed to argue.


The results, sub loss and dead servers, speak for themselves as to the health and quality of this game.


This game will go down as one of the all time failures when compared to hype and budget vs results.


This is a niche game that will wallow along with 200k subs.

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Im not really sure what these kind of responses are supposed to argue.


The results, sub loss and dead servers, speak for themselves as to the health and quality of this game.


This game will go down as one of the all time failures when compared to hype and budget vs results.


This is a niche game that will wallow along with 200k subs.


You mean the fact that it has the third highest subs of any MMO right now? To think that's some kind of "failure" or "dead" game is to jump on the "WoW-is-the-only-successful-MMO" bandwagon.


Sorry, but I refuse, because that's not the only definition of success.

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Rated batttle grounds were coming in 1.2 as well.


What happened boss?


Rated Warzones was also mentioned along with huge, bold, red, underlined letters that it's inclusion was dependent on testing.


Not to mention SR's information that transfers are coming BEFORE 1.3.

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You mean the fact that it has the third highest subs of any MMO right now?


Oh please. No one and I mean no one in the industry outside the diehards here believes this. This game is on a out of control spin downwards. That free month helped inflate the numbers for just a bit longer.

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Rated Warzones was also mentioned along with huge, bold, red, underlined letters that it's inclusion was dependent on testing.


Not to mention SR's information that transfers are coming BEFORE 1.3.


You spin me right round baby, right round....


Oh, sorry, where was I....


Oh yea, your response is nonsense.

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Really? And what game has ever released with server transfers? LFG? What game is going to release with it? GW2 tested server transfers in beta, but then so did TOR.


Every MMO ever made started with at least some type of LFG channel, or the flag with comment (usually less broken than SWTOR). WoW launched with both of these 7 years ago.


MMOs made in the last 4 years however, have launched with LFGs akin to group billboards with content/class/role based search filters. That should have been the minimum SWTOR should have launched with based on the studio making it, the budget, and the Star Wars property.

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Rumors, eh?


Don't look like "rumors" to me.


You're right. It looks like vaporware. The guy briefly mentions a concept with no indication at all that they are planning to follow through on it any time soon. All we know is we're getting "targetted server transfers sometime in the next 2-3 months" for existing servers only.

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Every MMO ever made started with at least some type of LFG channel, or the flag with comment (usually less broken than SWTOR). WoW launched with both of these 7 years ago.


MMOs made in the last 4 years however, have launched with LFGs akin to group billboards with content/class/role based search filters. That should have been the minimum SWTOR should have launched with based on the studio making it, the budget, and the Star Wars property.


So, by this definition, TOR did launch with one, you just personally didn't like it.



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You're right. It looks like vaporware. The guy briefly mentions a concept with no indication at all that they are planning to follow through on it any time soon. All we know is we're getting "targetted server transfers sometime in the next 2-3 months" for existing servers only.


"Anytime soon"? It has to be "anytime soon" to be real, eh? No, I'd start looking for it in about a year. After all, that what "first step" means.

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You mean the fact that it has the third highest subs of any MMO right now? To think that's some kind of "failure" or "dead" game is to jump on the "WoW-is-the-only-successful-MMO" bandwagon.


Hahahaha. You must be excluding every MMO except the ones made in America, because there are dozens of eastern MMOs that have far greater populations of paying players than SWTOR, which puts it nowhere in the top 5.

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Oh please. No one and I mean no one in the industry outside the diehards here believes this. This game is on a out of control spin downwards. That free month helped inflate the numbers for just a bit longer.


If you choose not to believe facts when they're given to you just because it doesn't fit into your doomsaying and pessimism, then nothing anyone tells you, even if you took a census yourself, will not sway you because of your choice.


I, however, choose to remain realistic.


Enjoy your Chicken Littling. And your McCarthyism.

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Hahahaha. You must be excluding every MMO except the ones made in America, because there are dozens of eastern MMOs that have far greater populations of paying players than SWTOR, which puts it nowhere in the top 5.


Yeah, I get it. You don't like the game. No skin off my back.



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So, by this definition, TOR did launch with one, you just personally didn't like it.




It's not a question of like or dislike. When a feature fails at its intended purpose, it is garbage. The mainstream industry has evolved past "flagging" for a group and refreshing your /who window every 20 seconds, and don't even pretend that this game wasn't intended to be mainstream. That means during the game's peak population at peak hours only 15 people total on a heavy server, all looking for different things even bothered to use it. This is also assuming that people could understand your wacky acronym note due to 20 char limit (broken feature). Hence the tool failed at its intended purpose.

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"Anytime soon"? It has to be "anytime soon" to be real, eh? No, I'd start looking for it in about a year. After all, that what "first step" means.


Yes. It does. That is the very definition of vaporware. If they were serious about mega servers they would have launched with them. They're just throwing around damage control PR.

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Yeah, I get it. You don't like the game. No skin off my back.




I like parts of the game. Those particular parts have nothing to do with MMOs specifically, which is the area where this game falls flat.

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