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Ranked without cross server will be a mess.


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I know that server transfers are coming, however I believe ranked WZ and 8 man teams will not create a better server community or a better pvp enviroment. If anything it will tear it apart even more. For those that come from small servers to begin with I'm sure there are many times you que for a wz and say "omg not that guild, we're gonna lose". I'm not sure if they are going to bracket 8 man and solo separate but either way without cross server you will still see low amounts of pvp on the smaller pop servers, because people will either get sick of losing or sick of having no competition. It will reduce the number of subscriptions even more and further the wedge in a server community. If people lose too many times against the same team on the same server they will just quit the wz(which has no penalty) quit pvp, or quit the game altogether. Facing different adversaries would definitely make the game more interesting and bring the community closer imo, because you would have to work together to bring another server to it's knees. The other key thing is after soooooooo many matches against the same people, people know who the healers are before match even starts and they are ganked and focus fired from the beginning. Therefore it becomes a huge dps/aoe fight. Half the fun is trying to figure out who the healer is and then taking them out. Makes the game more competitive. I could list many more reason it should be cross server pvp but I'm sure they have been mentioned before. I myself have a strong 8 man team ready for ranked but I do not want to see pvp die because people on our server cannot win or at least give us some good competition.
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I agree. Super server idea is a nice thought but there again now you have a HUGE community fighting among each other. Does nothing to reinforce server community. Fighting other servers would do that.


Opposite, fighting with others on your server reinforces server community. Fighting a bunch of random people across multiple servers destroys server community and makes it meaningless.

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Opposite, fighting with others on your server reinforces server community. Fighting a bunch of random people across multiple servers destroys server community and makes it meaningless.


This. I think Bioware is taking the best approach to the issue. They don't want you to be playing against people you'll never see again, but if bigger servers does not work at all then they are still open to the cross server approach.

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I find it astounding there are still people who think ranking pvp in this game is a good idea at all. It is just going to push the people who are already behind even more behind. That will result in even more subs lost.


I guess the positive is it will push in one step closer to FTP.


Ranked war zones with pvp in its current state will end any positive pvp future this game has.

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