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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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As i said at some another post.


2 options:

- We are so clever that we know game designing better than some proven company.

-They have something in their hands,this is a cruel huge marketing world so they are holding it for the right time to hit.


Seriously,if it'll turn out the option one,i'll start to design my own mmo.If that is simple like that i dont know...I am still holding my subs,but wont playing the game with this low numbers.Its really boring.But i still got some faith.Bioware did a lot of great games since i was a little brat.And i am at near my 30ths now.Also bought d3 and disappointed more.Tons of bugs,errors.All acts are taken from first and second game.Short gameplay...And from what i've read,Koreans will sue them with like 800m$.Game came only 2 weeks ago and it was a huge epic fail.All i am saying.After all,if you are willing to give a chance to D3 and BZZD do the same to Swtor and Bioware.Whenever i see some anti swtor posts all i am thinking ''Is this post created by some rival companies?'' Question is if you have left the game,so why you are still here? Why are you doing anti swtor campaigns.Its meaningless.When i had left the other game,i've just...Left...If you are so hating it,than just quit and stop spoiling other peoples fun.What could you gain if you spoil someone's fun? I dont know...It always seem pointless to me.Why would i bother to login at someplace which i dont want to be in it.Unless...I wont make money from that.

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Empty servers. Patches without a release date. Patches with incomplete content. Bugs ignored since betatest period. Yellow posts with no new information.


We all love this game and would like to play for many years. Those who did not like the game as we have gone a long time ago... But continuing to pay, we support the current slow and poor development of the game.


So, how long are you going to wait before you cancel your subscription?


As for me, I decided to buy only one more 60-day timecode. And that's all.


I subbed at the beginning to a 3 month When that was up, I upgraded to a 6 month If I could do lifetime I would


My sub runs out Tuesday. I have one friend remaining and he and myself are the last two officers in our guild still subbed (he actually still logs on, I haven't since May 18) and I now have to debate whether it is worth it or not to stick around and wait.


I haven't unsubbed yet, I'm going to give it one more honest go at some point this weekend but I don't have much hope. Last log in (which I admit was a couple weeks ago) there were 20 people on fleet during prime time and this server had a que in the beginning.


Too much gone wrong here and I have very little faith anybody in Austin has any idea how to fix it. The sad state of populations and their inability to address the hemorrhage in a timely manner is further proof that something is terribly wrong from the top down.


It's like watching your house burn down and only turning the water hose on in time to save the downstairs bathroom closet. The heck is going on in Austin?


Yes. Six months is a good subscription plan. But now, after these words


Our Character Copy tool is still in testing, so we are again using a manual process to copy characters from our Live servers to our Public Test Server

it`s difficult to continue believing.


Yes. Six months is a good subscription plan. But now, after these words


it`s difficult to continue believing.

right. .cause character copying is the hugest issue this game has?


No, of course. Keyword - a manual process. People are lazy and only Huge problems can force developers to use a manual process. When the second option is to provide players with a single button - "Copy to testserver."

Edited by Rovshchik
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I will re-sub. I started to play this game with the launch and left after my first month was over. But I got a new feel for this game, plus that my girlfriend is totally sold on Smuggler (Gunslinger).


Sure, this game has passed it's glory days on active members, but still, this is a very good game.

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Of course it's a great game. This is our KotOR 3. It is almost impossible to refuse it. But it seems the developers are working really hard and just do not realize how fast the game should be developed to keep the players. Edited by Rovshchik
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Nope, I stopped both my accounts.


The game was fun getting all my toons to 50, but in the end, there is no end game and they are jacking this game up.


Amatures at work killed a great game!

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


I wouldn't be continuing to play even if TOR went F2P.

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Many players from my guild have 20+free days but no one want login... with long update time this game die too fast...:(


When I unsubbed, I had 45 days left. I haven't played for the past 30 of them.


Yet people like me get referred to as current subscribers in Bioware stats, even though we hate the game, have quit, and aren't playing.

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When I unsubbed, I had 45 days left. I haven't played for the past 30 of them.


Yet people like me get referred to as current subscribers in Bioware stats, even though we hate the game, have quit, and aren't playing.



100% with you, and I'm willing to bet there's a truckload in the same boat. The numbers after the free month run out will be nasty.

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100% with you, and I'm willing to bet there's a truckload in the same boat. The numbers after the free month run out will be nasty.


Agree, it's going to be carnage. And all these fanboi's who abuse people like you and I for simply saying how we feel, instead of listening to us (which is something Bioware should have been doing all along, as well), are going to get a rude shock. But they'll still spin it, "Oh, losing 500,000 isn't so bad..." :rolleyes:

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