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The Legacy of Lynch


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10 BTC: A Pheonix is Born... may Ashla show everlasting mercy

Wide brown eyes opened to peer into a glaring Karthakk sun, and in the bright haze they found the most tender loving face new life shall ever see, a mother, whom returned the gaze with tears of joy and fear. Mraxis was born, a slave, a tool, an angel too few, but trash to many. The bastard baby was born with many blessings from the deprivation, submission, and the loving dread of a trandoshan’s black coiled whip. A black whip that would lash a boy for indolence, so work the boy did, for mindless work achieved no lashes. That was his goal, avoiding lashes, for nobody liked getting lashed. 12 Years passed...






2 ATC: No Rest for the Wicked

One day the developing boy became weak from a fever and couldn’t pick axe at the quarry no more. Vacant ignorance of the coiled whip found the boy's indolence bliss. So the whip came down. Hard. Mraxis gritted teeth through hot, fearful, stinging tears of deprived humanity. The whip lashed his lats. Fear led to anger. Black snake hissed with cold bliss as it lay on his back. Anger led to hate. The snake constricted around his throat and began to lynch Mraxis. Hate leads to suffering. Mraxis unsheathed and took the lizard’s vibrosword from it's belt and- instinctively- spun into a pirouette and a shiak was performed by the wide brown-eyed bastard slave. The black snakes constriction lessened as the lizards belly was gutted like a Tauntaun. The lizard, along with its tool for blessing dread among slaves' indolence, plopped to the ground in no epic fashion. The left hand of Mraxis began to tremor. Slaves all around looked in wonder and awe. Slavers, like gizzards on a dead Bantha, flocked to the murderer whom was trembling in his own piss. Danica, the wide brown eyed mother of this bastard trash, fell to her knees opening her palms at her sides to screech "Fly Mraxis! Flee!! RUN!!!”


So Mraxis ran, fast, really fast. Not because he was scared, but because his thighs had been given new life from a Force beyond his understanding and control. So ran Mraxis did, that was his goal, avoiding lashes, for nobody liked getting lashed. The silhouette of the murderer bastard slave began to disappear into the horizon of the setting Karthakk sun. A sun which had witnessed the birth of a slave, an angel to few but trash to many, or so the galaxy thought, 1 year passed...





3 ATC: Help me, Help you

Mraxis found himself, illegally, on a cargo ship bound for an unknown land called 'Anchorhead'. Lynch was now a fugitive, a vagabond, and in a supply crate; but free, and equally uncertain. He had known Lok all of his life. Now he was on a trash bin heading towards a world, and culture he couldn’t perceive. Mraxis shivered suddenly in fear, his body finally congruent with his tremoring hand. Time passed as slowly as a star dies. The fugitive thought of his Mother. Her love and fear for his life was everlasting. He felt a weakening spell on his chest that urged him to cry. But cry he couldn’t, for the Karthakk Sun had burned the tears out. He clenched the zabrak grip of his vibrosword with emotion and hope, but the emotional reconciliation was cut short as the cargo ships engines sprung to new life, and the trash bin began its dreary descent towards the land called 'Anchorhead'. Months Passed...


The Squill cave in the dead gulley emitted a vibe of evil and chaotic magnetism as Mraxis stood at the entrance. Yellow eyes fixed on him daring their meal to enter. He returned their gaze. His instincts urged him to move on, but something else told him that something was wrong, and unnatural about the situation. He was seemingly torn between his options. After a ruminative pause a moaning contemptuous Shyriiwook voice sounded behind him...


"So, what will you do vagabond of Lok? You can sense someone in that cave; I know you can, for I can sense her too. You wouldn’t be standing there if what I say is not true."


Mraxis swiftly turned to look upon the beholder of the voice. Standing behind him was a large Wookie wearing a black tunic under a dark gray hooded robe. The wookie stood a foot taller than him. Mraxis stood in awe as the irreverent being continued.


"Go. Go into the cave and meet the blight I have brought upon this galaxy, for she will make you feel pain beyond the physical. She will weed into your mind and distort the memories you lock away. She will lift you into the air and slowly deprive you of all you hold dear."


Mraxis, with sword in hand, was befuddled in a quagmire of uncertainty. The Dark figure continued.


"Uncertain of that option you are. Good. Ignorance is bliss, and you are full of it."


Mraxis turned and then gazed toward the road out of the gulley. The wookie cackled.


"Heh heh, Ahh so you wish to fly, fleeing and cowardice is all you have known, and it's all you're worth if you follow that road. But in time you will be caught either by the slavers you fly from, or by the Sith. Both deaths will come slowly, they will."


The vagabond finally retorted, "What do you want from me? You mock me in this desert and speak in parables. You must have a purpose, do you not?"


The irreverent wookie growled in shyriiwook. "Fool, Imbecile! So far you've been given two paths, follow either and you will die a pitiless death. You're a walking time-bomb, you are. Filled with enough emotion, and fear to resonate across space. You have no control. No Understanding of what you can achieve with what you have been gifted with. You need training. Much training, for you are hastily becoming too old to truly understand what I speak. And so here I have found you. Because you intrigue me so, I will offer you a third path, a path that will train you to become my apprentice, a... Jedi."


Mraxis repeated the last noun in echoing confusion "Jedi..."


The Wookie thought to himself ‘Ahh good. You don’t even know what a Jedi is. You will serve me well my new apprentice.'


And so destiny was forged first by Boga, and Mraxis' innocent and unknowing path to becoming a Jin'Jidai was complete. Or so the galaxy thought, for Ashla had other plans for Mraxis, as he and his new master disappeared into the twin sun desert...



Edited by SonofScary
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4 ATC: Imbecile

For the next year Mraxis studied. In the beginning of his initiation he learnt nothing about the Jedi. His master gave him an "imbecile's" education, for he was not taught anything when he was a slave. His mother taught him how to speak, write and read Basic. With his new Master he learned basic mathematics, logical reasoning, science, and galactic history. He grasped the basics quickly, and was eager for more. As his education began to progress and become more literate the intelligence of the initiate began to shine the more he learned. Mraxis would study at night, and would apply what he learned during the day. Later in his initiation his Master felt he was competent enough to continue his studies independently and at his own rate. That was when the real training began...


The searing Blue blade came down at his right thigh, Mraxis rotated his hips, leaned forward and brought his blade from his left side upward to clash and lock with his master's blade. It was a successful parry. But his Master growled in frustration.


"Fool, your angle of the counter is wrong! You swept up from below into my falling blade, now your body is contorted and you have no strength to lock me in! You've just put yourself in my control, and now you will die."


His master was right. The only thing working against the other blade was his shoulders which were burning in fatigue. In this awkward position he couldn’t use his lower body for power.


Mraxis jerked his blade down and upward unlocking the crackling sabers from contact. Whilst stepping back to bring his lightsaber over head in a Shien opener.


"I should have left you at the hands of Vitiosus. You are worthless to me!" his Master grunted.


Groooaak came at the initiate in a wide left swing. Mraxis sprang forward off his right back foot bringing his saber, which was overhead, down to counter with the blue blade. Mraxis leaned into the clash, and stepped off his other foot to begin his offensive flurry of strikes on his teacher.


"Good! Now... that is how you play offense." the wookie roared.


Blue blade cracked and popped on yellow blade in a blurry flourish of strikes, parries, and locks from both opponents. Groooaak decided to counter-attack.


The master swung at the neck of the apprentice, but Mraxis had already ducked used the spring in his legs to attempt a half-twist ton su ma over his master rotating his saber to counter any thrusts upward from Groooaak. But no air counters were given. Instead a furry palm found his wrist and slammed him face-first into the ground breaking Mraxis nose, again.


Mraxis groaned in pain grasping his bloody nose.


"Epic circus acts for a pitiless death." the wookie cackled at the attempted somersault.


The wookie pointed the humming blade at Mraxis face. The student stood his ground, sweating in fatigue but fearlessly resolute. Mraxis had nothing to fear, he could read his Master like a book.


The Master peered into the wide brown eyes of Mraxis and saw a confidence and spark that pleased him. "Imbecile, you have much to learn, you are cocky but are rewarded with losing." he smirked, grunting in approval lifted his blade and killed the ignition.


“Master, I prefer straight-forward tactics… and flamboyant finishes.” Mraxis grinned and snorted, blood shot out from his left nostril.


“That’s why you always lose, that’s why you are inferior to our enemy, that’s why you aren’t worth my time. Twice the pride and double the fall, and when you fall, I will laugh upon your corpse.” Groooaak retorted.


Mraxis sat up while readjusting the cartilage on his nose; with two fingers he pushed it back into place, with a solid pop. Mraxis wiped the sweat from his eyes. He sigh a slow hot breath, but giggled as he jived on.


“Just make sure you burn me, Master. Being a ghost isn’t too appealing.”


For the next couple of months Mraxis continued to train and study with his Master. They began to form an unusual, peculiar bond of brotherhood. They were a team and achieved anything they set their minds too. Mraxis was instructed to study and understand, but not apply, both the philosophies and codes of Ashla and Boga, Groooaak determined the initiate was too ignorant to truly decide and excel in his preferred path whether it was light, dark, or gray. Whatever the initiate decided in the end did not matter at all to the Fallen Jedi, for he had different plans for the innocent Mraxis. He planned to use him to defeat the blight he had once created, or so he thought. Autumn began to fall...

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Autumn Solstice: Choices and Consequences


‘Never leave my side my Mraxis, for together we can achieve anything…’ his master had once said.


Mraxis was on a shuttle bound for Lok to rescue his forgotten mother. The love for his only other extended loyalty was too strong to forget and let go of. He succumbed to love and set in motion a series of events that would affect many. The shuttle arrived on the barren Lokian pirate shuttleport. Mraxis, as he unboarded the shuttle with sleeveless hood over his head, and lightsaber on his sash; ventured past the pirate camp and into the barren Lokian night.



Through the force, he found, in a valley next to a mountain, the encampment of deprived life that had once held his life by a black coiled whip; The Quarry. It was a barrier-less camp filled with many tents, towers and camp fires. The Trandoshan guards, as expected, were drunk and asleep, their perception distorted with a purple haze. Mraxis easily infiltrated the camp and past many slaves with ease. He used the force to guide him to the warmest and most compassionate aura in the camp, for that was his mother.


He found the tent he once resided in fairly easily. Inside he could hear his mother humming a lullaby she had once sang to him when he would come home from the quarry, covered in bloody slashes and welts of the loving black coiled whip. His heart became warm with hope and smiled widely in joy. With butterflies in his belly, he entered. His mother with his back turned to him was sewing sleeveless hoods to protect other young-lings faces from the Karthakk sun. His mother sensed a presence in the room and turned her head. There Mraxis gazed into the same loving wide brown eyes he saw at birth. Danica recognized the young man instantly. He was the angel she conceived and brought to this galaxy.


With tears in her wide brown eyes and a trembling lip the young woman asked. Mraxis?” her tone mixed in a quagmire of emotion.


The young apprentice smiled and responded. “Mom, I love you too much… to forget about you.”


The flushed faced young mother dropped all that she was holding, hurdled over the stool she sat on, and dove right into the chest of the boy she told to ‘fly’ all those years ago. They embraced in the warmest reunion that had ever touched the face of the barren, dead Lok. The mother kissed her son, cried into his chest and smelt the pheromones that emitted from his fiery heart, caressed- and fixed- his hair, and squeezed him tightly in their embracement. She had never been so happy in her life- not even when she gave birth to him.


Mraxis brought his mother’s brow to his own so she would know this was not a dream. She let him gaze into his eyes- as she hadn’t done for so long. She was lost for words she couldn’t speak or think, all she could do was feel him and cry softly in joy. The apprentice kissed her forehead and spoke.


“Mother, all that time ago when I ran in cowardice and fear, I never forgave myself for leaving you all alone here.” Tears began to run harder down Danica’s cheeks. She noticed the muscles on his arms, shoulders and back. She giggled in pride of how much her boy had grown up, gently touching his cheek as she whispered.


“My dear Mraxis you have grown so strong I can see it in your eyes and in your frame. You make me so proud.” Mraxis allowed her to kiss him on the cheek and replied.


“Mother you are right, I have grown strong. I felt I was ready to free you from the chains of this planet. I’m here to save you mom! We can leave now!” he claimed grabbing her shoulders in urgent assurance.


She gazed into his eyes as she fearfully interjected. “What about the guards? We can't just leave like this! They'll stop us and hurt you!” she protested worryingly beginning to tear up at the thought of it.


Mraxis looked into her eyes and gave that same cocky spark and smirk she had always known. “Mom, I’m more then capable of handling a few lizards. Don’t tell me you don’t trust me!” He winked at her.


She giggled in slight disgust and pounded his chest, as if she were disciplining a teenager from saying a naughty joke- her son hadn't changed one bit. “Oh? Excuse me, ‘Mr. Mercenary’ my son, lead the way.” she retorted and kissed him again on the opposite cheek, her breath began to shake as she couldn't believe that they were about to attempt great escape. He took both of her hands gently squeezed.


“Okay mom, follow me close… Mom?” Danica’s grip on Mraxis powerful hands became limp as she stared in fear behind him. Mraxis felt a dark chaotic presence enter the tent. His hand dropped his Mother’s as he reached for the saber on his sash.


He was too slow.


A dark invisible force constricted his throat; he reached to grab his neck as his knees buckled and hit the floor.


Mraxis!!!” Danica screeched, as she saw her son gasping for air. She attempted to help him, but to no avail for she was thrown back by an unknown force and slammed into the ground. A smooth tongue from behind caressed and gently nibbled his ear as he began to see the world swirl in a black cloud...

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The Beast: Part 1 (Dyers Eve)


Smooth skin that was Ice to the touch caressed Mraxis cheek. Small breaths enticed the skin of his chest, neck and lips. Mraxis could feel, but there was no reaction, no reflex, he also sensed he was nowhere near the slave camp anymore. As an Ice sensation trickled down his body, he became less in control, but his awareness was left alone. He could feel the lekku of a Twi’lek lying on his shoulders. It's tongue on his earlobe whispering nonsense that made the ice intensify. Mraxis attempted to move his legs, but was immediately checked by two cold, large thighs as they straddled his hips and pinned him to the ground. Mraxis was now trapped, unable to move, and unwilling to accept certain death. Tongue and breath left his ear as a smooth palm gently lay on his throat. The blight created by Groooaak began to speak.



“So, this… THIS is what my furry friend gave me up for, you.” She ran her fingers through his hair and continued.



“You’re such an ugly thing, so inferior to me, in all ways imaginable. You do not deserve the mercy of a quick death.” She hissed as she gripped his throat.


“I will.. make you... SUFFER. Imagine being deprived of everything you hold dear while you watch in awe and fear.” she growled menacingly as she bit his chin.



Lynch's heart sunk deeply as he figured out who his captor was. She was the whole point of his apprenticeship to Groooaak, this thing- that straddled him now as it proceeded to take of it's clothing- was what kept him from living a normal life as a free man. Simply put, his master needed his help to kill the monster... but not alone, not like this... not now. The young man's breath became shaky and weak as he knew all to well what was going to happen next... as he lay pitiless and helpless underneath the pinning iron thighs of Vitiosus Rayn herself.


The Twi’lek sat up and squeezed her iron thighs together. Mraxis’ helplessly felt his hips being slowly crushed, but could not react to the pain in any way. His mind screamed suffering and mercy instead. The blight cackled with delight and a lustful fetish urged her on. Mraxis called upon the force to snare the paralysis chains that bound him, but to no avail, for Vitiosus had tightened her grip around his throat and began to slowly drain the life from him. The Jen’Jidai threw her head back and arched her back in pure ecstasy of the Force Drain. Lynch felt his energy being ripped away, he was alone, and being transfigured into a vegetable. Mraxis mind was scrambling for alternatives to this situation, but nothing worked. Then a voice in his head rang louder than the searing pain from crushed hips.



‘You Fool!! Use the Force! Shut her off with your mind, center yourself and focus Mraxis.’



The apprentice fought the intruding and growing weed that sapped his life. Vitiosus yelped in disdain and squeezed his hips harder cracking bone and soft organs. Mraxis shutting out the pain with the force began to throw up mental walls to cut off the force drain. After several minutes of struggle it worked, and Vitiosus gasped at her inability to perform the drain. Lynch snorted and smirked in triumph- well tried to anyway. Like a snarling tiger she stood up and spoke through gritting teeth.


“How dare you Jedi, you will suffer by my hand for I am always in control.” she stomped her feet, and flourished her arms in deep frustration whilst she willing her saber and tunic to her.


Mraxis, still in an ice-like paralysis, heard the igniting of a blade, his mind rushed through helpless plans to escape. He was running out of ideas, and time.


The blade hummed and whined as it was twirled around. The blight was gathering power for her sith shiak, an execution the apprentice was doing everything to avoid. Vitiosus raised the blade over Mraxis paralyzed body and hissed.


“I had fun, you ugly human, I really... REALLY did.” She giggled licking her lips. “But now… die.” She raised the blade high over her head.


‘Well this is it, it’s over. It's really... over. I die a runaway slave in captivity of a psychotic twi'lek, that’s quite the legacy Mraxis.’ the apprentice thought to himself in disbelief. He frustratingly cursed in his mind, as he awaited death.



The red blade came down with hatred. A violent wookiee roar suddenly sounded in the distance.


Mraxis sensed a presence move at astonishing speed where he lay, it was Groooaak.


The wookiee lunged forward with blue blade in front, growling with immense hate for the twi’lek. The blue blade caught and locked with red as they whoomed in cacaphony; cracking and whining for dominance.


Vitiosus stared open mouthed at the raged wookiee in awe. Groooaak!!” she gasped, almost in fear. The wookiee growled back in pure, raw hatred.


“You dare come after my apprentice, you fiend. I will smite you from the existence of this barren land!” The Fallen Jedi Knight went on the offensive with a flourish of erratic attacks. With momentum on his side the duel was pushed away from Mraxis immediate location.


As Vitiosus focus on Mraxis became less intense and more on her former master, the ice began to recede from the apprentice's body.



Blood thirsty battle cries could be heard in the distance as two old vendettas were being played out across the night sands of Tatooine...

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The Beast: Part 2 (Addiction to the Friction)


Several minutes of chaos passed as Mraxis began to regain control over his limp frame as the battle between his Master and Nemesis raged in the moonlit night on the barren sands of Lok. Regaining control of his eyes he observed the deadly duel unfold. Red blade clashed and cracked on blue as both opponents were in a rage for each others blood. Mraxis could sense his master was losing his momentum. The young apprentice needed to break the bounding chains of force paralysis if either of them remotely hoped to survive this unforgiving encounter.


The young lokian centered himself and shut out the chaos of the duel near him. He used the force to create a soothing aura that healed some of his wounds, replenished the energy he lost, and began to rid the freezing chains from his frame.


Lynch finally regained control of his body; he sat up and attempted to stand, but to no avail, for his right thigh had lost all feeling and response. He cringed and yelped in sudden pain as he attempted to mend his broken hip. His attention suddenly snapped back to the duel where he sensed his Master’s defense crumbling under the fiend Twi’lek. The extra energy she had ripped from Mraxis had only just dissipated for her strikes were still powerful and unrelenting. Groooaak however, was fighting for his life.


The wookie growled in some hopes to strengthen his defense. He had trained the blight in Juyo, and it was obvious she had been practicing. Groooaak nearly showed approval but was caught off guard as the Twi’lek began to strike him with falling overhead strikes.


The wookie held up his saber in an overhead kai-kan to shield himself from the power attacks. He used his lower body to bolster his defense but his knees thought differently as they began to buckle, finally giving way to fatigue. Pitiless un-rhythmic jabs connected with the once dominant blue blade.


The Master fell to a knee, then on his back, being pummeled into submission. Vitiosus, snarling with vice, knocked the blue saber out of Groooaak’s now broken limp hands with a terrifying wide swing. The fallen Jedi was defeated. Vitiosus Rayn screamed in triumph having slight spasms of excitement, cracking her voice in high pitched squeals. Her former master was defeated and she was free from his captive control.


Mraxis cursed in dismay as he witnessed the inevitable. “Come on you big furball get up… Get up... don’t give in to the fatigue, damn you.” He mumbled aloud.


Vitiosus lifted Groooaak into the air; spreading out his arms and legs out with the Force. She twirled her saber around her back and performed a cho mak on the wookie. Groooaak roared in pain and hate as his leg plopped to the ground. The blight cackled in mockery.


“Ha Ha Ha! Look at the Fury Knight! The fool whom thought he could control Viti.” A wicked smile flashed across her face. She twirled her saber around her side and flashed upward in a cho sun maneuver. A fury limb fell to the ground in no epic fashion. Groooaak’s roars of hate turned into moans of grief and then into whimpers for deserving mercy. Vitiosus was having fun; her frugal fetish for inflicting pain on others was being fed gratuitously tonight. She dropped the wookie from air like an abused ragdoll.


Mraxis cursed again in disdain as he witnessed torture and suffering in its prime. He tried to stand but failed. He felt helpless, and crippled as he continued to watch his partner’s execution unfold.


Vitiosus spat on her deprived and disrespected fallen opponent.


“You shall smite me from this barren planet?!” she cackled as she placed the humming blade over the furry creature’s eyes.


“You won’t have eyes tonight.” She slashed the blade across the wookie's face blinding his once irreverent perception of the galaxy.


“I shall quarter you!” She slashed, in a mou kei, the remaining limbs off his frame, in the ultimate move for physical deprivation and damnation. The wookie gasped in despair, hoping for the mercy of a quick shiak, but she was far from being through.


She approached and straddled his mutilated frame. The wookie’s severed wounds seeped more blood as this new weight sat on top. She caressed his cheek and held his head gingerly; like a little girl and her new pet puppy.


“Now, look into my eyes Groooaak… Oh wait, you don’t have those anymore.” She arched her back from side splitting laughter. That jest lit the tinderbox for her fate, and the conception of a Jedi…


A fire suddenly burned within Mraxis, an anger he never knew, or wanted to feel. His hips and legs suddenly shifted with life as he slowly began to stand...


“Because I love you so much my little furball, I left you ears so my voice and blade will be the last thing you hear. I’ll show your apprentice what I would’ve done to you if I had you bound and helpless.” she whispered. Groooaak’s slashed face contorted with grief and sorrow.


The epiphany of his failure, a closure to a radical legacy. This thing... this thing he created would now destroy him. After his death it would begin to turn it's attention not only upon an unprepared galaxy... but upon a once innocent boy he brainwashed and trained to use as a mere tool. Now, the wheels of fate were beginning to churn as it seemed that all was lost. He felt his life beginning to fade into a black oblivion... but Vitiosus was not ready for him to leave yet.



The Twi'lek licked her teeth with delight, as she felt her former Master beginning to pitilessly slip away into death's cradle. Putting a hand on a erratic beating, hot, furry chest she almost pleaded with him. “No, uh-uh Groooaak, WAKE UP.” she screeched, her cruelty betraying her initial tenderness. She slapped his face with disrespect and stood up, easing the flow of blood from his severed frame. With her back to Mraxis she turned to glower at the defiantly stubborn boy, whom was suddenly surging with an anger that sent a fearful but pleasuring frictional sensation up her back. It was obvious she was growing frustrated with this new pest as he struggled to get off his back.


And she loved it.


Turning back to her old master "Oh... yes. How could I forget, Groooaak? You were fun..." she paused as she turned and advanced on Lynch like a predator on it's wounded prey.



Suddenly, as if snapping a finger... she twisted her hand, eviscerating the wookie's neck through the force...



"But never satisfying."

Edited by SonofScary
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Act I: Shinkuu vs. Denjinn






The Awakening: The Tao of Shinkuu


Lynch felt an aching at his gut as he watched his master's head roll away like a dustball in a backwater colony. Now the apprentice new true fear, now he knew the meaning of helpless; now he understood what an animal felt like moments before it's death by the hands of a hunter.



He understood it all, and stared in disbelief as he watched Vitiosus prowl towards him in a wicked slink that made her seem like a sinister witch doctor. And he Hated it. Rayn held her lightsaber high...



'So Im going to die... like an animal. I... no. NO.... I Wont become a Martyr!!!'



A standing Mraxis saw the blade being driven home. Adrenaline slowed down time, and in a rage he lunged forward pulling his lightsaber from the ground with the force, igniting the eager yellow blade in a reverse grip at his side. He shot forward like a whizzing bolt.


Mraxis hit the ground in a squat next to Vitiosus. Using his lower body for power he extended his legs whilst whiplashing his saber upward with his left shoulder and lat. A lightning flash followed by a whining crack of thunder resulted from the connecting blades. The clash was so powerful that the fiend twi’lek began to fall backwards.


The slave apprentice rotated his hips and pivoted to face the blight with fortitude and hate. He twirled his saber back to his formal two hand grip, brought his saber in front of him facing upward, and bent his knees in the way of the hawk-bat. The young apprentice sprang off his left foot and lunged forward at the lurching, off balanced twi-lek. Mraxis pivoted off his right foot to kick Vitiosus square in the face.



Rayn wasn’t even on her back and Mraxis was in the air driving his lightsaber forward toward her chest. Once she hit the ground she back rolled and leapt to her feet attempting to plant them, but the slave was already on top of her…



Mraxis began his fast chain of wide kinetic strikes from all angles to bear down on the retreating fiend. He would strike high then he would sweep low for a jung ma then would twirl the yellow blade in a su to counter the Vitiosus pitiless random attempted counters. Mraxis thrust the blade forward, probing for an opening, a strategic mistake. Vitiosus sidestepped the pitiful shiak, found her footing and brought her blade around in a jung ma crashing into the recovering yellow blade and this time locking in. The blades hatred for each other were congruent with the opponents rage for the others blood. Vitiosus hissed in frustration and hidden fear.



“Fool! You will die so slow tonight… SO Slow!!” she screeched


“Shut up... Just SHUT UP! You FIEND!!!” Lynch growled through his teeth.



Mraxis leaned into the locked blades and muscled her into the ground whilst rotating in a jung half spin and lifting his boot. Hell and heel connected with mouth, and twi’lek teeth were knocked out into the hot dark sands of Lok. The female fiend fell to the ground, lightsaber flying out of her hand.


Mraxis brought his lightsaber above his head angled high in a glorious way of the krayt dragon. He looked down upon his beaten foe and said.



“Get up. Get up and attack me you monster, get up, for I’m not through with you.”



The twi’lek, who was beginning to fatigue, threw a bluff at the apprentice.



“Well you are as incompetent as you are ugly, aren’t you? Do you have any idea what I’m capable of when I’m in control?” she taunted in a weezing cackle.


We’ll see.” The apprentice retorted. Vitiosus winced in fear and failed in hiding it, she became angry. The twi’lek pulled her red blade from the ground, ignited, and charged at the perseverant Mraxis. She thrust her weapon forward like a barbaric tusken raider.



Mraxis read the desperate move like a book and parried it. Vitiosus twirled in a jung su ma to slash the apprentice's back, but Mraxis had put his blade parallel with his spine in a kai-kan fashion and parried the move easily. Vitiosus twirled her blade and rotated her hips in an attempt to decapitate the slave in a sai cha, but again Mraxis read this move and squatted to avoid it. The twi’lek lurched off center and began to stumble.


Mraxis found the force and acted upon instinct, using the spring from the squat, leapt up into a ton su ma over his opponent. Time slowed with adrenaline. His feet were together in the air and his face toward the ground. He saw the extended, lurching fiend’s hands clenching onto the red lightsaber. The apprentice brought his eager yellow blade across his chest and in a con-caving arc slashed at Vitiosus hands with a cho mai. But she had disignited the blade. Spun and using her momentum grabbed Lynch's face and then drove him towards the ground. At the Last second she opened up her palm emitting a push that doubled his momentum.


The lokian ate the ground and felt his face tear apart. Blood seeped from his eyes, mouth and face as he struggled to recover.




The Twilek grabbed the man by his face and lifted him into the air. Mraxis could see her through the gaps in her fingers, and quelled inside as he stared into death itself. Vitiosus said nothing as she began to slowly crush his body, with the force.



Lynch screamed in unbearable agony as his voice cracked, and his limbs spasmed and shuddered violently trying to escape death's grip. But no matter where he moved, all around him the Force closed in like a Trash compactor. He felt his bones creak and struggle under the unbearable pressure. He could feel his brow begin to collapse as it lower over his eye. He began to go dark. But a light. An angel. Appeared from the east behind the monster. In the background behind the mountains Lynch could see the tower of smoke and fire that was once the Quarry. His home. His entire life and all the people he knew. He suddenly couldn't sense them. They were all gone. It was the work of Vitiosus. He had just realized it, and his heart became swollen with fear, and uncertainty. Then, in that moment Mraxis saw a figure stumbling towards them from that tower of fire.


It was his mother. With her heart collapsing in terror as she felt her baby boy dying before her. She fell to her knees, screaming as the agony clenched her throat. Only a gasping frail squeak came out of her mouth. Vitiosus cocked her head to gaze upon this survivor with malice. Lynch arched his back trying to bellow with all his might.



"MOM!! MOM!!! GET OUT OF HERE NO-" Lynch was propelled through the air, as the Beast released her grip on his face opening up her palm with viciously and sent the last Lokian flying. Vitiosus hadn't looked away from Danica.


The young mother, wept in her submissive state, as if begging for mercy. She couldnt think, couldnt speak, and her lungs trembled in thought of her fate. The somewhat safe dearth of space between them began to close as Rayn loomed forward. Putrid yellow eyes locked with brown iris', as the beast looked upon her like a piece of meat.


"Please... Please don't hurt my boy." she pleaded, whilst trying to control her fear and tears. "He's all I have left... He's my angel. Take me... I... I am a slave. I'm yours." Danica proclaimed, as she stroked the freezing sticky calves of the Twilek. The Mother willingly knelt down and kissed the Beast's feet. "I will do thy bidding Mast-" her feeble voice was suddenly cut off, as she felt an iron grip around her throat. A cold tongue slipped into her ear.


"You are so pretty. So soft... and tender. You remind me of my Mother... Beautiful... protective... and submissive, just like every woman should be." Vitiosus stroked the side of Danica's cheek with a sticky wet tongue. Looking up towards the night sky in a precarious thought she let her relaxed gaze fall upon the woman. "You taste... good, as does the boy. You are both teeming with energy. I wonder..." her summation was interrupted, as she heard the shuffling of the young boy regaining focus in the sand as he yelped for inner strength to support his battered frame.



"Tell me, Who is the father?" Vitiosus demanded, as her grip began to tighten on the fragile throat of a Mother, her life was on the thread of a squeeze. The woman's eyes suddenly filled with fear, not for the sake of her life, but for the information she bore of the man whose seed conceived their child. Her heart bled with emotion, dread, love and hate for her lost lover... it had been soo long ago... so long that the Karthakk suns were beaming under their once proud creation. A Lokian tale that would forever take it's toll on their flare. Aging them by Milena's...


The young woman's eyes began to tear up horribly as she came back to reality at death's door. Vitiosus watched the disposition in her face and could read her like a book. "You know who the father is, you KNOW where he is. Give me a name. Now." the Twi'lek began to grow vehemently impatient.


Danica's hands re-actively grabbed hold of Rayn's wrists in a naturally useless hope to be let go. She began to panic. "I will do whatever you ask, ANYTHING!! But I CANT tell you what you seek." She closed her eyes and began to weep. Rayn had been tipped over the edge.



"Your Insolence just COST you your Son's LIFE!! I'll rip him limb from Limb and there's NOTHING you can do to Stop me!" Rayn had lost it.



"NO!! Please! You don't Understand!!" Danica screeched as she was suddenly thrown towards a boulder. Her back cracked as the unforgiving rock mangled her weak frame. The blow left her motionless as all she could do was hopelessly stretch her tingling arm towards her faraway son. She gasped and groaned in disdain and curses as she watched the events unfold. The young man's name and the Father's were the only things on her mind, and so their titles were moaned out in pitiful chant of regret and...






Profound Sadness.






A burning fire shot through Mraxis' spine as he could feel his mother's pain, they were connected. He could feel her slipping away. The feeling was unbearable, he had never experienced the prospect of losing one he loved so dearly. And the unconditioned mind began to adjust to this... this transfiguration of the eons. The sand blinded him, his wounds chained him, and his morality... his kind innocent heart was being molded into something terrible. It paralyzed him. He was turning into a being of his nightmares. He ferociously growled through gritting teeth and spastically clenched his temple and heart. His knees began to wake up as he found himself rising for another round. The courage and unrelenting audacity that pulsed through his heart sent the entire metaphysical realm into a shocked disbelief. And then the spirits, beasts and heavens themselves descended down towards the valley to witness themselves a young man whom had defied defeat and wanted his Foe's blood spilt.


The sandstorm that brewed off the mountains, suddenly laid claim to witness this tragic event. Like a rushed crowd around a street fight on Nar Shaddaa. The wind carried the Lokian sand towards the gulley of this new soon to be forgotten battleground.



Ashes to ashes, Meido Gaido and the sands of time and spirit will witness to birth of a new being... as it has been for now and forever, Amen. - a Lokian Prayer.



The sands began to swirl around the cycling energy being pulsed through the two beings below them. Like a slow spinning typhoon the winds passed the grime and dirt onto the channels of the force, the natural spectacle of nature meshing with phenomena was a sight to behold. Though in it's arid beauty, this sand storm arena of Lok bore two fighters that would bring something to the galaxy that would change it's course to fate forever. The stars lay their stoic eyes upon the first contender.




The beast lifted up her arms and cackled.


"You see this BOY?? I AM Lok... I AM the Outer rim... I am that which shall bring this hogwash Galaxy onto it's knees!!" She laughed with an orrgasmic screech, then suddenly spasmed as her face contorted with raw animal magnetism for suffering and dismemberment.


She pointed a broken blue finger at the apprentice "What are you doing standing up?!" she screeched as a crack of lightning and thunder split the howling air and collided with him, propelling him away.



"The show's about to begin... and you're to be a fan." she spat as she began to charge up within the force. Like a conductor at a galactic symphony she directed all of the elements of the planet as if they were mere toys in the play-pin of a toddler. Chunks of the rocky cracked earth lifted out of the ground as if being summoned by the Gods themselves. A spectacular display of lightning sprawled and danced about the beast kissing it's skin, as it fried and burnt off what rags of clothes she had on. She was bathing in the element of thunder, defying all conceivable previous belief of physics in a performance of wonder and awe.



Lynch was back on the ground shaking in an uncontrollable shudder as the lightning that struck him made his ears bleed and his heart skip several beats; as it pumped furiously to regain homeostasis. The effect of this made Mraxis teeth clatter as he groaned in studdering gasps. His head began to fill with pressure as an unseen Force was fulfilling his fate.

Vitiosus stroked and her admired her naked body in pleasure as if the sparks shooting from her fingertips were ice cubes that tingled the Twi'leks sensations. The Lekku now off her shoulders and touching her lower back as she threw her chin up towards the sky. "I am... divine... a Goddess... love me... YES. That's it, don't stop." she chanted unequivocally to herself as the bolts that sparked from her busty frame began to pop the particles around her like a globe of electrolytes.


The energy emitting from the charge of Rayn began to lash out and whip the former slave across his exposed lats and shoulders. The lokian grabbed his bleeding ears as he cried out against the unbearable surge that constricted his veins and stopped his lungs.


Voices suddenly began to scream in is head as he came to his knees arching his chest to the sky. His perceptions began to play with him as images emerged from the walls of sand. The roar of a wookie howled above the cacophony of chaos that plagued the valley.




'A boy, an angel to few, but trash to many...'



'You are but a stain upon Ashla's bosom, she's given you so much opportunity, so much grace... yet you continue to let yourself fall to the oblivion where you sprouted from...'



'It's children like you that deserve exile, and death.'



'You are lost, you don't have a purpose.' The being knelt down closer and whispered in the boys bleeding ear. 'You don't have a hope.' the being said in Shyriiiwook before fading into the specter of death.




The familiar voice of his master pierced his calloused heart like a poisoned black sickle. It's pain upon impact excruciating but it's draining presence bringing ever more suffering to that meager soul. The apprentice's eyes began to tear up as he thrashed at his head. A whining noise suddenly began to amplify, and crescendo in an unbearable pitch that rattled his teeth and tore at his eyelids. Another premonition appeared beside the suffering young man, draped in a battered shawl, tied by an archaically large rope, and with beads of another world suspended around it's neck. The shadowed figure placed a hand on Lynch's shoulder...



'My boy, My boy, ignore those whom handicap you. They are but hurdles on your path to freedom. That is what you want... isn't it?' The beings face was completely shrouded in darkness as it looked up towards Vitiosus whom was becoming more traumatic in her display of power, and Danica... whom looked as if she had aged a decade from all of the stress, pain and emotion she was experiencing. Lightning began to clap in the sky followed by a thunderous battery of heavenly drums. Rayn was bringing down the rain... for the first time in eons upon Lok. The being looked back at Lynch being torn apart from the inside. The work of Vitiosus no doubt. The being decided it was time... to unleash Shinkuu. The Lokian Spirit of Murderous intent, and Lynch hardly knew he commanded it's reins.




'Freedom is what you desire... I can feel it in your dying heart. You know what you must do, Jedi.'



"I cant do that... NO... I shoul- Hurggh AHH!!" Lynch was cut off as bolts shot through his spine and began to trace through every fiber in his body. Unwillingly, a hidden monster began to awaken from within.




'You have a gift, my Boy. A blessing. You KNOW what it is... USE it. Unleash it. Embrace it. For it is apart... of who... you.. ARE.'



Lynch's face slowly lifted from the sands, his skin red from the pressure and his eyes puffy and bloodshot from the heat of the threads of thunder that bound his courage. He looked upon Vitiosus, a maniac unleashing terror on his home. His mother... she wasn't moving. She lie in the dirt her outstretched arm aimed towards is son... it blew faintly in the wind as sand began to engulf her body. Her angel was running out of time...



'You have a choice, if you refuse to let go... your life, and your mother's... will be sealed forever. Never again will you ever know freedom. However, if you sacrifice your soul to Shinkuu your freedom will come with a price. You will be marked by Boga if you allow him to know you now, and he will forever haunt you, tempt you; you mustn't fall to the Darkside, Mraxis. Realign the stars and make your OWN Legacy!! If you go through with this you MUST see it to the very END. Fight fire with fire and break the chain at it's source. You will fight the most horrific, grotesque evil imaginable and only you can transcend the depths of Oblivion to ultimate victory. Anyone whom comes with you... will die. The answer lies, in the heart of battle.




Now. Embrace Shinkuu. It is our DESTINY Mraxis!'




"HURRAAAAAARRGH!!!" Lynch raised a closed fist and slammed it into the ground, a slight tremor was felt throughout the valley. A huge wave of dark energy surged like a beacon from the man's beating chest. Like a rabid animal Mraxis' irregular breathing and foaming mouth betrayed nothing of rage as his face was still panting in the ground.


Vitiosus had stopped her repulses and stood continuing to trace her nude body with strands of lightning and thunder. Her face was nothing of mockery, but a still concerned disposition as she looked on upon her 'would be' victim.


Lynch's calloused, blood cut palms grabbed his mangled matted hair as if trying to repress what was occurring. Though no sort of cool down would have any hope of causing this transfiguration to counter and reverse. The sandstorm began to flow around the young man as the dirt began to lift out of the ground slowly. As if ribbons of air were delicately tracing his frame, like shield.



"Kaijin ni kisubeshi...." the young man roared through gritting teeth, shaking his buried head as he felt himself rise to his feet.



Vitiosus slightly flinched at the sight of the revamped young man. He stood with his clenched fist locked in front of his thighs. Bearing all teeth like some kind of monster, Lynch began his display of power. Rotating his hips Mraxis brought down his leg with such force the sand cloud around him parted like an atom splitting. The bangs of Lynch suddenly flew upward from the Force being emitted from his heels. The chiseled face revealed blood shot swollen glazed eyes. As tiny dark pupils fixed their deadly lock on the Beast.


Rayn hesitated at the sight of this insanity. She saw Lynch part his arms, leaving an elbow by his side and another parallel to his bleeding ear. Clenched fists opened relaxed, and seemed to float as the particles in the air began to make their routes around his limbs. His knees began to slowly spring up and down in a subtle rhythm as the tethers wrapped around his waist and arms began to flutter upward by the Force. His erratic breathing suddenly became a deep and ominous pulse as a light growl emitted from his vein popping throat.


'He was holding back... this isn't. Wait.' the twi'lek thought as her mind suddenly pinged with fear and disbelief. She sensed his heart and found the absolution of her fate.



'He... No... it Cant Be!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!' she began to cower as the lightening that danced across her bosom and iron blue thighs began to flicker and fade animating her sudden revelation.




"JIGOKU NO MON GA, HIRAKAN! HURRAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!" Lynch bellowed with all of his might, a shockwave of sand and grim emitting from his frame as he continued his Scream through the Force. The image that followed showed a helpless boy, become a Man.




'Fear. Fear is a basic sentient emotion.' Lynch began to embrace the demon that thrived inside his fiery heart. His voice that carried itself through the dead valley began to amplify and crescendo. His dark energy began to surge like a pressured plate under water.



'What frightens you more? The evil that you know?' Mraxis booming bellow reached it's max fortissimo as his voice cracked into a high falsetto noting the peak of his potential. Arching his back towards the Kingdom of Ashla, his face suddenly returned from the stars and came down to eye level with Vitiosus. She could've sworn she saw them glowing red for a faint second...


'Or the evil that you don't know...' The sand had engulfed Mraxis. He disappeared. Rayn couldn't sense him. He was just, gone. She took a step back and peered through the storm. Nothing. It was as if Boga himself had snatched the pest within the blink of an eye. She began to take steps back towards where she left the Mother mangled and broken. Her mind suddenly piqued in alarm as her eyes rolled downward to find the Lokian right below her in a squat. "Wait!!!" she was wide open, and no chance of a counter. A thousand death's followed.


Mraxis snarled with bearing teeth. "ZETSU!!!!!" he roared, and sprung his knees upward with such tenacity that his imprints on the ground slightly cratered in. With an open fist the young man connected the ram of his bottom palm with the delicate jaw of Rayn. He felt the entire frame of it crack submissively under the force of his leg charged uppercut. Tooth and blood flung from her mouth like a sloppy mess of slosh being served to prisoners. Her nude body lifted slightly into the air from the powerful hit, only to propelled further upward, as Mraxis wickedly followed up his chain with a vicious round house. He primed his heel with a surge of the force the moment upon impact. The connected strike lit the beast high into the air. Lynch wasn't done...



Using the force the Man leaped into the air and shot passed a limp Vitiosus with traumatic speed. Opening his hand he gathered the Force into his palm. Dark energy began to stream towards his offering through his knuckles like ravines flowing to a lake. Vitiosus began to hit the peak of her climb. Infusing terminal velocity, Mraxis closed his fist and shot back towards Rayn like a lead bomb. Lynch reminded her of her fate in his own language...




"SHI TO TOMO NI!!!!" Mraxis cried as he drove his fist into the busted cheek of Rayn and dragged her back down to the ground with breakneck speed.




"MESSE YO!!!!!" the phrase followed as Rayn's other cheek found the ground. A half second Later, Mraxis feet and knees found the ground as well, with a sudden extra motion from his primed shoulder, his fist emitted the force he had gathered from the air. Flattening Rayn's entire screwed face and body into the ground. A chilling muffled cry came from the Twi'lek's mouth as it was released from the broken knuckles of Lynch. The young man rose and returned to his un-renown stance. After such a strike even the sands wondered if that was the fight. But the new Mraxis knew better... Rayn was just getting started. And he began to feel her anger rise. He knew that a minor hit like that would've done nothing more than awaken the murderous intent from within her cursed heart.


His dark sleeveless tunic was ripped to tattered shreds across his scarred calloused dark frame. He ripped off the tunic and tossed it aside before addressing his nemesis.


"Toya tao mes geta?" Lynch demanded, his clenched fist beginning to pop with frustration.


Vitiosus began to laugh. It was harrowing, and frightening, and then the sands and beasts and heavens themselves knew this was not someone to be reckoned with.


"Are you kidding? A padawan could smell your fear from Tython... look to those stars Mraxis... you've gathered the attention of unwanted individuals. Your time as a free man is dwindling. Every monk of every faith will be on this rock looking for that gift you possess. That Rage... You think you've unchained the shackles?"


Mraxis barely lifted an eye towards the sky and then back towards Rayn. She was right, he could almost feel the approach of several sources of power from faraway lands he couldn't see. He would need to finish this fast... and tend to his mother and figure out how to escape this dreaded rock. Vitiosus stood in their way.


"Heh, your not even CLOSE." spitted the vile creature as she winced in realization of her broken jaw.


"Chagulia." Lynch spat, as he shifted his feet in the sand and returned to his fighting stance, in the way of Shinkuu.


"Ha, in your dreams, Boy." Vitiosus began to guffaw.


A vile sneer crept from Lynch's lips...




"My dreams will be your nightmares."



Edited by SonofScary
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Awakened: Meido Gaido




Vitiosus spat and viciously threw her hand towards Danica.



Like a sack of rocks she was dragged and suddenly whipped into the cold palm of hell.



Danica began to whimper in fear and choke under the malice. She could be seen mouthing the name of her son, and the prayer of a now extinct people.



Rayn made it rain, and the heavens opened up unwillingly. The Gods of Lok wept, and roared, and slammed fists in palms helplessly, as the desolate rock began to witness the beginning of something terrible and inevitable. Sand latched with rain, and dry earth turned to mud as it sloshed beneath the two contenders feet. Vitiosus began to bathe in lightning once more, the vipers and whips of summoned thunder began to strike and lap Danica's body.



Her firm, young frame beginning to swell and burn under the immense surge of heat and pain. Discorded shrieks and cries were suddenly dubbed by chilling gurgles and falsetto squeaks. Her ember face, and dark doe eyes were forever shut by the swelling in her face.



Amidst the shadow backdrop, from the light-show above, a delayed disturbing, epileptic, shadow frame-fest of contorted twisting and shuddering could be seen on the plain behind them; the image was hard to stomach, and no one was there to witness. Pity the dead. Pity the forgotten. Rest in Peace.



The bringer of this looked back towards the stunned Mraxis whom was grabbing his throat in surprise and disdain.




"Welcome home then." Rayn replied. The mangled blob of Danica began to rise in the air. Her burnt swelled body hung like a criminal in the rain as it coated her body and beckoned the heavens to strike. A taunt of nature. A living lightning rod.




Lynch violently trashed his feet as he snarled in anger and worry. Letting out a scream he lashed out with the force and broke the grip. The primal waves repulsed from his center, carrying rain and mud away from him, as if for a moment a bubble umbrella expanded around him before whiffing away harmlessly in the dark storm. Falling to his knees the Demon grabbed his chest as he could feel his blood being torn away from him. The feeling was indescribable, almost like a sudden black hole opening up within him and taking away everything he held dear- as the late Master Groooaak once prophesied.




The demon evaporated, and for the last time. Mraxis submerged from within, and on that young battered face, the eyes of a pleading young boy transcended. The heart of a son filled the desert, and the tears of a vagabond joined the heavens in their eternal weep.



"NO VITI! DONT DO IT!!!!" he pleaded and screamed helplessly.



Danica's limbs were suddenly spread out like a kite. This was it.








Lightning hissed down from the sky and clapped with her chest, in sync with thunder and flash; Viti quartered the woman with the Force.



It was Rayning Blood. Viti was covered in it. She was covered in the remains of his mother. She desecrated her, dismembered her, and now....



She tasted her victim with a finger has if tasting the sauce on a tauntaun steak. A wicked, hungry and sleaze ridden gaze was cast upon the last lokian.



"Pop, goes, the, wea-sel..." she giggled in a lyrical hymn. A childish taunt would be the beckoning of a suppressed power under lock and key. But no longer...




Lynch weezed, wept, and roared into the sand. A torrent of emotion, grief and anger began to surge. But a threshold had been hit, and it was getting smaller.






He was losing.






"You Ruthless... heartless..... SCHUTTA!!!" Lynch's palms bled from a gripping fist. He now knew, and his weakened state humbled his blindness. Like a blood transfusion he could feel his power slipping away; and like a million invisible streams of rivers and energy it flowed to the blight. To Vitiosus.



She was getting stronger, and now Lynch realized that he had been played. Every rage infused charge in the force, every blow he dealt, and every tear he wept was being summoned by a stronger entity than he. She was like a sponge and now the galaxy truly had something to fear.






A Parasite.




'You're holding back...'



Was he? This entire time, had he suppressed who he really was? Did he fear what he was destined to become? Perhaps he knew deep down in his scarred heart that this demon within was the reason and now the justification behind his Mother's eviscerated remains...



His mother... his dear mother. Gone. There was nothing bringing her back. He was powerless.



He stood in the rain, his bangs covering his face, and his fists closed in front of him. Again the force began to encompass the young man. Vitiosus felt the surge and shrieked in delight, clapping her hands excitedly like a little girl getting a bag of sweets and treats.


"Yes... YES. That is it. Do it. Give it to me. Unleash that hot beast I feel." she moaned as she opened her palm, and began to absolve what he was manifesting.





'Release me...'





'Mom... you loved me. You gave everything up to save me. And you weren't just a slave, you were my angel. Now you're gone... I let you.. Die. I LET you die... I couldn't stop this.'



Mraxis' tears flowed down his trembling cheeks as images of his mother flashed by him like the city lights outside of a tram's windows.



'I cant do that. I WONT watch anymore.' his eyes rose to meet his adversary before him. He had found sudden resolve. She needed to die.



"I will... MAKE you... SUFFER." he gasped, his hands beginning to churn the Force in front of him. No longer was he withholding his power within, he was bringing it under his control, into his hands. To rewrite the stars, and to accept himself. The rain and particles animated the currents of the metaphysical phenomena as it began to cycle counter-clockwise in front of Lynch. The cycle suddenly stopped as Lynch brought that power into his cupped palms. It was ready. He was ready.



Dark eyes locked onto their target.



Vitiosus continued to drain the life out of the young boy. It was until she noticed that everything was being brought out upon his hands. Something she couldn't take. Her uncertainty began to rise.












"SHIN-KUU!!!" his cupped palms separated as the force gathered began to repress and churn within it's closed asylum.




'That's it boy, show me what your made of.' Vitiosus held out her open palm and beckoned.



"HURRRAGGH!!!" Mraxis bellowed and shot his hands forward. The sphere of Force energy leaving his hands magnified and expanded as it cut through the air. The tail end of it animated by rain and wind gave the Wave of Force a wisp of a look as it seared towards its target.




'So... this is Shinkuu... how exciting. Rage induced Telekinetics. And he doesn't even know what he's doing.' Vitiosus thought stalwartly, bringing both hands to bear, as the blue phenomena spiraled with traumatic speed towards her.



Lightning sparked across her fingertips, then crackled as it danced between her hands creating bridge of ions and thunder. It began to magnify in size as her counter to this Shinkuu Demon swelled in a globe of the Dark Side.



"There is nothing you can do, BOY!! NOW FACE THE POWER OF BOGA!!!" She shrieked, in sync with her sudden surge of power. Lightning was now a chaotic mess around the Dark Acolyte.





"IKOZUU!! DENJINN!!!" the blight rose her hands above her head as if offering herself to Boga himself.



And the Dark Side answered to her call.






A Kinetite blast of lightning and dark energy met the Telekinetic Wave of Shinkuu in mid-air. The negation of the energy came to a sudden halt as both sides found themselves dishing out everything they had to overcome the other.






And Lynch was losing.






Rocks and wind raced passed the young terrified man to the deadlock of power between the two adversaries. He felt his knees buckling under the momentum of the others power, as he did what he could to keep the spearhead of Shinkuu alive; but to no avail as he could feel his arms fill with lactic acid from the stress of pressure they were enduring.



His side of power was being pushed back, and he was doing everything he could to stay on his feet. Dread suddenly swelled to overwhelm what little courage he had left.




"I... I can't...."




'YES. You can, Mraxis.' the archaic figure from before suddenly appeared next to his side. His shawl, and roped garments flapping about from the force being emitted from Lynch's hands. The Faceless being looked toward Vitiosus whom was guffawing at the pitiful effort this last Lokian was putting up.



Mraxis' heels began to dig into the ground, as he was being overpowered by the person he was destined to destroy.



"I CAN'T!!! She's TOO much! I can't hold this any LONGER!!!" the lokian whimpered like a boy, as his arms burned in fire. Every second passed and the Dark Side closed in; it's violet majesty beating back the art of Shinkuu. A lost cause...




"If you die here, then Lok dies with you!"



Lynch's eye widened in shock at how much that rang home with him.


"No one shall ever know of the Lokian tribes, Meido Gaido, the art of Shinkuu, or your mother's sacrifice."



Lynch's brows furrowed, and his teeth began to grit. Dark brown eyes glazed into something furious.



"It'd have all been for naught!!! QUIT Watching and WAKE UP!!!"





"I wont WATCH this ANYMORE!!!!!!" an ancient being within screamed as he dropped his channeling of the Shinkuu wave, allowing the violet disturbance of Denjinn come searing towards him. Using his outstretched hand he bounced the channel of energy away from him to collide with a nearby looming mountain. With a wide wave and grace flick of his hand Vitiosus's mind was snared, and felt it being crushed.





"Hurraaghhh!!! You INSOLENT WORM!!! Ahhhh!!! No!! NOOO!! MRAXIS!!! STOP!!!!" the exposed Twi'lek cried, dropping to her knees in submission as she gripped her head in agony, clawing at her temples as she felt the world closing in around her from within. Her fate now sealed.





"MEIDO!!!!" Lynch became stationary as he crossed his forearms and began a ritual as if he had been doing it his whole life. The power of his people, their remnants, gathered into this final blast. It would end here and now. No longer would Mraxis be chained by the shackles that bound him. He was powerful, a free man, something about him had changed, yet no one was there to guess. His poise, his disposition, his attitude. Perhaps this was truly what he was meant to be.... Either way, now, there was no going back. He was committed with this Demon. Now nothing could stand in his way...



"GAIDO!!!!!" The blue hue of the Force swirling around him suddenly turned to a distorted gold hue as it gathered into his closed fists. He brought his hands together and channeled the energy even further. The Maelstorm caused by Vitiosus began to clear up revealing an early morning Karthakk sun beaming down on the battleground below. It was a new day, a red hot new day on Lok.



Lynch's eyes locked onto his controlled and handicapped opponent. She would die, right here. By his hand. For his people, for his home, for his mother.






She would pay the ultimate price.






"HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" the young man bellowed through the force as he shot the massive wave forward. A distorted split in reality, four times the size of his previous wave, loomed towards it's target. The ground below was seared as it was kissed by the beam that projected the energy forward. It's backlight illuminating the entire field with a blinding light.




The Turbulence collided with and engulfed Vitiosus Rayn. Her frame shattered and wisped away by the fallout of the now collapsed distortion. The Turbulence's prominence carrying the ashes of the Blight away across the sands of Lok. Never to be sensed again.






The storm cleared, the day became young, and a new man stood frozen in time. Only to collapse as a boy in exhaustion and shock...

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Act II: Ich Will




The Karthakk sun kissed the high noon with waves of heat and unfaring light as the surface of Lok was rewashed back to it's old desolate color. Amidst the glare and prominence of this star blinked an anomaly that moved at high speed towards the field of tragedy that already scarred this land. Whatever it was, it was being guided with resolute and assured direction.



It appeared to bank and soar over the the cliffs and jagged valley of Lok. Searing forth like a precise eagle with a fierce hunger for womprats.






A Retrieval Boat.






It proudly bore colors of a rising pheonix upon it's wings. And this new hope's finest prepped within to sally out...




"Citizen to Sierra 3-8, you are go for OP, I say again you are clear for drop. Clear the area, and stand by for Master Rico. Valley Forge will remain on station, over." a voice lit up the troop bay's intercom.


"That's a solid copy Citizen, Sierra 3-8 actual out." a professional and laconic response came from within the retrieval boat.



The Boat landed near the field and opened it's drop bay ramp. Sand and dust was being kicked up in a whirlwind from the boat's idle engines...



Sierra 3-8 got the traditional Lok greeting-






Grime and Pestilence.






"Fireteam Sierra! MOVE! My direction!" the same man called out as his team fanned out onto the field and began to comb the area swiftly and efficiently. Polypast armored clad boots shuffled and trotted amidst the mixed earth beneath them. Every type of sediment felt as if it had undergone extreme metamorphosis over the past few hours. Lok didn't have the irradical weather for that, leaving this adaptive Fireteam of men in confusion and angst of what had shifted reality here.



"Trailers!!" the leader called out after the transfigured area had been swept.


"No contacts boss. Three Clear! Four Clear! Area Clear Sir!" the comms lit up in response from the team as they set up in fixed positions around the LZ scanning their assigned vectors for contacts.


"You get that Citizen?" the leader spoke into his comm and looked up to the sky, barely able to see the Class-A Republic Warship blinking like a star some thousands of kilometers away. Watching like an ebbing hawk of the real time developments.


"Rico's been dispatched Sierra, stand by for pickup and escort, over." a response came from the comm link.


"Copy." the man said simply as he took a more close look at the ground around him. Intel had informed him of a possible struggle.



'Heh, 'struggle'? This place was a damn warzone...' the leader shivered as he took in what he saw. Scorched and glassed earth lay behest his men. He was half expecting the dead to rise out of the ground to accentuate the setting that had been left behind by the 'Package'.



Craters etched the LZ interlaced with burrows from dark energy that branched out like the roots of a tree. The ground still sparked violet in conduction with the still damp ground. The leader looked upon a mountain off in the distance and saw that either that hump of rock was an old volcano, or perhaps it's face-job was more recent...






Sierra 3-8 wouldn't have bet on the former.






Yet, despite whatever looks this place bestowed the eye. There was something... else, lingering in the air.


What was it, he thought, as his heart suddenly became heavy with unexplainable dread and angst. His eyes twitching as if he could almost intuitively make out what was going on. He sighed through a swollen nose, and took off his helmet in relief that now lead to slight frustration.



'We've Failed. We're too late.' the mid-aged man thought.



"Dropship coming in, sir!" a voice announced from elsewhere.




The leader looked up and haphazardly flagged down the new boat to land where they were.



A stout man hastily stepped out, his mind like a dog as he scanned the ground and seemed to 'follow' a scent. As if investigating a crime scene he pondered heavily seemingly reliving (or re-imagining) the events that took place on this ****-fisted planet. Again the leader wouldn't of been surprised at the notion either, after all this was Korriander Rico, a Jedi Master.


The man suddenly touched his temple as if he were in great distress. Perhaps it was realization that their haste, wasn't enough.




"He's gone. He's not here, we're following echoes and whispers boys, we're too late." the Master kicked a rock as he seemed to pace back in forth.


"Come again, sir?" the leader dipped his head in question as if he weren't following what had been said. He knew, he just wanted affirmation of the obvious.



"There was someone, something here. Very... no, dangerously potent within the Force. Whatever happened here, we could feel it on Tython."



Rico looked around, sheepishly knowing there was nothing left to see, Sierra 3-8 followed his stare as if looking again for more clues.



"And if we could feel it... our 'friends across the yard' could feel it too." Rico said grimly as he shook his head at the Trooper whom was now standing in uncertainty of what to do next. Rico stepped aside to make a call with the one woman whom authorized this course of action, Master Avonlea Rafaeli.



"They got here first Rafaeli, the subject is gone." Rico said as a muffled blue man in the middle of the council hall on Tython. Several renown Jedi attentively listened to the live SITREP from whatever was happening Lok.


"Was there a struggle Rico?" a trandoshan Master named Inuss asked with a raspy tongue.


"If this wasn't a struggle I dont know what is, Inuss. If only you could feel the amount of trauma that is still in residue here. It's mind boggling." Rico's static voice reverberated throughout the chambers. Silence befell on the Jedi, it's as if their worst assumptions were realized.




This disturbed the Council further as they seemed to shift and fidget uncomfortably in their seats for a moment's notice.



"Can you give us any kind of lead? Rico... there must be a path we can take." Raefeli responded.



"There's no telling, I don't know where to start, there's too much disturbance here..." Rico looked as if he became suddenly came upon a chill tucking his robe about his neck.



"I know of whom can transcend this clouded distortion, lead us directly to this boy, recover him, and allow us to redirect him to the light." Master Rafaeli said plainly, knowing full well of what she was presenting.





"Avonlea..." a master sighed.


"Have you gone mad?" another blurted out in near shock.


"Are you serious??" Rico said in harmony across the holo-communicator.



"Surely there's another way?" another appeased.





The cloaked woman deftly waved her hand in dismissal, her disposition becoming more assured. "There isn't, and if there were, we would take that route for the boy's sake."



The council fell silent in regressed agreement.



"But right now our options are dangerously limited, and we must deal with this swiftly and silently." she continued.


"They are an asset to our Order. We must evoke their devotion to Ashla." her head bowed in sudden worry. She couldn't sense the right path on this, and felt as if she was gambling with another's fate and future. She called upon the Force again, just to be sure.








Clouds, as dark and ominous as a high overcast, blocked her insight. Wise Masters of Old would warn their pupils not to tread into unknown annals of destiny.



Though Avonlea was uncustomary in her ways...



'But isn't that what the Jedi were for? Intervention?' Now things just seemed so... surreal. There was no real path this time, just consequences. If she were younger, and undisciplined, the premise she would have found exciting to tamper with.


Yet even now the thought of One person (or thing) causing this quagmire of befuddlement and seizure of power was undeniably intriguing, yet dangerous.


They would need to be absolved, or eradicated.




'May the Heavens guide you, whoever you are...'



"Rico, make the call, give them the coordinates and they'll... take over from there." she put her hood over her head, and ejected herself from the Council Chambers.



Rico was in a daze as he hesitantly nodded and ended the holo call to make another.






To the Shadows.

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