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Sentinel Suggestions


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Hi all,

I am curently a level 17 sentinel following the class storyline. I have landed on ord mantel following that sith crazy. However every time I get to the boss, I get owned. Im looking for suggestions on what I could be doing wrong. Here is some info on my character. Thanks to a generous donation from a friend my skills are maxed out. I have all the best armor I can buy. My lightsabers Id like to think are pretty strong as my friend made them for me and I could not equip them untill I was level 15. I have not upgraded my t17 unit because I do not know where to buy parts for him. Any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated as I feel my character is way to weak for his level.

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I think you can get droid parts from heavy armour vendors. Or, if you know a good cybertech, they can make them for you.


Consider asking a friend or another jedi knight on Ord Mantell for help, but if that isn't possible...

Be sure to be the first one into the fight, and use blade ward at that instant. Take T7's taunts off, but put them back on autocast when blade ward finishes. use the heroic moment. If the boss finishes off T7, then use blade ward again and rebuke. Really, the challenge in sentinel is keeping up high in the damage while managing your defence cooldowns correctly.

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That sounds awsome. I do not have the heavy armor option yet. How do I get that? Currently I only have medium armor. Ill have to head back to corresant to get those parts then. That is the only place I know of so far.
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You don't ever get heavy armour. Heavy armour is for Guardians. We have Rebuke, Saber Ward and (later) Guarded by The Force instead.


Also, use Zen, correct lightsaber stance based on skill tree, and set T7 to be in tank stance.

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That sounds awsome. I do not have the heavy armor option yet. How do I get that? Currently I only have medium armor. Ill have to head back to corresant to get those parts then. That is the only place I know of so far.


Sentinels are only able to wear medium and light armor. This is the trade-off we have for doing more damage; we can't take as much damage.


As for the parts for T7 (and other companions), keep an eye on the rewards you get from missions - several missions on each planet will have options to get gear for your companions as rewards. In addition, you will earn commendations on each planet as you complete quests and will often have the choice of getting a commendation as a mission reward in place of new gear. These commendations can be turned in at vendors on that planet (or the fleet) for new gear or mods for your existing custom (orange) gear. This same gear can also be used with companions.


One thing to note is to make sure that the stats on the gear you are using are appropriate for you. You should be using gear that has strength on it.


Also, be sure to explore the abilities you have - many of them are designed to be used together to gain greater benefits. I don't know what skills you have access to now, but for example, we get Precision Slash which gives us 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds after we use it. This effectively means the target has no armor for 6 seconds and we will do more damage as a result. Since Master Strike is our biggest damage dealing ability, I find that it works well to cast Precision Slash and then Master Strike to gain the most damage from that ability.


Then there is the concept of Centering and the abilities that use it. When we have 30 Centering built up, there are several abilities we can use to gain an advantage - the first one you'll get is Zen, which will have different effects based on what form you are using (Shii-Cho, Ataru or Juyo). Be sure to use this as well since it gives nice benefits that will add to your damage.


One last thing - each of your companions has a role to fill. For T7, he is a tank, meaning that he has a lot of armor and health (when he has good gear/parts) and abilities that allow him to keep the attention of the enemy. If you are having problems getting killed, try sending in T7 first to grab the enemy's attention before you start attacking. You do more damage than T7 so be aware that if you do enough more than T7's ability to keep the enemy's attention, the enemy will turn to you and start attacking you instead. However, even if T7 can only keep the enemy's attention for a few seconds, this may be enough to give you the advantage.

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Thanks everyone. I actually bought that aeon guide and did everything it said to use for sentinel which really helped. Also I tried something else which I will be using a lot more. When I went into the dungeon with t-7 (he is required to be in this particular mission), I summoned Kira, she does a ton more damage. With her, I cleared that place out with no problems and the boss was a joke. Then when I beat him I summoned back t-7 to finish the mission. =) worked like a charm.

Does anyone make medium armor here? I have credits to spend. The galactic trade market is tricky for me. Some days its filled with goods and the next its completely empty. Until I learn how to customize my own armor i am willing to buy. I just hate capes and everyone for some reason has to have a jedi in a cape or a robe. I am not really a fan. I just want battle armor.


Thanks everyone,

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There is some good info above, but, most didn't read... The part where the heavy armour was for T7 ... Not the sentinel .


- Most planet quests will give a choice of Kira gear ,T7 gear and or a planet commendation. This if u aren't a cyber tech is one way to keep T7 geared up.


I am a cyber tech, I wouldn't even bother with T7 if I wasn't.. Since its just not efficient, peeps need the same parts for c3p0.. So they are rare if u don't make em...


The quote about using the taunts on companion bar after you engage fight and you are low health.... Bang on the money...

When don't get hit you rebuke fades fast... Make sure T7 doesn't take aggro when u want to get hit.



Next point... Get smuggler custom gear.. It's way cooler than the Jedi robes.. It's medium armour and u can even get bio optic looking shades..


Nothing like going dark side choice with shades on....


- always wipe out the weaker adds first, they hurt as much , but die faster. Then focus boss or elite..

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