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Epic Fail - Tharan Cedrax


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Tharan Cedrax (Jedi Consular Companion) repeatedly fails missions. None of my other companions fail missions as often as he does. I started giving him only yellow missions but he FREQUENTLY fails those missions. He also takes longer than any of my other companions to complete any missions.


I have sent him on archeology, slicing, and scavenging missions, all with the same results. This is an epic waste of time and money, especially early on when your affection with him is low and his missions take 40+ minutes.


Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else noticed that this pompous db takes your credits and uses them to go to the cantina and get liquored up instead of completing the mission to which he is assigned.

I don't want to waste any more money on companion gifts for him if this is merely bug due to some programmer putting a decimal place in the wrong spot.

Edited by Canemuto
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