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Carnage dps (Combat equivalent)


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Haven't seen many carnage threads around yet, it was always my favorite spec(started off as a sentinel, am now gearing a mara) anyways just wanted to share my parse to get an idea of what the numbers are like, my anni spec only got 150 more dps.

If anyone is curious about its damage.





I had always loved this spec, but it was severely underpar before, with the changes they made though it feels just about competitive, my gears nothing special, just full columi and a rakata OH. default mods and stuff


*note, the dps may have been higher misused bladestorm (scream) twice for non crit , and prolly shoulda dropped cauterize(rupture)-.- fml.


to save the trouble of making you convert the names:

Blade rush= massacre

ataru form= ataru form

Blade storm= force scream

master strike = ravage

strike = assault

precision slash = gore

zealous strike= battering assault

burning= bleeding

cauterize= rupture


This is the spec i run with, due to pvping often as well:


Edited by HollowVamp
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I specced in carnage till 40/41 then I put two in ravager in the rage tree and two in short fuse and am now putting two in the vicious slash,massacre,vicious throw talent on the annhi tree. Should I respec to put the other two points into ahhni too, or just go pure ahnni. I ask because most of my gear is modded towards critical rating. Should I look for power mods/emhancements/crystals or switch my tree to annihilation?
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I specced in carnage till 40/41 then I put two in ravager in the rage tree and two in short fuse and am now putting two in the vicious slash,massacre,vicious throw talent on the annhi tree. Should I respec to put the other two points into ahhni too, or just go pure ahnni. I ask because most of my gear is modded towards critical rating. Should I look for power mods/emhancements/crystals or switch my tree to annihilation?


Personally, i feel its better to stack power for any spec

i would roll with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZ0MZrMRrdfRrfz.1 for rage

and i use http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMfsZhZG00M.1 for anni

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Huh.... I always hear everyone on the forum say either carnage or anhiliation. Never seen pure rage, least not for maras. Oh just a nitpick, the second tree was for JKs, was that intentional or a mistake? But should I try getting back on my artifice or look on the GTN for power mods rather then crits, or change my spec to ahniliation?
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Huh.... I always hear everyone on the forum say either carnage or anhiliation. Never seen pure rage, least not for maras. Oh just a nitpick, the second tree was for JKs, was that intentional or a mistake? But should I try getting back on my artifice or look on the GTN for power mods rather then crits, or change my spec to ahniliation?


mistake haha, honestly, rage is decent for either AC, but there's too many tanks around these days for the power smashes, its all what your up to, i wont play it if its not fun, and i gotta change every once in a while or ill get bored


it would be neat if hybrids worked, but honestly, the specs in this ac are soo dependent on end talents it just won't work

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