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Hi, recently I have been searching for some one or a group of people to play with on this game, since my irl friends dont play too much anymore. I have played on the empire side mostly, so Ive been wanting to try out the republic planets. I really want to level a gunslinger or scoundrel(most liekly gunslinger) to 50, but i hate lveling solo as such it gets quite lonely.


So basically, im looking for a leveling partner/buddy/guild to hang out with and level. We could even play other games as well. I believe video games should be played with friends, so im just looking for some nice people to play with. I would re roll on most servers, population dosent matter too much to me if i have some friend(s) to play with but high pop would be quite nice.


Voice chat would be avery nice plus,but it isnt required.


What i said before still holds, but the servers i was thinking about rolling on were

-Jung Ma

-Ajunta Pall


-Jedi Covenant


-The Ebon Hawk


I do have a lvl 29 gunslinger on Vrook Lamar.. so if you have any charatcters on there that works too but i dotn really like that server anymore. His name is Gerudo.


But one thing more, tomorrow night i will be leaving for memorial weekend for a trip and not coming back till monday. This should leave time for replies if you cant get a hold of me today or tomorrow. If you want to take me up on this offer just send me a PM on here, or i will be on my Vrook lamar gunslinger tonight and mid day tomorrow. I live in central time zone but im on quite a bit so time zones are too much of a problem.


Please contact me if you are interested. :)


inb4 servers arent populated enough thread

inb4 fatman is the best( Too many people/trolls)

inb4 OP dosent know how to inb4

inb4 rules 1 and 2 (im just using inb4 for a term)

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I've got a noob toon lvl 4 smuggler on ajunta pall, I am in a similar story, had friends from an old game get a guild together but they all decided that this game wasn't fun, now my server is unpopulated and not very many guilds.
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Hi, recently I have been searching for some one or a group of people to play with on this game, since my irl friends dont play too much anymore. I have played on the empire side mostly, so Ive been wanting to try out the republic planets. I really want to level a gunslinger or scoundrel(most liekly gunslinger) to 50, but i hate lveling solo as such it gets quite lonely.


Well, so... true story. I'm in the Thirteenth Legion. It's a casual guild. Most folks play 10 hrs a week or less. We're mostly busy adults with lives and jobs and families and house chores. And then there are about 8-10 people who are on voice chat and in the game nearly every night, and large portions of every day. We've got a couple of stay-at-home parents, a few college professors that are out for the summer, and a retiree who are on nearly all the time. Our PvP guru, and several of our most dedicated players are on nearly every night. We're on Sanctum of the Exalted, which is a RP server with a good, middle-of-the-pack population. Beyond pop size, we've got people and guilds that sponsor a lot of open activities.


I don't know that anyone has interest in a dedicated level-up-from-1 "date" - that's a lot of commitment. You'd have to check around and see if anyone is interested. There is nearly always someone around to help with heroics and class quests though.


Check us out and make whatever decision is best for you.






You also might try the Ideal Guild Quiz.



If you're interested in us, then set your server as Sanctum and your faction as Republic and see if we're one of your top matches.


If you are just interested in a "trial membership" to hang out on Mumble and see what folks are like and to ask about a levelling partner, mention that in your guild app and you can join on a "temporary" basis to see if we're your kind of folks.



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