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A PVP story....I wanted to share this


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I don't really know how to do this...but i just wanted to share an experience i had playing Vanguard online a few years ago. I think there's something to take out of it with regards to the nature of people and how it relates to pvp and how to learn from past experiences so the same mistakes are not made. So here goes:


When i decided to leave SWG years ago I found a new game called Vanguard. It was one of those "elves and wizzard" type games and was mainly made for pve. It did however have pvp servers. I really enjoyed the game however as is the case in many games watched as the pvp population began to drop due to class imbalance, grieving, hacking and exploiting. Eventually the pvpers were rounded up and put on a single pvp-Free for All server. So that's where i went cause i loved the game. Now i'll admit at this point only the real hardcore pvpers were left. I mean this server was full of hacking, exploiting, grieving, and on top of that the pvpers knew what they were doing. No casual pvper would be able to stand this server. The rules were..."there aint no rules". You kill anyone not in your guild...or allied with your guild. you kill on sight and you don't wait to see if they are gonna let you play....cause they are not!! If you can kill them while they are grinding...you do it. Well, you get the idea.


I know some think this is the way to go for a pvp server. Well there was a guild, that had a goal. The goal was simple. You do not allow anyone access to content...and thus you do not allow anyone access to gear. The guild not only had great pvpers in the guild (the best that were left), but they would also use every trick in the book to win. If you were grinding for gear on a raid....they would come and break up your 18 man raid. They would train mobs on you while you were fighting a boss, or just simply try to wipe your raid until you quit. Their goal was to make you logg off the game. If you logged off...they considered it a win. It was very very hard to get geared....and thus very hard to win. Guilds merged and allied in an attempt to combat this guild but to no success. Eventually every alliance and guild merge fell to players leaving the game out of frustration. It got to the point where there would be 18-30 players on the whole server. Any low level players were just alts or some poor sap who was going to quit...they just didn't know it yet.


What happened in my opinion was that this guild won the game by destroying the game....the pvp aspect of it anyways. It got so bad amongst the players that the forums would be littered with personal attacks, accusations and bad feelings between sides. It was not uncommon to see players personal lives come out in the mix. Players spouses were fair game, people kids, jobs, etc. When i look back....it was one of the most horrible displays i have seen....definately the worst in any mmo i have ever seen.


I don't blame the guild for doing what they did. They told everyone it was their mission and so that's what they are going to do. If you don't lke it L2p or organize your own guild. It was amazing to me that a small group of players could destroy pvp on a server like that. All they really gained out of it in the end was an empty server. It wasn't really their fault alone either. The game itself was so uninterested in pvp that they just let it happen. Perhaps they couldn't do anything really.


I haven't logged onto that game in years....nor would I. I love pvp. I love the pvp and the community in this game currently. I am having a blast. I'm not sure what made me think about the experiecnces i had in Vanguard. I don't think that would happen in this game. When i look at what bioware is doing i like it. I think they are smart. I know others don't agree. I think part of me is always cautious to judge a game against that Vanguard pvp experience. I know...that if the game doesn't do it's job and learn from mistakes, that there is a group or "type" of pvper that can destroy everything they have built in an amazingly short amount of time....and believe me if they can, they will!!


There's no real point to this post other than i just felt like writing about this for some reason....not really sure why. Thanks for letting me share.

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The only thing bad about that was the cheating. Not everyone cheated I am sure and they probably got rolled. That is how that small group did what they did I bet. If not, if they did not cheat, well grats to them, but cheating is what ruined everything.


Game managers need to be more strict in punishment for cheaters. They are way to soft and all advantages go to those who do do it. This hurts more than anything else. If they stood up to the cheaters, it would either clear off all those people who can only cheat or those cheaters would accept the rules and play fair. :D

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The only thing bad about that was the cheating. Not everyone cheated I am sure and they probably got rolled. That is how that small group did what they did I bet. If not, if they did not cheat, well grats to them, but cheating is what ruined everything.


Game managers need to be more strict in punishment for cheaters. They are way to soft and all advantages go to those who do do it. This hurts more than anything else. If they stood up to the cheaters, it would either clear off all those people who can only cheat or those cheaters would accept the rules and play fair. :D


I have to agree with you 100%. I beleive it is also the responsibiility of the game makers to understand some of these pitfalls and make smarter environments. Nice to hear your point of view.

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