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The Black Library


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Oi there!


Thought that I would put this up in its own seperate thread, feel free to respond, complain, compliment, berate or flame the writing as it suits your own tastes and interests. What I'm hoping to do with my main persona (character) is turn him into a Greek chorus of sorts for some of the long running threads on the Fan Fiction board.*


I have no idea how often I'll be updating it but I hope that it'll be a good way of keep tracking of some of the major RP stories taking place on the forums and also provide a little humor on the



- Ashikaga Oda

Librarian of the Black Library, Sith Academy




“Ah, the Sith”


Sighed the librarian to himself as he shuffled about the softly lit chambers of the academy’s library. The red light thrown off by the floating glow lamps gave everything around them a blood-red wash of color and seemed to increase the scope and magnitude of the folds and wrinkles that had wizened the human into a dusty, decrepit husk of a truly ancient man.


“How many have I seen? I can’t keep count, really. So many strapping young sociopaths parading up and down these halls through the ages. Each one more ominous and more anti-social than the last. You would think they were having a contest at it, almost. At least the Dark Jedi had a sense of humor about things, their descendants seem to take themselves a wee bit to seriously!”


He chuckled to himself for a moment but the laugh caught in his throat and became a wet, ragged cough that made him clutch at his sides and grimace. When it passed, he wiped away a sliver of spittle from his thin, cracked and dry lips and peered into the alcove he had been searching the vast archives for. His brown eyes appeared as two dark holes in the gloom of the chamber but the reflection of the light against the gold work of the holocron caused them to take on a strange sheen. There it was! His one constant companion at the academy.


“Ah yes. You. Tell me, all that’s happened so far.”


Waving his age gnarled hand above the tiny little pyramid, the device responded to the call of its master. The pyramid quietly collapsed in upon itself until it had flattened out, tiny crystals encrusted against the edges of the device emitted an array of thin green beams that twirled and aligned against each other. Soon a slightly flickering image appeared out of the laser show and floated, suspended in the darkness of the library. It was an imp, green in hue, complete with an imp-sized pitchfork.


“What do you ask, master?”*Trilled the imp, flourishing a bow as it did so.


“My little fiend. Tell me all that I do and do not need to know.”


“Ha! With pleasure my old master! You are in the Sith Academy (in case you’ve forgotten, it’s happened before!) You have been here since forever. Why, I’d bet there’s some rocks around Korriban younger than you!”


The librarian smiled at the Imp’s barbs. He’d programmed it well.*“I’m not entirely barmy, Imp. What of, what happens?”


“Ah! You should ask! Here, a moment – there, the Academy has informed me. So far: 7 shuttles have landed, 2 Academy attendants have been killed greeting new arrivals and no less than 2 dark figures have shown up and - - -“


“No need, I know that silliness already. Two Sith Lords in dark robes and what-not are beginning to squabble with each other. That pompous fool Reich and some rather touchy bloke named Ravenous. This is how it always begins you know. Power, it’s what we all want and none of us want to share. It’s inevitable that shoes get stepped on, robes get torn – and general mayhem stews and simmers for awhile till enough of us are dead and the few that remain are running like headless bantha for the hills against a vengeful (not to mention, conveniently timed!) Jedi onslaught.”


The librarian snorted.*“You’d think somewhere down the line we’d learn.”*He shrugged and waved his hand over the holocron dismissing the imp.*“Still, not all is as I’ve seen it before... There’s Korvask. Don't see too many Trandoshan Sith around here, these days or before. Also, he's got lots of teeth... I like that..."*mused the librarian as he wistfully ran his tongue across his toothless gums.


"And then there's that Raya lass. A bit wide-eyed and goofy - but I've always liked the idea of a bright young thing flying towards a certain fall - or redemption. I am a gambler and I have got a 50/50 on Raya and her particular destiny on this dust bowl... And speaking of dust..."


The old bent figure looked around at the ages of stored wickedness around him, gathering dust, getting lost in the edges of the dark.*"Who really gives a damn about what I think? I'm just the librarian!"*He said aloud, his voice carrying until the dark edges of library before dropping down into a still and silent nothingness.

Edited by ashikagaoda
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@BottleCap, thank you for the compliment. I appreciate you taking time to read this dusty old post. Today I just wrote up something I could add to the Black Library, hope you enjoy it.*




Litany of the Jen Jen'ari


He writes His Will with the sword

Kills the light

and brings darkness to the stars

We are His Will, carving the universe in His image.


The chains of the grave cannot hold Him

And it is He who has forged the Deathless Empire

Out of the ruins of Naga Sadow's weakness.


The dark side of the Force is with Him, forever

And We - throughout the ages - shall be His -*


The Jen Jen'ari

Swords of the Dark Lord of the Sith.


He is a wound in the Force

Overturning the tombs of Korriban

And the cities of the Republic


He scatters the hated Jedi

Sending them running, beasts before the hunt

And taking all that was once theirs.


And know: We are His relentless blade

The Jen Jen'ari


The fell lightening of the Deathless Emperor

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The Voice of Ashikaga Oda. Holocron Sith Academy Archives: The Black Library


BTC 212





... I assure you that I am the book of fate. Questions are my enemies. For my questions explode! Answers leap up like a frightened flock, blackening the sky of my inescapable memories. Not one answer, not one suffices. What dark gates I pass through when I enter the terrible fields of my past...


How could the followers of*Ashla*deceive the universe about the Truth? What an endless age of horror they unleashed when they massacred the Truth-Seekers, those who had embraced the Way of*Bogan*- what the simpleminded masses and the deceitful Jedi of today refer to as the Dark side of the Force. How did this never ending conflict arise?


The answer lies with those who are blinded by the all consuming light of*Ashla, they couldn't see into the shadows and marvel at the revelation that lay so close at hand. What a pity that they could not see as we saw, the promise in the in the limitless dark; Tython would have become the center of a galactic renaissance and humankind would have ascended to the Secrets of the Universe.


Trying to find rules for creation is like trying to separate mind from body and the followers of*Ashla*could never understand or accept this. But we embraced this power and through it, we would have brought an end to the Natural Order that had shackled all life in the universe for eons; through this dark aspect of the Force we could take life itself and shape it! Fashioning it into whatever diamonds and steels our imaginations could aspire to. We would have had no limits! The cycle of Death would have been broken, we could have spoken to long dead worlds and brought them back and we could have called forth new life itself, with no place in the Natural Order of things - and we did!


But this New Hope was seen as abominable by our shortsighted brethren and they drove us out of Tython, destroying our places of study and worship and obliterating all that we had discovered and achieved. It was a time of great loss for us, I believe that this is where our two lines diverged and why we have arrived at this pattern of ceaseless conflict between us and the fanatics ofAshla*- perhaps somewhere in this murderous conflict, both peoples lost their way.


But... We still hold true to the Path of Secrets. We understand that there are no laws - there cannot be, if we are to transcend this finite universe. The Jedi talk of Balance and Order, we talk of Advancement and Ascension - nothing must be stable, we must embrace the wild places of Chaos and turmoil and seek out the enlightenment that is buried within the Eye of the Storm. And though we are few, as through the ages we have always been, and though we have even fewer to call friend and ally in these vast and cold galaxies... Remember Truth-Seeker, as you search through these archives here on Holy Korriban:


Enemies strengthen you.

Allies weaken you.


I tell you this in the hope that it will help you understand why we, the followers of*Bogan*acted as we did, in the full knowledge that great forces have, since our inception, marshaled against our Sith Order with but one wish - to destroy us and prevent an endless Golden Age of Life and Creation.*





OOC Credits:


God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert*

Various articles from


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The Voice of Ashikaga Oda. Holocron: On the Origins of the Sith Warrior - Sith Academy Archives: The Black Library


ACT 40





She cupped her hand around her son's cheek and smoothed her fingers across it, as if trying to memorize every pore and curve. The hue of her eyes, viper yellow, her iris an hourglass that measures the span of millenias come and gone.*


A large glass window far above an unending gray metropolis, in the far distance massive thunderstorms whorl over towering glass and carbon steel monstrosities that reach ever upwards, piercing the heavens themselves. The flash of a butcher's blade, lightening cleaves the black sky apart.


The way the light catches and runs over the lethal precision of the grooves and edges of the warblade. Ancient and rune inscribed with the horrors and atrocities of those who once maimed and killed with it. The feel of the blade in his hands as a child, effortless to swing - and the way she would look upon him and smile upon him, towering over him and blotting out the sun. Memories of a life soon to be forgotten.


The city receding from the confines of a luxury speeder car. The planet disappearing into the black of space, the stars skittering past and then flowing into a single point as the starship jumped into Hyperspace and forward, towards the Homeworld.


It comes into view, at first undistinguished and common, boring to look upon from the cold depths of space. A brown orb... but here his people lived and here they flourished and here, like nowhere else in the cosmos, their history permeated every rock and hill of this timless planet. He was home and Korriban and the Valley of the Dark Lords beckoned.*


The starship descends through the atmosphere every moment drawing him nearer to his destiny as a Sith Warrior. He closes his eyes and there it is, unbidden - the Dark side of the force reaching out to him from the uncharted depths of the ruins and temples that jutted from the parched landscape, broken teeth forgotten in the shifting dunes.*


Fear, anger - love, the psychic tempest that channeled the Dark side surrounds him and speak to the memories trapped in his Sith Pureblood. What would he be? An abomination of rage, cutting a swathe of ruin and atrocity through the galaxy or would he be a paragon of the Empire, defeating the enemies of its people and uplifting them?


He knew of both worlds that the Deathless Emperor had created in his long exile. The shadowed and alien world of the Sith, a world of no rules and endless personal desire and ambition, blind to anything outside of the pursuit for power over the Dark side of the force. An ancient compulsion, impossible to refuse.


And then there was the world of the Empire itself, of Dromund Kass and the millions of hardworking and selfless Imperial citizens who had labored for a thousand years to re-build the temples and places of power for the Dark Lords of the Deathless Emperor and fill the ranks of their armies. A miracle of industry and spirit.*


He would have to choose side.

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