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" Buhallin says:

May 18, 2012 at 9:23 am

You really have no idea how software development actually works, do you? I know that sounds harsh, but I’m pretty much sick of this argument.


Bioware doesn’t just have to pick up ten years of ideas and *POOF* they magically appear in game. Every one of those ideas takes a rather huge amount of time to actually develop and test. So many people argue “Well, other MMOs have this and that and this other thing so SWTOR should have had it before it launched too!” like just because another game had done it before it was free.


Galaxies had a freeform space game. WOW had customizable interfaces. Housing, cross-server group finders, 3-faction PvP, character transfers, dual spec, combat logs, more races, more character customization… The list goes on and on and on and on. Every feature that some random player ever liked from another MMO is now “standard” and if SWTOR doesn’t have it, it’s fail.


Never mind the laundry list of features that they DID bring in from other games, both new and old. Never mind the innovations they did come up with, that nobody ever gives them credit for. Pfft.


Those things take time. And while I know everyone loves to blame EA for pushing it out the door too soon, does anyone remember what things were like a year ago? Bioware couldn’t post a single preview, a single article, without two hundred “I don’t care about the sound design, when’s the release date?” comments. This is what you WANTED. The community’s utter impatience and lack of connection to the reality of what it takes to make software is what put us here.


“They should have taken another year to get it right!” you whine now. Stop for a second and seriously ask yourself what the SWTOR forums and articles and community would look like if we’d seriously gone for the last year and still didn’t have a release date."


This is so freaking true. The Community destroyed this game.


http://torwars.com/2012/05/17/knocking-on-biowares-door-update-1-3-getting-closer-to-pts/ <----Here is the link....

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Yes, in fact I am. But I dont come on here and complain and *****, and moan...I still play on a daily basis and enjoy myself.


You just did! :)



I think given enough time and money Bioware can make SWTOR a truly great game, I'm just not convinced there will be anyone left playing by that point.


And more importantly once subs dip too low EA will likely pull the development plug. :(


No one gets a year or two to make an MMORPG great these days (post-Launch).

Edited by Goretzu
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You can't knock consumers for being consumers. At the end of the day SWTOR is just goods sold by a vendor, which compared to other vendors who sell better, more polished product, ultimately fails in comparison.


I hate to break it to you, but consumers have every right to complain and give feedback. Consumers are the people that companies like EA are trying to sell to, and while 5% of people out there might be fanbois, it's the larger playerbase that will keep this game above water.


In other words, get over it. EA are not as pure as the driven snow, and this product is inferior to most other offerings out there today. It could have been amazing, but out of touch Devs ruined it's chances. People can go on about playing SWG for X number of years, that game was trash too, and no one really played it.

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