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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Shields are absorbed damage.


Avoiding damage, aka, not showing damage.



Also showable. Or do you think the game won't show you regaining your resources?



Gives you something easier to justify ignoring them, not a problem to me.


But what do you think cannot possibly be measured by a tool in the combat log in some way?


All showable yes, but seriously link 6 different charts and review data after a kill? Why not just enjoy a boss kill? I mean WoW was a joke for PVE. It was so ridiculous with DBM that you just had to read the text. If that wasn't bad enough Blizzard finally gave up and listed all the boss strats in the Raid menu.

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So you guys really need all these 3rd party programs to tell you when your not doing enough dps,or if your drawing to much agro.


You guys "need" to be told something go back to school/stay in school,maybe fps's are more your thing.Poor wow F@$


I dont need it to see my information. I need it to see other people's information more easily than scrolling through endless combat log text. If someone is needs help or is being an idiot someone is gonna find out wether there is an addon or not. But what you dont seem to understand is you are only hurting yourselves by not wanting the addon because instead of being corrected or kicked in a quick and relatively painless fassion, you would rather sit around for 10 minutes and grumble for it to happen anyway. For the love of god save yourself 10 minutes! ***?

Edited by PsyloSatan
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So you guys really need all these 3rd party programs to tell you when your not doing enough dps,or if your drawing to much agro.


You guys "need" to be told something go back to school/stay in school,maybe fps's are more your thing.Poor wow F@$


Obviously like myself you are a veteran of the pre-WoW era; greetings brother. That said there is no need to insult those poor souls that are less fortunate than we are. We must be wary of falling into that cesspit in which we start shouting things like 'LEARN YOUR F***NG CLASS NOOB', and instead calmly guide them to the light; away from WoWesque behaviour and back to the joy of actually knowing what they are doing :p

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As a tank in WoW I hated Damage meters when pugging because DPS don't play with any skill and simply button mash to make the numbers and build up their fragile ego's. Lots of wipes, lots of aggro pulls and lots of time wasted waiting for noobs to run back.


In raiding I think damage meters are very important for measuring your output vs your other raid members and is an important tool for making adjustments for progression.


I don't think damage meters are necessary for flashpoints and make the game into something it's not supposed to be (a damage competition).


So true. Too many damage classes feed the meter instead of play a smart fight. What ever happened to...


A Tank's job is to generate as much aggro as possible.

A Damage class's job is to do as much damage as possible while controlling their aggro?


Too old school?

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All showable yes, but seriously link 6 different charts and review data after a kill?


Who cares after a kill? Never bothered then.


People care when it's not a kill. But all of that is can be processed and displayed in whatever convenient fashion you care to see, no reason to worry about multiple ones, if that's your issue.


But why do they care when it's not a kill? So they can fix what went wrong, and they don't have a Quantum Leap Accelerator.


I mean WoW was a joke for PVE. It was so ridiculous with DBM that you just had to read the text. If that wasn't bad enough Blizzard finally gave up and listed all the boss strats in the Raid menu.


This thread isn't about WOW, it's not about DBM.



So true. Too many damage classes feed the meter instead of play a smart fight. What ever happened to...


A Tank's job is to generate as much aggro as possible.

A Damage class's job is to do as much damage as possible while controlling their aggro?


Too old school?


Not enough real challenges, that's why they added more mechanics to the boss fights.

Edited by Colobulous
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Except you're wrong, the numbers ran about even.


actually no they did not. The only poll where the numbers were even close was the last one and in that recount/dps people still came up short. All the rest were and i joke not 2k+ to 90 sayin git was not needed. Which was why the pro people kept putting up a new poll every day hoping they would get a different result


It really is funny the claim that recount/dps meters are needed to raid. How did we ever raid in EQ without them

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actually no they did not. The only poll where the numbers were even close was the last one and in that recount/dps people still came up short. All the rest were and i joke not 2k+ to 90 sayin git was not needed. Which was why the pro people kept putting up a new poll every day hoping they would get a different result



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actually no they did not. The only poll where the numbers were even close was the last one and in that recount/dps people still came up short. All the rest were and i joke not 2k+ to 90 sayin git was not needed. Which was why the pro people kept putting up a new poll every day hoping they would get a different result


Uh, no, they did not. The more stories you make up, the less credible you simply being mistaken becomes.


I saw the polls. They were always about even, and no, they weren't made new every day, if there were reposts, it was because the threads were very intense discussion wise and reached 100 pages quickly.


It really is funny the claim that recount/dps meters are needed to raid. How did we ever raid in EQ without them


Well, I make no claims about need. I rely on utility. I find them to be useful tools. People who focus on need really don't seem to understand what I'm saying.


You don't need to play this game, nothing about it is necessary.

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actually no they did not. The only poll where the numbers were even close was the last one and in that recount/dps people still came up short. All the rest were and i joke not 2k+ to 90 sayin git was not needed. Which was why the pro people kept putting up a new poll every day hoping they would get a different result


However I wouldnt be surprised if most of the people voting in those polls against the addon were voting "no" for the following reasons:


1: They thought the crappy things people do to eachother had something to do with software on the interwebs.

2: They were bad.

3: They didnt know how to use the addon.

4: They dont know how or what an addon is.

5: Didnt know that all information recount displays is in the default combat log and can be seen already in a much more tedious and annoying fassion

6: Trollin'.


The End.

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I was the OP of the original thread before the forums got wiped and if you went to the original thread and added up all the votes from there till 50 iterations later, the pro recount crowd outnumbers the people who didn't want recount by a small margin. That is the fact.
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No mods..


In-game version, not as a mod.


However I wouldnt be surprised if most of the people voting in those polls against the addon were voting "no" for the following reasons:


Actually in the version of the thread most commonly referenced, a good number of people wanted a parser that was out of game, or not developed by Bioware, but still wanted one.


Easily enough to swing the decision to "Pro-Logging"

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In-game version, not as a mod.


DPS meters detract from the game, you end up with Epeens overruling common sense..


Without DPS meters people are more likely to want to do things like, win the fight... utilizing interrupts, utility abilities (DPS might actually click a button that saves another group member)


As soon as you boil someones skill down into something as simple as a single number (Which most people will regardless of how much other things matter...anyone who has watched MMO's evolve will agree that the general populace gets too comfortable just needing DPS or GS numbers) the fun gets sucked out like juice(drink) from a Capri Sun.

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DPS meters detract from the game, you end up with Epeens overruling common sense..


Without DPS meters people are more likely to want to do things like, win the fight... utilizing interrupts, utility abilities (DPS might actually click a button that saves another group member)


As soon as you boil someones skill down into something as simple as a single number (Which most people will regardless of how much other things matter...anyone who has watched MMO's evolve will agree that the general populace gets too comfortable just needing DPS or GS numbers) the fun gets sucked out like juice(drink) from a Capri Sun.


I might entertain the idea of only allowing the raid leader and assistants to seeing it untill the non assists are out of combat. This would cure the DPS from drooling on themself until the fight is over. For the most part...


Hell It might even force them to start trying to think ahead!

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I might entertain the idea of only allowing the raid leader and assistants to seeing it untill the non assists are out of combat. This would cure the DPS from drooling on themself until the fight is over. For the most part...


Hell It might even force them to start trying to think ahead!


Then they should leave things as is, and the crafty enough people will be able to setup a damage parser on a second computer on a HUB (not switch) with the computer they are playing on and parse out the numbers, like we did in the EQ days, and then the people that are genuinly interested in data will have it..


You have it in game.. all you are going to hear is people screaming "POST METERS POST METERS!" after every trash pull.

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DPS meters detract from the game, you end up with Epeens overruling common sense..


Well, you are welcome to that opinion, but I think you are wrong.


Still, at least you aren't complaining about it being a mod, which wasn't the point of this thread anyway.


Without DPS meters people are more likely to want to do things like, win the fight... utilizing interrupts, utility abilities (DPS might actually click a button that saves another group member)


I find it to be exactly the opposite, that without a Combat Log processors, you find that people don't want to do other things, and will not even fess up when asked if they did something, because there's no way to hold them directly accountable.


Heck, even with DPS, sometimes you can't get them to admit they aren't the epitome of perfection without real numbers to it.


Me, I prefer something more objective to gut feeling.


As soon as you boil someones skill down into something as simple as a single number (Which most people will regardless of how much other things matter...anyone who has watched MMO's evolve will agree that the general populace gets too comfortable just needing DPS or GS numbers) the fun gets sucked out like juice(drink) from a Capri Sun.


Well, turns out not everybody agrees, and I actually use the tool for other purposes just as often. Besides, I find people who are going to take things out of proportion are just as prone to that behavior without the meter.


Somebody who can't bother to toss a heal when a person is near death...is somebody who wouldn't bother with or without the meter.


Really, it doesn't cause you to change your behavior, not at all. Demonstrates maybe, but well, isn't that the point?

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The only people that counter this argument are people who are afraid their numbers will be bad.


By not having a damage meter system people will be picked to raid by who they know and who they blow instead of skill. So either way ther is an epeen contest. Iw ould rather have one based on facts than here say.


Sorry but yes I don't want a scrub who does horrible damage in my groups. A damage meter will tell me who is not doing their part.


Also for myself as a DPS it will make my damage better. Some tools are saying well learn math derpaderp.....use some common sense that's not gonna work. We need a combat log with meters.


All I truly see is a bunch of WoW haters crying about how they do not want mods or meters. You do realize being able to use mods is what has kept WoW the king MMO since release right? People play PC games so they can customize whatever they want. I see no difference here.


If WoW did not have a damage meter there would be far less people complaining. It's just WoW hate. For all the old timers saying they didn't need meters before...sorry but times have changed. I am 32 and played all those older MMO's and well...they sucked.


As a DPS Class a number on a meter does tell you how bad or good they are. There is no arguing this. Person A and B have the same gear. Person A does more damage on the meter. This means Person A is better at DPS. Fact.

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Then they should leave things as is, and the crafty enough people will be able to setup a damage parser on a second computer on a HUB (not switch) with the computer they are playing on and parse out the numbers, like we did in the EQ days, and then the people that are genuinly interested in data will have it..


You have it in game.. all you are going to hear is people screaming "POST METERS POST METERS!" after every trash pull.


What kind of stupid answer is this. Get a second computer to see our damage? What an not very smart guy.

So it's ok to do it that way, but not the easy and convenient way? Any idiot who ask for meter links all the time deserves to be kicked. You are just stuck in your ways and think anything new is bad.


I truly can not believe you just said get a second computer for DPS meters.


Not to forget the derp moments of not being able to blame someone for doing something wrong because there is no proof. So then people can lie and hide that they messed up. People even tried it with meters so it will happen.

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What kind of stupid answer is this. Get a second computer to see our damage? What an idiot.

So it's ok to do it that way, but not the easy and convenient way? Any idiot who ask for meter links all the time deserves to be kicked. You are just stuck in your ways and think anything new is bad.


I truly can not believe you just said get a second computer for DPS meters...idiot.


Not to forget the derp moments of not being able to blame someone for doing something wrong because there is no proof. So then people can lie and hide that they messed up. People even tried it with meters so it will happen.


I'm rather glad you destroyed your position of a rational debater by bringing personal insults into the mix.

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What kind of stupid answer is this. Get a second computer to see our damage? What an idiot.

So it's ok to do it that way, but not the easy and convenient way? Any idiot who ask for meter links all the time deserves to be kicked. You are just stuck in your ways and think anything new is bad.


I truly can not believe you just said get a second computer for DPS meters...idiot.


Not to forget the derp moments of not being able to blame someone for doing something wrong because there is no proof. So then people can lie and hide that they messed up. People even tried it with meters so it will happen.


lol, man you are awesome. roflmao

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I'm rather glad you destroyed your position of a rational debater by bringing personal insults into the mix.


There is nothing to debate about. Your suggestion of getting a second PC for damage meters is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.


You don't debate with stupid.

It's people like yourself that will possibly make this game fail. There is a reason WoW is top dog. You either copy from good results or you fail. Everything you don't add to a new MMO that a previous MMO has is a step backwards.

You are treating a damage meter as if it is gearscore.


Sorry that you do not like using mods and making your game experience better. Many of us do and we want them. Not doing this is a bad idea.

Edited by Remidi
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No its premotes a leetist ***** mind set.



How so? Would you rather have someone in top gear who is bad have an epeen an act like an ***, or would you rather have someone that is actually good have an epeen? You are not going to get rid of eleet ******s by not having a DPS monitor. It does help keep bad DPS out of groups. Sorry if you are one of them. I have had enough experience and time in MMO's to know that I do not want to play with someone who is doing 5k DPS when the rest of the group doubles that because that person is just not a good player.


I would rather have it based on facts.

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