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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Grouping in Space Battles?


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I generally have enjoyed space battles, although at level 50, those last three are a bit too difficult without purple ship mods. Overall, I'd like to see more of these and I'd like to see the difficulty scaled better.


That said, I'm not sure if it's been suggested before, but with the ability to bring other players onto your ship, it would be a fantastic enhancement to space battles to be able to bring those extra players into a space battle with you where they can man turrets on your ship. You could do 3-man space battle groups where the player who owns the ship flies it and fires the main weapons, and the other two control one turret topside and another turret on the underside of the ship. This would add a really cool dynamic to the game by allowing players to enjoy space battles together, and it makes the more challenging lvl 50+ space battles more appropriate in difficulty. It would also enable BW to develop FP-style space battles that require ship grouping.


If this suggestion has already been made, I'd love to hear what BW thought about it, and whether or not they have any plans to implement it.

Edited by Mournblood
clarification, spelling corrections
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