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Well the CSR knows our PVP failings.


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Felt this deserved its own thread.


I submitted a ticket a couple of nights ago asking to get respecced to be a Vanguard. I've been really disappointed with my commando, especially in PVP, but have been there since pre-release. I've been waiting for some sort of buff or something to help us out but the latest thing we got was a range nerf to mortar volley so my hopes were pretty much dashed.


To my surprise, a Live Agent decided to chat with me.




To anyone too lazy to click the screen cap, I said commandos aren't viable for anything. His response: "For PVP I guess."


I was amazed how the customer service rep didn't even try to sugar-coat it with some annoying "Well the trooper has its own advantages for everything" speech.


So if customer service acts like it's pretty obvious, does the Dev team know? 2nd? Are they actually going to do anything or leave us twisting in the wind?


PS- No I did not honestly expect them to switch me to become a Vanguard. However, if I had known endgame for commandos was going to be like this, I would have totally gone vanguard. No question about it.

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So... what would you do to fix Commandos/Mercs for PVP?


Is this DPS or Heals? ... cause I'm enjoying PvP as a CM.

I must be blinded by the lack of playing other classes.

I've only got a 50 CM and 50 Shadow so i'll roll a Sage and see what i'm apparently missing.

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