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Do your SWTOR videos get restricted by YouTube?..


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I recently started uploading my gameplay footage from SWTOR to YouTube, and found out that the said service isn't at all happy about SWTOR videos and sees copyright infringement in every corner... :(

For example, i made a Trooper character and recorded the whole process, with prologue movies and all, and some of the first quests. But then, YouTube restricted this video because the video contained Star Wars theme (plays in the prologue) and "Sacking of Coruscant", complaining that the audio is copyrighted by SME (who's that?) and thus the video can only be viewed in Germany (why so?), and not anyone else. :rak_02:

But I've seen tons of videos from SWTOR with in-game music and in-game movies too, all unrestricted (or i wouldn't be able to see them). How do they do that?

Maybe, i need to complain to YouTube that I'm not making money off the video, or something like that? But I'm not 100% sure that they aren't stupid enough to sue me over a gameplay video if i catch their attention :mad: so far, i couldn't find anything sensible what Bioware/EA does in such cases, and SWTOR support can't answer questions like this.


So, does anyone else has this problem? What do you do about it? What should i do? :confused: I deleted the video - just in case - and now I'm trying to figure out how to mute half of the sound in it :(

Edited by croi
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Let me start by saying I am in now way shape or form a lawyer and I am only going off past experience and the fact I am a youtube partner and the material below is provided for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice, or a substitute for legal advice.


You can use in game footage under fair use. Fair use constitutes use off in game content for purposes of Teaching, Education, Comment, and Criticism. Fair use DOES NOT include you simply playing the game for long periods off time.


See the below documentation


Youtube Video Game and Software Content Link:



Link to Section 107 "Fair Use": http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html

Edited by lenCORP
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