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What if our real story (or legacy) began at lvl 50?


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What if our light/ dark side points meant more than just being good or evil but could influence new story lines AFTER we hit 50? So I really like the sith stories, but i prefer playing light side. What if at lvl 50 i was given the opportunity to defect to the republic (through a series of quests), or could choose to bring down the empire from the inside? What if my character instead sought to change the empire, to perhaps teach new sith or something? (i am speaking of sith because i am most familiar) In Star Wars there were always stories of fallen Jedi, as well as redeemed Sith. At lvl 50, no one should feel like their story has ended, but instead that it has just begun. Rather than to change the pre-written stories for the classes, adding new story lines would not only be easier, but a way to keep us coming back for more. I am asking only that our choices become more than just points, but to have major repercussions on our story. I guess what i am asking is for us to have the option or chance to sort of write our own story or legacy. I want to know what everyone else thinks, and suggestions for the other classes that i am not as familiar with. Maybe we can stir Bioware to begin thinking outside the box a little. I like the game, but we have a really amazing opportunity with it being story-driven. The possibilities are almost endless. :D
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What if our light/ dark side points meant more than just being good or evil but could influence new story lines AFTER we hit 50? So I really like the sith stories, but i prefer playing light side. What if at lvl 50 i was given the opportunity to defect to the republic (through a series of quests), or could choose to bring down the empire from the inside? What if my character instead sought to change the empire, to perhaps teach new sith or something? (i am speaking of sith because i am most familiar) In Star Wars there were always stories of fallen Jedi, as well as redeemed Sith. At lvl 50, no one should feel like their story has ended, but instead that it has just begun. Rather than to change the pre-written stories for the classes, adding new story lines would not only be easier, but a way to keep us coming back for more. I am asking only that our choices become more than just points, but to have major repercussions on our story. I guess what i am asking is for us to have the option or chance to sort of write our own story or legacy. I want to know what everyone else thinks, and suggestions for the other classes that i am not as familiar with. Maybe we can stir Bioware to begin thinking outside the box a little. I like the game, but we have a really amazing opportunity with it being story-driven. The possibilities are almost endless. :D


In the future, plase don't just put a wall of text up, space it out a little.


For the actual content: The story will continue, it is not finished, but I doubt they'll implement a new story arc before they give us an entire addon to go with it and raise the level cap to 60 or so. Defection is a nice idea, but people have to realize that the closest thing BW might do is replace your say Sith Warrior with a Jedi Knight with the same name and look but your story would (after the defection questchain) change to the JK one. With voiceacting it would just be way too much in terms of cost and time to add so many new class story varieties for the very few people who actually want to defect instead of just reroll.


For the part with LS or DS affecting your future story: I hope it does in any way, my main is a SW and in the end

you become the Emperor's Wrath

and I certainly don't want to see my Light V character living out this new role the way it was intended, because it just wouldn't make any sense.

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I hear you and sorry about the wall of txt. i was in a hurry this morning.


even if there wasn't actual defecting, but to allow players to become spies for the opposite side, or something along those lines while still having to keep up the appearance of loyalty. :rolleyes:

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I hear you and sorry about the wall of txt. i was in a hurry this morning.


even if there wasn't actual defecting, but to allow players to become spies for the opposite side, or something along those lines while still having to keep up the appearance of loyalty. :rolleyes:


Well, this is already in the game - both Sith classes can go light and through companion quests you can see that they are working to change the empire, now, they are not working for the republic but it's somewhat similiar. Bounty Hunters can betray the empire or at least a representative of the empire and the IA can actually become a double agent. All one can do is hope BW doesn't screw the pretty good stories up like they did in other games...

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Ok that was painful to read for multiple reasons. From what I could gather it appears that you are suggesting a post-50 faction changing.


If that is what you meant to suggest, then the developers have already said that they won't be doing it. And frankly that is probably the right decision since allowing faction changing would double the cost of a decent portion of the voice acting budget and increase various other costs that they would have to do before creating any new material for the game.


We'll be getting additional content in the future including class story expanions but changing factions won't be part of it.

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My Jedi characters are neutral does that mean they get the shaft? They should really expand on it though cause one is chaotic neutral and one is lawful neutral. :D

If you don't just click the blue or red and do a proper RP you end up neutral at the end of the game its weird that way.

I went all red for my Smuggler except for some seriously out of character "kick the dog" moments (Voss) and all blue with my SI with no problems. Kinda killed some personality. :confused: Some simple D&D chaotic /neutral/ lawful would help a lot.

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They are already doing most of what you want.


You have to keep in mind that fully voice acted cut-scenes and quests doing just materialize instantly. That's the downside to them in the first place. Adding new chapters and real story content are time consuming and expensive and most likely will only come as part of a major expansion pack down the line.


But no, the story isn't over.

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