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Sith lightsaber + training sustainability?


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I was reading a codex entry I got on Korriban as a Sith warrior called "Sith weapons" (if you wanna read it yourself), and it said that ALL apprentices had to either find a lightsaber in the tombs or be given one by another Sith. It got me wondering, how did those first Sith get their lightsabers apart from potentially making one as a jedi? And there's only basically 4 tombs on Korriban ever mentioned, you'd think any lightsabers that some Sith left there would all be looted by now, after hundreds of Sith come through the academy?? Where do all these ancient (and potentially outdated) lightsabers come from if there are only 4 tombs of 4 sith lords?


Another thing is, Overseer Tremel sent me to kill some unique legendary Marka Ragnos beast (I know the SI and SW story lines are about exceptional acolytes so their tasks are harder) but now that's dead, what are the other acolytes doing?? Killing other amazing, legendary monsters? There's only so many monsters on Korriban. Also, Harkun sends you to get this "unobtainable" relic that generations upon generations of Sith have not been able to obtain, so what does the rest of your class do? There can only be a limited number of 'relics' and 'holocrons'.


It just really feels like the Sith training programs are based on learning from past "secrets" that are supposedly more powerful from older Sith Lords, instead of finding things out for themselves! Well if those guys can innovate, why can't you Zash?



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Well, as for the beast you kill as the SW, Baras points out the most other Acolytes get the trials you've gotten on Korriban off-world, so apparently it didn't have to be that beast specifically, just a deadly DS monster.


As for why no one innovates, keep in mind that the Sith have been in exile for years and only recently returned to set up on Korriban and the like, their obsession with the past is likely a scramble to re-obtain lost glory. Zash herself is just a archeology nut, like that one lady from the "Mummy" movies.


As for Ligthsabers, since it's only your first one has to be given or taken, you can make your own after that, so their are a ton of Lightsabers in circulation at any given time.

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