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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Whining got PVP screwed up so maybe it will get it changed back!!!


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First why would I want to play PVP when any person with a toon 19 or lower can destroy me at level 49 1 on 1 due to some kind of unfair buff the lower toons get. Also when matches can be uneven on team counts and MOST of all after I spent weeks getting valor and champion gear for it to just be completely worthless because the whiners wanted to be able to BUY gear instead of earning it. I think gear that was removed should have been upgraded to the new HIGHER level gear as it was removed due to no fault of all that had the fear and champion commendations should have been made ranked warzone commendations so we suffer no loss due to other people. I feel we who worked on our characters in the old pvp have been discriminated against because we worked hard and others didnt. I am sick of pvp now as it is with lower characters buffed so much by the GAME they are doing over 250k damage at level 19 which is impossible!!!! I can honestly see why over 400000 people quit in the last couple of months.


I also know that one or two people's opinions don't mean anything to this company.

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First why would I want to play PVP when any person with a toon 19 or lower can destroy me at level 49 1 on 1 due to some kind of unfair buff the lower toons get. Also when matches can be uneven on team counts and MOST of all after I spent weeks getting valor and champion gear for it to just be completely worthless because the whiners wanted to be able to BUY gear instead of earning it. I think gear that was removed should have been upgraded to the new HIGHER level gear as it was removed due to no fault of all that had the fear and champion commendations should have been made ranked warzone commendations so we suffer no loss due to other people. I feel we who worked on our characters in the old pvp have been discriminated against because we worked hard and others didnt. I am sick of pvp now as it is with lower characters buffed so much by the GAME they are doing over 250k damage at level 19 which is impossible!!!! I can honestly see why over 400000 people quit in the last couple of months.


I also know that one or two people's opinions don't mean anything to this company.


I think you're suffering a bit from crab mentality: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality


I like the changes they made to make it easier to get gear/valor. I was one of the first 2 on my server to get to battlemaster/geared. It took...a long time, and I felt it was stupid the whole time. Why should future people suffer the same fate?


The bolster system shouldn't come close to compensating the lack of utility a lv 10-20 would have vs. a 40+ char. I honestly don't remember ever getting killed in a fair 1v1 with all my cooldown/abilities up. I've done the reverse several times against people who don't know their/my class that well. Some classes even get some "I win" buttons at higher levels(pull into fire anyone?).


For your gear arguments, why would anyone want gear that gives them a special advantage over anyone? If I could have it my way, the tiers would stop at recruit gear so we could focus more on the mechanics of PvP rather than the grind part.

Edited by therouterninja
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