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Anyone done Datacron +4 Presence Correllia?


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I have looked at the guides, but I do not have any gap at all to head south on the pipes. It is entirely closed off. Any video's I have seen there is a gap. My toon is body type 2 as well.


Any help is appreciated.



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That one got changed(fixed?) with a recent patch(1.2?). Near as I can tell the old way was an unintended way to get to the datacron which was believed to be the proper way to get to the datacron because of a missing texture. Even if you get onto the pipes for the old way(which you can do if you head to the edge of the mesh flooring) the places where thereused to be gaps have been sealed up.


The new(proper?) way to get the datacron is to head to the far edge of the dock with the datacron under it(you can see the datacron's glow through the mesh from certain angles) and then fall off the edge onto one of the pipes that runs underneath the dock. The pipes extend just barely beyond the edge of the dock. It might take a few tries especially if you aren't used to falling down properly.


Upon release the pipe texture was missing so it was imposisble to see that the pipes extended in such a way that you could land on them. This also resulted in the datacron appearing to be floating in the air.

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Thank you very much Ranadiel. It definitely looks like they fixed the texture. It kind of makes sense as bigger toons could not fit and get the datacron.


I'll be trying your way in about 2 min. :)

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