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Sephira's Art


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Hey all! I haven't ventured much onto the forums but I figured some people might enjoy my attempts. : )


Graphite portrait of Torian and my Bounty Hunter, Jaedis. They just got through a rough battle and he's afraid he might lose her.



Acrylic painting of Sephira, my Jedi Sentinel. I have kept her Neutral throughout the entire game, and this painting is meant to portray that. In Sephira's mind, only the naive believe you can win a war with no blood on your hands.



I'm just going to post links to these sketches as they are not quite on the same level. I do rather enjoy them though. : )

Antarian Rangers Jedi Team Shot

Casual Sephira with Pets

Party Time Valxin


Feel free to check out my DeviantArt at http://the4therinyes.deviantart.com/

Or my Youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/JadisFaust/videos


Thanks for any comments!

Edited by FaustusXIII
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I like your Torian, he's so intense :D

I still have trouble grasping that character


Thank you! I really tried to capture the emotion of the moment in the picture... It's only my second attempt at realistic portraiture so I'm glad you think it turned out well. : )

Have trouble grasping him how?

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I haven't played a bounty hunter yet so all I know of Torian is what I could get from others... or youtube.


;) I was asked to make a sexy pic of Torian, but as long as I don't grasp him fully as a character, I'm putting it aside.

I mean, to me, showing off a character's personality though a scene is all that makes that portrait worth working on ;)

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Updated with a few of my more casual sketches.


I haven't played a bounty hunter yet so all I know of Torian is what I could get from others... or youtube.


;) I was asked to make a sexy pic of Torian, but as long as I don't grasp him fully as a character, I'm putting it aside.

I mean, to me, showing off a character's personality though a scene is all that makes that portrait worth working on ;)


I definitely understand what you mean. You can't get the depth of character portrayal found in your work by just researching the character - you have to experience it. If anyone asked me to draw, say, Malavai Quinn - I may be able to do a technical sketch based off of pictures, but he would be flat. Lifeless.

I definitely look forward to what you do with Torian once you get there though. He is still my absolute favorite. Not sure I would end up with a 'sexy' pic for him. He's more the tender lover, in my opinion...

I really wish I could have some more story with him. Hope they add more companion quests in the future.

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Hey all! I haven't ventured much onto the forums but I figured some people might enjoy my attempts. : )


Graphite portrait of Torian and my Bounty Hunter, Jaedis. They just got through a rough battle and he's afraid he might lose her.



That is simply..... beautiful. it's so emotional and just, just lovely.


What a wonderful piece.

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