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Convincing non-gamers to game


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This came up in the thread on women gamers - a couple of people were asking for tips on how to get their girlfriends, wives (or perhaps even daughters) into gaming. And some of us women gamers have had the same problems with our kin. Share your tips and inspiring stories here. How have you helped non-gamers to see the fun in gaming?


My lovely lad was not a video gamer. He thought video games were for kids, and role-playing (non x-rated) was something you could only ever do at a table, with dice. So, to convert him , I hunted out a few games that were relevant to his favourite hobby - sailing. A few casual -tactical smart phone games, first. Then Sid Meyer's Pirates. Then East India Company. Bingo.


Breakthrough day was when we were in a game shop and he voluntarily picked up Civ, because it had Sid Meyers' name on it.


So: find a good, well-reviewed game that is relevant to whatever interests them, encourage them, and voila!

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A few years ago I was in a relationship with a non-gamer, she used to watch me play during commercial breaks as she watched tv. After a few weeks of this and a couple of talks about how an interactive enviroment could only be better for you than a tv set she finally decided to give it a go on my WoW account.. I ended up having to give that account to her because she loved the game but hated levelling lol. Even with the release of Cataclysm she rang me to ask if I could get her main to 85 :rolleyes:


My suggestion, don't start them off at a low level, give them a go with a nicely geared and levelled character!

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