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Worried about the game..


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Let me start out saying I am not an expert when it comes to game design but I do know what I like, I have been playing this game for almost a year including beta. It is now painfully obvious that after all the hype this game is in serious trouble, for the past couple days I’ve been checking all the planets and the fleet only to figure out that there are less then 50 people in game and that’s both sides. In my opinion Bioware needs to fast track server transfers and start trimming the less populated ones from the list, along with listening to the players which didn’t happen all through beta and still hasn’t happened to this day.

I know what I am about to say will more then likely get people upset, but as a paying customer I feel that I can voice my opinion. Star Wars Galaxies in many ways was and probably will be the best Star Wars game that has been on the market, until SOE went and ruined it. I didn’t expect this game to be a clone of it but I like many had hoped they would have taken some ideas from them and put them in this game. Space combat is a joke to say the least, not being able to customize your appearance or that of your ship is also disappointing, no type of player housing and crafting is like all the other mmo’s out there. It would be nice to have crafting and gathering take a little thought instead of just get 4 of these and 2 of those to make something and actually you don’t make anything your companions do. How about being able to experiment to make the item better besides just re’ing it to hopefully learn another schematic?

I’ll keep playing the game as I love the whole Star Wars franchise but I am sadly disappointed how this game has gone in just 5 short months. It took SOE 7 years to do what Bioware has done in 5 months and that’s to ruin another Star Wars title and make it a laughing stock in the gaming world.

I truly hope Bioware will listen to its player base before its to late and make the changes that people are asking for and make the player feel like they are actually a part of the world and not just a blip on the screen or a number on their share holders profit and loss statement.

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I'm pretty sure they are aware of the game situation, clearly people have been crying out (myself included) for transfers or merges ... I cannot denied that at some point I got mad to Bioware for letting the game die ... but also I noticed they're putting efforts as well in order to fix the game... for my part I rerolled on a populate server while I wait for transfer to occur and I must say I'm having so much fun in that server even when I left behind two level 50's and all my legacy... honesty I just couldn't find another game out there, ... I love this game, I always wanted a game of Star Wars like this and since I'm more casual player I don't have any trouble waiting another month for transfers, I still have high expectations and after all the negativity now I feel very positive theres still plenty of people playing the game.


Have patience my friend, I'm pretty sure this game will shine .

Edited by RobertoThePot
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