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Are some class stories really that bad/good? What do you think?


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So I'm close to finishing up my JK and trying to figure out which class to play next. Story is really important to me. I've been reading up on all the feedback and I've come to some conclusions. Some of this is oversimplifying, I know, but what do you think?


Agent - First one finished, just amazing. It feels like an adult mystery novel, you really connect with characters and spend a lot of time speculating about the plot.


Knight - Almost done with this one. The majority of it is typical cookie-cutter hero stuff, but I think what makes it good is how connected it is to the main conflict. It could have used more intrigue and twists but it redeems itself by being epic near the end.


Warrior - Around the same level of epic as Knight, but with some good intrigue from what I've gathered. Some say it's a mix of a Vader/Palpatine experience. I'm heavily leaning towards playing this next, but I'd prefer something else since I've been playing Knight for the past couple weeks.


Bounty Hunter - Some say it's the best revenge story, others say the plot is disconnected and episodic in a bad way, boiling down to just killing x for money, over and over. I understand this is basically what hunters do, but I'd like to know if it's really that repetitive/boring.


Trooper - A typical soldier story from what I've heard. Your character has to deal with a lot of bureaucracy, and even though he's helping save the Republic he still gets treated like crap.


Inquisitor - I like the premise of this one.. you're a slave who works his way to the top. Some have said it's like Ghostbusters where you just go collecting artifacts and killing ghosts, and is only interesting in the beginning and the end. Is it really that simple or does the ghost stuff actually tie in to the story and feel 'right'?


Consular - The most boring story according to lots of people. You're the Jedi underdog, selfless and diplomatic; you work in the background and do what you can; a 'typical' Jedi rather than a superhero. Some love the story though, saying it's just what they expected of a Consular, and that it's very different from other stories.


Smuggler - Best and/or funniest dialogue in the game, but overarching plot isn't great. Don't know much about this class unfortunately.




So if you've played any of these classes to the end, what are your 2 cents?

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Ive only played through two, sorry...


Knight- if you ever played KOTOR, Youll LOVE this one (I know you said you've done it, but this is for others)




Inquisitor- if you wanna go slash bad guys, go warrior. Inquisitor is more about the WHY not the HOW. the ghost busting isn't for no reason, it's to siphon more power into you for sheer REVENGE.


I'm working on warrior now, and some otter stuff (can't decide class either) but I suggest warrior for one good reason:


It's the SEQUEL to the Jedi knight. Oh ya, you know what that means...

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I have a 50 SW,SI,BH,IA,JK and Smuggler and I'd rank the stories like this(remember people, this is just my opinion):


1.Sith Warrior/Imperial Agent- IA is awesome for all the reasons you said, and I believe their choices have the most affect on the outcome of the endings of all the classes. SW starts slow, but really builds up, it's the prototypical Sith story, betrayal,becoming stronger and revenge. It illustrates the rise from a lowly apprentice to a powerful Sith Lord the best, especially the end scene.


2.JK- sometimes you feel like being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu and playing as a "Chosen One". The JK doesn't try and hide from this and it ties into the overall galactic plot nicely.


3.Smuggler-the story plot isn't the greatest, Act One is basically a Galactic treasure hunt. But I enjoyed playing the smuggler for his one liners, ******** retorts and the ability to have the Flirt leading to off camera sexing up in basically every conversation with a person of the opposite sex.


4. SI-The initial rise from slavery and gathering power and building a power base was fun. It felt a bit too much like Indiana Jones and Ghostbusters to my taste and then the last chapters went off the rails. The logic the main baddie has for trying to whack you is...understandable, but not the lengths he/she goes to accomplish this. Ending really fizzled out, but the final cutscene and reward for your rise to power was nice.


5. BH-straight up shoot em up for money story, with some revenge and Mandalorians mixed in. The story started to feel repetitive and forced in Acts II and III. Not my cup of tea, but I did get a Pyro PT out of it so, it's a push.


Trooper and JC stories I never got far through in beta, I'm looking forward to the trooper story, because I hear it's a standard military story and as a former enlisted Marine, i enjoy that kind of stuff. From what i remember of the JC was aside from actual fights with NPCs while leveling, the JC story felt too passive to me.

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Currently I have beaten JK, SW, JC, SI, anf Trooper. Of the five, I was able to enjoy JK, SW, JC,and Trooper. Jedi Knight was fun for being epic. I think the Sith Warrior was really well done. I can see why some people disliked the Jedi Consular, but I thought it held up decently. Trooper was fun as well. My ranking so far would be:


Jedi Knight

Sith Warrior


Bounty Hunter(have only hit Act 2 but this seems to be where it will end up)

Jedi Consular

Staring at my Bellybutton

Sith Inquisitor


The Sith Inquisitor storyline isn't bad in terms of concept. Although concept wise it seems mixed up with the Sith Warrior as the Sith Warrior is the manipulator and the Sith Inquisitor is more likely to brute force his way through problems. The proble with the Sith Inquisitor is that is has horrible exceution to the point where the SI really is the one who is being manipulated by everyone around him/her. Now had it been done intentionally, that could actually probably make a good interesting story, but there just feels like there is such a dramatic disconnect between what the NPCs perceive of the SI and what the players are shown. The character is potrayed as an idiot yet he is practicalyl worshipped as a god by those around him.....Then there is the whole ghost thing in Chapter 2, but that didn't really bug me because I knew about it ahead of time so I wasn't blindsighted by my expectations.


Now some people diagree with me on this, but that is my opinion.

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